Isa 58:6 "Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? Isa 58:7 Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter-- when you see the naked, to clothe him, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?
Monday, September 30, 2019
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Blow The Trumpet Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot
Video Version
Rosh Hashanah 2019 will begin in the evening of
and ends in the evening of
The Egyptian "Task Masters," (foreman, supervises, bosses, teachers, etc.) To make sure the work was done would "whip" men to force them to do hard labor.
Through Jesus we can hear God we don't need someone to hear God for us. We know God is so Powerful, Holy, Pure, Clean. God loves us! When we pray as the Hebrews did, he hears our prayers, answers our prayers and sets us free. God delivers us from sin and oppression. Not slaves to men, but free to worship God.
Rosh Hashanah 2019 will begin in the evening of
September 29
Tuesday, October 1 Jewish New Year
Yom Kippur October 9th Day of Atonement
Yom Kippur October 9th Day of Atonement
Sukkot October 14-15 Feast of Tabernacles
.***In this "video" Patriot Gallery Reads this Blog, "Globalist Biggest Army, Billions of Jason Bourne's", out loud, Follow Along as it is explained in greater detailed. For a Deeper Understanding, and you can hear and see, a lot of different topics woven into a picture crisscrossing stitched together like a well woven Tapestry. You can see God in the news. Your every day local, National, and World News, History in the making will have God in it. Complete picture of the Spiritual battles you fight every day with an invisible All power Almighty God is fighting with you, other Saints, for your freedom from tyranny..***]
.. I added a little to this video done during the week (9-23-19) to briefly go back and cover some additions to it. Before going on to today's Sunday's Service Topic.... "A Pinch Of French, President Trump's Speech to UN, Q" excerpt "My Mother always said we had a pinch of French in our Family!"
.. I added a little to this video done during the week (9-23-19) to briefly go back and cover some additions to it. Before going on to today's Sunday's Service Topic.... "A Pinch Of French, President Trump's Speech to UN, Q" excerpt "My Mother always said we had a pinch of French in our Family!"
***Globalist Biggest Army, Billions of Jason Bourne 's
Building a Tabernacle within our hearts and minds. For the Most High God to dwell within us by the power of his Holy Spirit.
Addition to last blog and information on the time of Year, Jewish Holidays.
Rosh Hashanah 101
The Jewish New Year is a time of rejoicing and serious introspection.
God really did descend on the Mt Sinai. It actually did happened and the laws of America are founded on this instance in History. In yourself you know this happened and it is perfect LOVE. Perfect LAW AND perfect JUSTICE
Exodus 20 18 When the people saw the thunder and lightning and heard the trumpet and saw the mountain in smoke, they trembled with fear. They stayed at a distance 19 and said to Moses, “Speak to us yourself and we will listen. But do not have God speak to us or we will die.”
20 Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning.”
21 The people remained at a distance, while Moses approached the thick darkness where God was.
Idols and Altars
22 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Tell the Israelites this: ‘You have seen for yourselves that I have spoken to you from heaven:
22 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Tell the Israelites this: ‘You have seen for yourselves that I have spoken to you from heaven:
The Hebrews were forced into slavery in Egypt. About 1800 years BC. Abraham's family went there when there was a drought. Slowly the Egyptians took their rights from them. They had houses, homes, animals, and grew their own food in the land of Goshen. Their slavery was working without being paid. What we have today. Fake fiat isn't money. Gold and Silver coins are real money. They got married had children. Their slavery could be equated to taxes. Today it would be..If you want to keep your land you have to pay taxes, but you aren't allowed to pay with gold and silver coins. You have to go to the bankers, the Federal Reserve Bank to get that money. to do that you have to get money from their distributors, US Government, Corporations, businesses.
Today/Goshen, Egypt You could have a farm and provide all you need for yourself off the land you own, without taxes. A small business at home being paid gold and silver coins.
You can understand the plight of the Hebrews. They were maids, servants, 3rd class citizens. The Hebrews could not be in any leadership or have anyone represent them in government. They had no justice when Egyptians committed crimes against them. (Dual justice System)
This is important to understand their sufferings, their grievances and their faith in God.
