Wednesday, May 29, 2019

UK FUELS GLOBAL UNCERTAINTY: Why Gold is certain in an Uncertain World, ...

It doesn't matter whether it was a con done 2015 or a con done in 1913 it will be investigated, the truth, "whole Truth" will be told and they have to return or make amends for the wrong done, anyone who benefited from the illegal creation of the Federal Reserve to over throw the American people............... will lose everything..........Gold and Silver coins! Chain men down with the Constitution. JUSTICE! LET'S CORRECT THE SINS OF OUR FOREFATHERS 1900-2000... Okay this is the answer to Ohio alone 1/2 million is owned by foreign investors. It's bad for our country and bad for the environment to not have the farm owner living on the farm. I propose taking back any farmland owned as a foreign investment and leasing to own to the descendants of slaves who want to work the land. You would need to actively work the land for a period of years and then the land would be yours free and clear. Who's with me? Kansas for President Farms for Everyone... foreign investors would have the land bought from them at farm prices and not development prices. ..... Great idea!! Wonderful Farms for everyone means Independence! Freedom, Liberty, Life and Life MORE ABUNDANTLY. "LIKE YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE IN YOUR LIFE! GOD'S ABUNDANCE, RUNNING OVER, TOO MUCH OF EVERYTHING LOVE, LOVE, PEACE, PEACE, KINDNESS, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, WHOLESOMENESS! JUSTICE, ALL THE GOOD THINGS GOD WILLINGLY GIVES TO THOSE WHO OBEY HIM. PG, first fined out who the original settlers were. Find out if taxation is why they lost their land? or The currency robbery of the Great Depression WW1, or did greed take their land? etc. The original owners should have justice if their land was illegal stolen from them? Inheritance Taxes? Before God that land still belongs to them, = any descents. ...Lynette has less than an acre of land maybe less than a half of an acre but she calls it "a farm". She is in Arizona...She as small ponds with fish for food. She turned her swimming pool into "a pond" you could say and she grows food on little islands. She has a lot of fruit trees and nut trees! Lynette is a farmer, the financial is to preserve her wealth.

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