Monday, May 13, 2019

God's Food Progressive Methodology- Part 3 "For the Glory of God!"

  1. Kansas President Farms For Everyone! 
  2. Asseveration
Drawing near to God! 
Gold and Silver coins. Tax is voluntary, no taxes, tariffs. Businesses do NOT have God given or equal rights.The individual's rights to own land, provide for himself, raise his children in peace, without pressure of greedy men are above all other rights. So a man can love God, worship God; love and care his wife and children, spend time teaching, raising them living a quiet peaceful life with family, not away at a job, farming. Not have to compete or be forced out by evil men! Our laws should reflect this! Reflect God's love and obedience to his word.

Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind

God is Light
John 9 As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”
Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”
After saying this, he spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man’s eyes. “Go,” he told him, “wash in the Pool of Siloam” (this word means “Sent”). So the man went and washed, and came home seeing.
Is Your Perceived Trouble Actually a Gateway for the World to See the Power of God? 
We all have times in our lives where we don't understand why something is happening. Sometimes it's sin, ours or others against us. Sometimes it's the devil attacking us. And sometimes, the very thing that is causing us pain or discomfort, God actually has a bigger plan to bring him glory. 
Let me stop here and say that God does not purposefully hurt his children but sometimes the very hardship we face is the method God wants to use to overcome the enemy. David faced Goliath to the glory of God. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego faced a firey furnance only to be saved alive and the king praise the Living God. Daniel was thrown into the lion's den and saved and exalted in the kingdom. Joseph was thrown into  a pit by his brothers and picked up by traders, an event that eventually led to Joseph becoming second only to the king in Eygpt and saving his family from starvation, giving all glory to God. 
Who I would like to focus on are Abraham and Sarah, a couple who spent their years longing for a child, Sarah, heart torn apart, and in their very old age, when it was past time for it to be possible for Sarah to conceive, God brought them a son. Sarah had her child, Issac- and her bareness was for the Glory of God. Abraham would go on to become the father of many nations and ultimately Jesus was born from his line. Later on, Elizabeth was also barren in her old age- the pain, hurt that she experienced being married and yet childless, is a hard thing to bare and yet John the Baptist was born of her womb and her son leapt in her womb when she visited her younger cousin, Mary, who carried Christ. 

Looking back these men and women of faith surely wish for hindsight, hindsight being 20/20. Because if they had known beyond a shadow of a doubt what their future held, they certainly would have bore their burden with unspeakable joy. 

To secure the Blessings of Liberty:
 95 % of Americans owned large
Farms  were Farmers
I often ask God why I was born in such an era. I love farming. I would gladly live back in the 1800's on a farm, milking cows and raising smart little children who read Dickens and Shakespeare. And yet here I am in the 21st century filled with lay's potato chips and property taxes. 
And the Lord spoke to me "But for the Glory of God." 
If you are of the same mind as me and many others who long for a more wholesome time, who long to farm but do not have access to 100+ acres or maybe you do farm but find it hard to get passed all the government hurdles. I say to you HAVE FAITH.
I believe this generation is the turning generation. We are the FAITH generation. The generation to SEE what God's best ways are for his children to live and hang onto that dream. We are the generation who are leaving the rat race, desiring to farm, to homeschool, to be a part of a community. We have dreams and visions of what can be, what life SHOULD BE, but we know it will take a miracle. We know it will take a miracle like Sarah conceiving Issac well passed her age or David rising through the ranks to become king.

God has promised every
American a Farm,
Bountiful food in your barns,
multiple children,
Peaceful quiet life! 
God promised David he would be king while he was a nobody shepherd boy. Yet, he believed. It is said that "Mary pondered these things in her heart." Don't ever stop pondering the future God has shown you he wants for you. It may be that the reason the promise he has given you seems so very impossible is exactly the methodology God always uses when he wants to get the glory for something. 
"For the Glory of God." If you could start farming and change the world to more natural, wholesome ways, all by yourself or with money- God would not get the glory, people would not come to know him and worship him and allow the power of Christ in to save their souls. Yet, if this big change is to happen, and it will, many people will see and know it's because of the love and grace of God. 
Do not be weary in well doing for you shall reap if you faint not. 
Galatians 6:9


Adalaine Marie Robinson said...

Hello..Very good..I will check out more later. **Dont forget to also check out Resistance chicks Michelle and Leah on their youtube channel MASFAITH3 they are live every Friday @ 6 pm est for news roundup and every Sunday @ 1 pm est for European news coverage ..don't forget to look for Michelle's bible study also and don't forget to sub also to the girls backup channel "resistance chicks" see you there

Isaiah 58 Ministries said...

Hey Great name!