The Egyptian "Task Masters," (foreman, supervises, bosses, teachers, etc.) To make sure the work was done would "whip" men to force them to do hard labor.
The day came for them to be delivered from slavery by God!
God intervened, they were set free, they came out of Egypt "to love and Worship God."
They left everything behind. They left Egypt but; Their physical bodies were healed, they left very wealthy, with their animals and a lot of food.
They had no land, no home. Abraham's land is their land. "Promised land.
A transference of wealth was made. Egypt lost all their free labor, they lost their first born, they lost their army, they lost their wealth.
How? A sacrificial perfect Lamb. They took the lambs blood and put it on their doorpost, later the Hebrews put the "word" of God on their door post. They are the same thing.
Jesus is the word of God, Jesus is that sacrificial lamb. For Most people what is most important is deliverance from Oppression! Oppression makes men sick, and old before their times. It's a hard life.
Jesus took the "Task Masters" "whips" upon his back, he took the slavery on himself when he suffered on the cross. Satan beat and caused an innocent man to suffer be beating as a slave and shed his blood, he died on the cross, for us.
Can you imagine how excited the children of Israel were, now free from the torture, suffering, whips of the "Task Masters?"
They knew God loved them, healed them, delivered them made them wealthy and provided all they needed.
That is Salvation.
They prayed and God saved them, forgave their sins and healed them. By Loving God they obeyed God and worshiped God, by the 1st commandment...Love God.
Mountain of God. Moses saw God in a burning bush on a mountain. The children of Israel saw God on a mountain. We must always turn to Mt Sinai not physically but see God internally on the Mountain.
So we fear God:
Exodus 20 18 When the people saw the thunder and lightning and heard the trumpet and saw the mountain in smoke, they trembled with fear. They stayed at a distance 19 and said to Moses, “Speak to us yourself and we will listen. But do not have God speak to us or we will die.”
Through Jesus we can hear God we don't need someone to hear God for us. We know God is so Powerful, Holy, Pure, Clean. God loves us! When we pray as the Hebrews did, he hears our prayers, answers our prayers and sets us free. God delivers us from sin and oppression. Not slaves to men, but free to worship God.
With this information you can more easily understand Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and The Feast of Tabernacles Kippur. God to page. Link at the top.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Urgent Message From Masfaith3
This is a clip from yesterdays video, urging people to pray Psalms 35 and get closer to God.
A Pinch Of French, President Trump's Speech to UN, Q
Q ..............................Good leadership
4:00-4:50 Campaign "National Renewal" We are focused on empowering the Dreams and aspiration of our citizens,, contracts with other countries
10:30-10:40 Globalism exerted a "religious Pull" on leaders, *a cult, Satanism or Luciferianism
24:00, 26:00 Oppression Socialism, Communism, totalitarianism, modern Technology
27:37 Freedom Democracy
Demanding conformity and control a Permanent Political Class, Faceless Bureaucracy, Media, Academia, destroying History, culture, Media Companies
29:11 Against Censorship, Technological companies, government, employees,No one can ask someone to silence their neighbors,
Women's rights to own land, work, have credit, etc.
31:00-31:54 Religious Freedom, protecting innocent lives, every child is sacred,
32:20 the 2nd Amendment,
***33:00 Others desire to wield power and control over others seek Domination
34:00-36: 00 Back to Good Leadership
Lead Only by God, by his Word, not by money.
The Prosperity, Health and Happiness of the People Only comes from Almighty God.
All men must live by Acknowledging Almighty God and living by his Solemn Word.
God promises to bless the Nation whom God is their God.
A Silver "Dime", (a tenth, a Tithe), Malachi 3:10
Americans get their word for a tithe or tenth from a French wordThe American "English" is a mixture of dialects.
When our Founding Fathers started making our own money they wanted the people to always be thinking about God. Money in your hands should remind you of God. Then you know it was gotten Honestly.
