Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Michigan To Keep An All-Seeing-Eye On People Who Commit [Thought Violati...

Don't let temporary  ill situations tell your future.So many people are laughing at these people. They have been working for years to get their people into positions to make these decisions but people are just looking at them like their insane. They first did all this in Europe next they were going to do it here. With the Election of President Trump they have no footing. They keep doing all of this stuff but it will fall a part. Like building your house on sand or with straw when your "subjects"  houses are built of brick or solid rock. They don't know when they have no power or authority. It just blows away on the wind! There are like 300 million, plus millions even billions around the world who are sound minded people and there is just a a few insane elite globalist people in gov. Your afraid? Laugh, Laugh, you'll find your strength. Fear drains all your strength. Then you are paralyzed with fear. You can't defend yourself with simple truths. Just watch Candice Owens. She is a solid Rock! 

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