Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Short Form of Understanding the War MS, Hollywood, Dems, Leftist, verses Fox, Q Alex Jones, President Trump. FEB 18th Q_DROP: PART ONE: FUTURE PROVES PAST

It just hit me. McCabe said "they" "opened up a case against Trump based on what "he said." When campaigning.  McCabe said Trump was very dangerous. The values the Politician speak about, etc. They have no values.  It's all about the trillion of dollars around the world and those that have control and access to it. If you're faithful to the Cabal they will promote you in the Cabal.   I've thought about McCabe saying, It's what Trump said... . "The speech" that got President Trump elected.  President Trump said "We were up against a world wide network of global elites etc."  This is why the law doesn't matter. Everything just "optically" has to "look" like it's legal. It's been that way for 120 years. Even during Wilson's 2 terms they, the  cabal had a  media, a  reporter report President Wilson was healthy,  even no one ever personally saw him for over a year! So the war is going on and no one is letting the "world" see the war. Media, Tweets, Q. Ninth Circuit Court, public School colleges keep going forward with their agenda, President Trump has to have equal weapons with the Cabal to fight them. Neither side wants to expose what'is really going on.  The Public would go into a panic, a real panic. 120 years being dependent on the Cabal, people couldn't handle the Truth. They wasted their entire lives??? Friends, teachers, family members, Bosses have been lying to them, deceiving them?? The evil people communicate, under everything, between the lines, secret meetings, movies, songs,  and know when other evil people are lying and manipulating others.   Make sense out of things I've seen when around evil people.  I now  understand how and why they were"putting on" "a fake face". Optics.  two faces, one around those they want to deceive, another face the real one around people like themselves. 

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