First, God says only pure silver or pure gold are money, coins. (blow the picture to the right up. God only speaks of money in terms of gold and silver coins)
Second: Liberty , an Eagle were to be on the coins to remind people of God.
Galatians 5 (AMPC)
5 In [this] freedom Christ has made us free [and completely liberated us]; stand fast then, and do not be hampered and held ensnared and submit again to a yoke of slavery [which you have once put off].
Yoke of bondage: Slavery to sin or to another man, tyranny, oppression.
Liberty. Men Only obey God, his words, God's laws, not any man/men.
Liberty. Men Only obey God, his words, God's laws, not any man/men.
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Strength of a Man, A Nation! |
Matthew 22:34-40
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.PRAYER!
Thirdly: In the 1792 coinage law they used the French word
dime because that is what it is "a tithe."
Why would the founding Fathers use the French word for tithe, instead of the French word for a tenth? Meaning a tenth of a silver dollar? (Dollar is German, Spanish American), They did use the word quarter and half dollar. To remind people of God. dime because that is what it is "a tithe."
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pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. |
Bring all the tithes (the whole tenth of your income) into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and prove Me now by it, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and
Governments are form to secure the blessings of Liberty.Now that we have established or laid down the foundations we can build on it.
God gave me a vision of a silver dime then a silver quarter.
Little did I know he was replacing something that was drilled into me. Since 1st grade my Mother or Father gave me a fake dime and a fake quarter for lunch every day. School lunches were priced this way to spread their fake dimes and quarters.
Written into the 1792 coinage law was a stipulation.
If anyone does what the government did here, remove the silver or gold content, it is a felony. (picture above.) Not just any felony but one so evil, so corrupt the punishment is the same as if you had murdered someone in cold blood! 1st degree.
Copied from above: Liberty on the silver and gold coins. Yoke of bondage: Slavery to sin or to another man, tyranny, oppression.
Liberty. Men Only obey God, his words, God's laws, not any man/men.
The strength of the American people comes from being good, good comes from remember God, prayer.
***Honesty with ourselves and with each other. Stop Lying.
00:00-00:26 Protect Liberty, size of government, Honest Money
1:00 Debasing currency, inflation
1:44-4:00 Ron Paul introduction
Honest Money is written in the Constitution
5:20 picture of FDR Gold Confiscation
11:00 The Monetary System will self-destruct
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To have law, a civilized society Is to have religion The People Decide which Religion World Wide **Life, Liberty, Happiness** Christianity |
13:00-14:25 Evils of government....* where the bank is the religion, example when the Catholic Church was over the governments. In the 21st Century the Bank is over government.
Back to the above....President Trump said there is a "religious Pull" on leaders in his speech to UN Gold and Silver causes government to be honest. *With banks as religious leaders governments serve their own interest, instead of the interest of the people.*above President Trump's Speech 27:36 a Permanent Political Class, bureaucracy keep themselves in power printing money, deciding who gets the printed money and how much. Giving themselves most of it. Government employees have better employee benefits, (retirement, health insurance, etc. are exempt themselves from they laws pass.)
15:40-17:00 Building a skyscraper and the measuring stick is always changing. You can not build a society, an economy or a country if the value of money is always changing. Fragile economy
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Evil leaders harm everyone, suffering |
**A definition or the value of gold and silver must come from with in each person, self-evident to everyone. Ron Paul makes this point....
