Friday, April 26, 2019

Q 3324-3325 Why Would Anyone Choose To Believe LIES?

When someone lies they are forcing themselves on you against your will. It is the raping of your soul.  i.e. Public School, the entire gov. all lie to everyone.  The Bible says when someone lies to a person, the person telling the lie "hates" the person they are telling the lie too.  When people come to God he sets people free from "Satan's" power. Satan is the "Father" of all lies. God sets us free and from then on we are able to love God and love one another! We work hard telling the Truth!                       But if some one lies to us and we believe that lie, our minds go dark and we no longer"see" the "light" and "love" of God in our minds.  It's so evil. A persons life is ruin by a lie. That is why God has to send liars to hell. Every time they told a lie they are equal to murdering another person or thousands of people. They are stealing their "Life" from the other person. As in the Declaration of Independence "Life, Liberty, Happiness"!   You can  not enjoy a true free happy life when you believe a lie. People get life threaten illnesses from lies!

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