19:20-19:35 Buy a good suit for an ounce of gold
21:00 Control over the earth. President Trump's Speech Domination is impossible, control is impossible whether it is men, economies, or the weather
23:50-24:50 Public Education is awful, Legal right to opt out, legal right to own gold and own a gun
The Atlantic Article
"Talk to Me Like I'm Stupid:
Locke's State of Slavery and War"
John Locke Two Treaties of Government. 3rd and 4th chapters, sect. 16, sect. 17Sect. 16. THE state of war is a state of enmity and destruction: and therefore declaring by word or action, not a passionate and hasty, but a sedate settled design upon another man's life, puts him in a state of war with him against whom he has declared such an intention, and so has exposed his life to the other's power to be taken away by him, or any one that joins with him in his defence, and espouses his quarrel; it being reasonable and just,
I should have a right to destroy that which threatens me with destruction: for, by the fundamental law of nature, man being to be preserved as much as possible, when all cannot be preserved, the safety of the innocent is to be preferred: and one may destroy a man who makes war upon him, or has discovered an enmity to his being, for the same reason that he may kill a wolf or a lion; because such men are not under the ties of the commonlaw of reason, have no other rule, but that of force and violence, and so may be treated as beasts of prey, those dangerous and noxious creatures, that will be sure to destroy him whenever he falls into their power.Sect, 17. And hence it is, that he who attempts to get another man into his absolute power, does thereby put himself into a state of war with him; it being to be understood as a declaration of a design upon his life: for I have reason to conclude, that he who would get me into his power without my consent, would use me as he pleased when he had got me there, and destroy me too when he had a fancy to it; for no body can desire to have me in his absolute power, unless it be to compel me by force to that which is against the right of my freedom, i.e. make me a slave.To be free from such force is the only security of my preservation; and reason bids me look on him, as an enemy to my preservation, who would take away that freedom which is the fence to it; so that he who makes an attempt to enslave me, thereby puts himself into a state of war with me. He that, in the state of nature, would take away the freedom that belongs to any one in that state, must necessarily be supposed to have a design to take away everything else, that freedom being the foundation of all the rest; as he that, in the state of society, would take away the freedom belonging to those of that society or commonwealth, must be supposed to design to take away from them every thing else, and so be looked on as in a state of war.
***So God gave me this vision of a pure silver dime and pure silver quarter to subdue my enemies who attacked me unprovoked. To put me into slavery, bondage, tyranny, oppression.
Truth in our minds is very powerful.
Truth in our minds is very powerful.
It is Jesus Christ who was anointed by God to set men free from Oppression,. The Gospel is the Power of God that sets men Free
Whether it is the oppression of sin; Satan's power over our souls thus slavery over our bodies or slavery to evil people who are slaves to sin, men full of the Devil trying to put me into slavery under men.
President Trump used the words,
"Men who wanted to dominate other men."
"Men who wanted to dominate other men."
Starting at the Top, (eagle pic on left) Isaiah 40:31 Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their Strength. Mount up on the Wings of Eagles.
The Strength of a nations is men women children waiting on the Lord, loving God, Prayer.
Why would evil men remove the silver from our coins and why would they remove prayer from Schools? Domination, Slavery, Oppression
Back up to the beginning. Liberty. When we obey the first Commandment to love God with out minds, our thoughts, our emotions. Where is God? (Jesus is God)
Standing right there with you! Loving God is a prayer, praying.
**Pure gold and silver coins do not rust. Look at the scripture below. Gold and silver isn't evil. It is money without pure gold and silver that is evil. The streets of heaven are made of the purest gold!
James 5 King James Version (KJV)
5 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.Look! The wages you failed to pay the workmen who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty.
5Go back to the top again. (copied and pasted next)
When our Founding Fathers started making our own money they wanted the people to always be thinking about God. Money, (gold and silver coins), in your hands should remind you of God. Then you know it was gotten Honestly.
"A Pinch of French." My Mother would say, "we have German and Irish in our blood with a "Pinch of French"."
This summer some friends of ours visited Paris, France.
What would I do in France? Buy French bread, wine, cheese sausage from the local people.
vision: I saw France, the French people healed by God! Everyone owning their own land, farming! Selling their wines, cheeses, breads and sausages to others they made at home!
WW1 and WW 2 were designed carried out by evil men who wanted to Dominate the World. They were purposely clearing the land the cities with bombs. To rebuild it all and make printed fiat fake money! In order to industrialize everything, enslave all men. Capitalism, Marxist, Socialism, Communism. People need the government. So you destroy God, Men become gods. Nothing could be "a free gift" from God any more. Peasant houses and homes were made from the land. free gifts from God.
Ron Paul explains everyone must use their paper fake fiat, taxed into slavery. Men would have "to buy everything." The government owns everything. And they tax you for "the privilege of being alive." NOW THAT'S OPPRESSION! Tyranny, Back to up to James 5 Woe unto rich men who defrauded the workers with "fake money."
Ron Paul explains everyone must use their paper fake fiat, taxed into slavery. Men would have "to buy everything." The government owns everything. And they tax you for "the privilege of being alive." NOW THAT'S OPPRESSION! Tyranny, Back to up to James 5 Woe unto rich men who defrauded the workers with "fake money."
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A land flowing with Milk and Honey! |
God is in the
process of restoring,
healing the land. First Step is the Truth.
Yellow Vest Movement, Hong Kong, Brexit, Hungary, Poland, Brazil, Ukraine, World Wide people are demanding The Bill of Rights, All coming from the 10 Commandments of God.
Law and religion are twin sisters!
When the Messiah, (Jesus paid the price for Adam's sin, death, blood was shed and he died) comes God promised to write his laws on, (All men's), our hearts and on our minds and He did!
Great Points, but we all have to remember to obey the law, no matter how inconvenient,. You can not murder your child, abortion, because the child is an inconvenience. You can not disobey the Constitution because it's an inconvenience. The Constitution is Man's only Protection. "Only gold and Silver coins can be used as an instrument to pay debt, can only be used as Money. It is there to protect the most vulnerable and defenseless in society, infants, elderly, children and women.....Monday, September 23, 2019
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Globalist Biggest Army, Billions of Jason Bourne 's
#1 Trudeau Caught In BLACKFACE 3 Times! Crazy Climate Kids Strike! Saudi Oil; Weekly Round-up 9/20/19
#2 Don't eat Cows! Schools Created Climate Cult Army MK Ultra Control "Kids Strike" 9-20-19
#3 Cult Activist Religion Schools Made Cult Army Vow Not to Have Children 9-20-19
#4 Cincy Trump Rally Child in Despair, Schools Climate Cult Army MK 9-20-19
#5 Schools Make Cult Army, MK, Anxiety, Obsessive, Assault Cars, Madness 9-20-19
#6 Scurrilous Cult Activist Chosen Bombs Canadian PM 9-20-19
#7 Saudi Arabia Quick Review President Trump Australia PM 9-20-19
#8 Personalities Kamala Harris, Candace Owen, ilhan Ohmar Globalist cult Acts 9-20-19
#9 The Worst of Human Kind ***Singing*** End The School Cult Army 9-20-19
What I've written here has been written hundreds of times by men of God through History. Nothing here is new. We just need to be reminded of the things we have already learned from God Basically, you already know all of this.
#9 The Worst of Human Kind stole you from your parents when you were children and trained you into an army. (Satanist Pedophiles). To fight their wars, to serve and obey them as slaves. i.e. Jason Bourne The worst of Human Kind did this to you, parents and probably did this to most of your grandparents.
They used the same techniques MK Ultra uses to control peoples minds. The same thing the Military does to break men's minds. Once your mind is broken and you've been separate from your parents, you have been separate from your conscience, from God Almighty. Your conscience where you know whether you sinned or did not sin. These evil people retrained you the way they trained Jason Bourne., The way they treated you at school, the discipline of raising you hand, stay seated, Grades, A's, B's, C's, F's, loud ringing bells, giving you undivided attention when the teacher is speaking, being silent. Sitting quietly, ***All discplines,*** all training against what is normal and natural.
You are threatened by teachers, told to be afraid of "punishment." You are always being "watched", no privacy, no time to be loved or give love, no time to pray, no time to ponder God or his creation. They keep you so busy.
Why? When you are not busy you start to do what is natural and disturb the "Peace". Breaking "The training". mind control and you start to think for yourself instead of following the instructions.
Imagine...What if you had spent all those years reading, studying the Bible. Learning about God with time to think about what you just read?
All your choices now come from 13 years or more being lied to, trained, disciplined to pay attention, do what you are told, trained to listen. Your desires, ambitions, emotions, the way you treat yourself, speak to yourself comes from public school manipulation, training, discipline. Raised in a cold institution far away from loving parents, far away from a loving God, your Father.
Public School is a Satanic Cult and it is child slavery.
The Public School, the government, in a sense, have separated from your own self, your own thoughts, your own intelligence, your own talents, your own skills, your own wisdom. They have separated you from your faith in God's love for you. They stole your power, strength, faith and love that naturally comes from God. With God on your side, your own freewill, which is your right to have, you can live freely, having a clear conscience knowing you are doing the right thing. You can have a full of life. Filled with power, love, and wisdom that comes from God. As you stand before God every day, forgiven.
#2 You can't see your government or teachers as good honest people any more. They are Child Predator! Seducing, manipulating and abusing children.
#4 Marks of slavery: All governments, since 1900 own the land. Property taxes means you lease the land from the government "Feudal System". Government is the land owners the people are the peasants. Americans use their fake printing made up paper money. Everyone say the things they want us to say. You think what they want you to think. They have all the wealth, all the land, all the power. They make arbitrary laws on their personal whims. Who? The worst of Human Kind. #9
Marks of a Free man. Only you own your land. All your laws come from Almighty God. Each man, every child is equal, with rights to be loved, protected, treated, fairly and equally.
Everyone living by laws not made by of mere men, but laws made by a Great King! Jesus Christ. The Ten Commandments. Every person, every child has received equal power and authority from Almighty God.
By the power of the Holy Spirit of God. Living by the "power" of the laws of Almighty God. God, who is fair and just to everyone. God is not a respecter of persons. God loves each man equally.
#3, #5 Public Schools, these evil child predators turn children into their "Satanic Cult Army".World Wide makes up billions of "Jason Bourne"s
Children's minds are very vulnerable. Easily broken. (heart) God gave us parents to protect us physically, to provide for us. But the most important job of parents is to protect the minds of their children. Everything you do goes through your mind. All your feelings, emotions, strengths, weaknesses, BELIEFS, go through your mind. This state of mind is formed in childhood. (sickness and disease, happiness, merry heart, healthy thoughts cause a healthy body, finances, house, home, everything comes out of the heart!)
If you want to be a person who thinks for themselves and makes choices based on the Truth then you need parents to protect your vulnerable mind. Which is connected to your heart. You need parents who protect your heart from being broken, not lied to and deceived. If your heart is broken your mind is broken.
Deuteronomy 6 New International Version (NIV)
Love the Lord Your God
6 These are the commands, decrees and laws the Lord your God directed me to teach you to observe in the land that you are crossing the Jordan to possess, 2 so that you, your children and their children after them may fear the Lord your God as long as you live by keeping all his decrees and commands that I give you, and so that you may enjoy long life. 3 Hear, Israel, and be careful to obey so that it may go well with you...............
4 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.[a] 5 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.
7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
***The Most Important point.
The right way to
raise a child.
In most cases if both your parents were at home all day, every day, you would love them. You would talk to them all day, work with them, helping them all day long. A bond developes and you love each other.
A family Farm.
You learn to love!
By taking care of animals you learn to love them and to care for them. You care for something other than yourself. Children aren't self-centered or centered on pleasing people. Children learn the rewards of hard work and to be thankful for what they have.
The right way to
raise a child.
In most cases if both your parents were at home all day, every day, you would love them. You would talk to them all day, work with them, helping them all day long. A bond developes and you love each other.
A family Farm.
You learn to love!
By taking care of animals you learn to love them and to care for them. You care for something other than yourself. Children aren't self-centered or centered on pleasing people. Children learn the rewards of hard work and to be thankful for what they have.
1 Peter 1:9, KJV: "Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls." ... 1 Peter 1:9, CSB: "because you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls."
Children Full of the love, strength and power of God himself, through his Holy Spirit coming upon them dwelling in them
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God loves me! the Gospel God loves me sent Jesus to die on the cross for me, Jesus came back to life |
2. Psalm 147:3
“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”
What you can expect to receive from God as you watch Michelle’s Bible Study. We must become like children and have the faith of a child, not learned or well studied or experts just a humble child. “Loving Jesus” is the first commandment, the way not to sin.
To obey all commandments, “love Jesus”.
To obey all commandments, “love Jesus”.
Peter never went to school nor studied the Hebrew text yet he is the Head of the Church. The Holy Spirit reminds him of the word of God.
Peter had power to heal the sick! Don’t believe anyone unless they have “faith in the power of Jesus name" to heal. Like Peter
The Soldiers in the garden pierced Jesus side to make sure he was dead. They pierced his body all the way to the heart. This is why, blood and water flowed. His heart was pierced in a sense.
Peter had power to heal the sick! Don’t believe anyone unless they have “faith in the power of Jesus name" to heal. Like Peter
The Soldiers in the garden pierced Jesus side to make sure he was dead. They pierced his body all the way to the heart. This is why, blood and water flowed. His heart was pierced in a sense.
What is very exciting is that 3 days later Jesus received new blood and the blood flowed through his body and brought it back to life, And Mary his Mother saw Jesus alive again!
Jesus died and suffered for us, so we don’t need to suffer. When we turn to God, he forgives us and heals us. Jesus died to save our souls, our minds to make us mentally healthy. Jesus gives us peace in our souls.
The Very “words of The Gospel”, this good news is the power of God to heal our souls. Meditate on “God loves us”, saw the suffering of man because of sin, and he sent Jesus die in our place. Now what ever the trouble is we can go to God. We pray, wait on God and God’s peace will come back to us. God is just, he makes everything “right”, fixes things, he heals any situation.
Jesus died and suffered for us, so we don’t need to suffer. When we turn to God, he forgives us and heals us. Jesus died to save our souls, our minds to make us mentally healthy. Jesus gives us peace in our souls.
The Very “words of The Gospel”, this good news is the power of God to heal our souls. Meditate on “God loves us”, saw the suffering of man because of sin, and he sent Jesus die in our place. Now what ever the trouble is we can go to God. We pray, wait on God and God’s peace will come back to us. God is just, he makes everything “right”, fixes things, he heals any situation.
Three days later the soldiers are all going to see Jesus with brand new blood flowing through his body and his heart pumping having a healthy body. The body that they had shredded, Mind Blowing!
Adam was created by God. Adam came to life, had blood pumping through his body in a Garden! Adam sinned and God had to kick him out of the garden, never to return.
Adam was created by God. Adam came to life, had blood pumping through his body in a Garden! Adam sinned and God had to kick him out of the garden, never to return.
Jesus fixed everything Adam did by falling into sin. Jesus came back to life in a garden.
A garden, just like Adam came to life in a garden. (farm)
Do you see? God is just. Adam sinned. The punishment for sin is death, Jesus took the punishment for that sin. Because the law of Justice was fulfilled, our lives are healed.
The price was paid. Mankind is now reconciled back to God. Adam, men can return to the garden, paradise, heaven on earth. Each person can walk and talk to God in the garden again! Every minute, every second of their existence.
God does this for every sin. When we turn to him. Jesus die in our place now what ever the trouble is we can go to God to find the help we need.
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God Likes Gold -The Uses and Value of Gold in the Bible |
We pray, Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name, (the name of Jesus), thy will be done on earth just like it is in heaven. Give us our daily Bread. Forgive our sin, make it right like we had never sinned, forgive others who have sinned , and sinned against us, heal our souls, bring peace to our souls, and their souls. Then we wait on God and God’s peace will come back to us. God is just. God through Jesus death on the cross, paid the price for all sin, God makes everything “right” healed again.
End Commentary on Michelle's Bible Study John 19
Biblical records indicate that gold and silver were the first and oldest form of money. The first
mention of gold in the Bible is in Genesis (2:12 KJV), “And the gold of that land is good; bdellium and onyx stone are there.”In the KJV Bible, gold is mentioned 417 times, silver 320 times and the word “money” 140 times. Not once does the Bible mention paper currency. All through the Bible, gold and silver are asserted as real wealth.Gold’s rarity, even in biblical times, gave it a monetary value which has made it useful in commercial transactions, as well as a measure of wealth and prominence.
The color and luster of gold and its resistance to oxidation or tarnishing, makes it valuable for jewelry and ornamentation. The Bible often mentions kings and queens paid in gold and silver. Not only are gold and silver indicators of wealth, but in both the Old and New Testaments, owning gold is also compared to acquiring knowledge, wisdom and faith, which is far more valuable.
#7 Fake Power, Fake Authority, Fake wealth, #Fake Power to punish #Fake Power to create MONEY
mention of gold in the Bible is in Genesis (2:12 KJV), “And the gold of that land is good; bdellium and onyx stone are there.”In the KJV Bible, gold is mentioned 417 times, silver 320 times and the word “money” 140 times. Not once does the Bible mention paper currency. All through the Bible, gold and silver are asserted as real wealth.Gold’s rarity, even in biblical times, gave it a monetary value which has made it useful in commercial transactions, as well as a measure of wealth and prominence.
The color and luster of gold and its resistance to oxidation or tarnishing, makes it valuable for jewelry and ornamentation. The Bible often mentions kings and queens paid in gold and silver. Not only are gold and silver indicators of wealth, but in both the Old and New Testaments, owning gold is also compared to acquiring knowledge, wisdom and faith, which is far more valuable.
#7 Fake Power, Fake Authority, Fake wealth, #Fake Power to punish #Fake Power to create MONEY
Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness, Theology Explains These Rights Part 2
Watch #7 video and you can learn all about the Petro Dollar.
Lie about money, (lies about responsibilities,) is the most important trick or "SPLIT" they did to our minds by going to school all day.
We were breaking the law! We were receiving stolen goods! We were making slaves out of our parents, our neighbors, and we were trespassing.
They have no money!
What they use comes from a business. Equal to a stationary business that prints up pretty invitations, or makes fancy letter head. So they printed up this very official looking pieces of paper and call it money. It isn't. Truth, things that are real are Universal. Freedom of speech it is universal, Right? So real money is the same every where around the World. Gold and silver coins.
So when men use fake money, everything is fake. They are not obeying or upholding the Constitution.
The goal here is to be in control over our own minds and actions, our own future again. We need God to help us.
Scripture, the very words that come from the Holy Spirit of God is what we use "as lead by the Holy Spirit". Without the "Holy Spirit" the letter, even God's words, brings death. When the word of God is heard in the light of God's love for you,(holy Spirit brings it to you, or you see with the eyes of the Spirit of God, you can rejoice because it is a gift of "good news" from God.
Jesus was born in a stable. Wise men came and these wise men brought Jesus real money, a lot of it!!! Jesus is a King, his Father is King. You are not going to bring him pieces of sinful pieces of paper that are worthless. These are wise men. They probably owned a gold mine. They got the purest purest gold and made gold coins, gold money, real money! So these wise men were very wealthy, and they made Jesus, Mary and Joseph very wealthy!
Jesus was born in a stable. Wise men came and these wise men brought Jesus real money, a lot of it!!! Jesus is a King, his Father is King. You are not going to bring him pieces of sinful pieces of paper that are worthless. These are wise men. They probably owned a gold mine. They got the purest purest gold and made gold coins, gold money, real money! So these wise men were very wealthy, and they made Jesus, Mary and Joseph very wealthy!
Like all of us Jesus was born with no money. Naked, wrapped in swaddling clothes. If Jesus is God's son, God had to provide for him, establish his kingdom right away, to prove he is with Jesus 24/7/365.
So God provided for Jesus with Gold coins. God uses, talks about, provides men with the purest Gold and silver. (Honesty, Just, Fair) Jesus is a KING. Do you think these wise men would bring Jesus anything less than the very best? A King would kick that person out.
So God provided for Jesus with Gold coins. God uses, talks about, provides men with the purest Gold and silver. (Honesty, Just, Fair) Jesus is a KING. Do you think these wise men would bring Jesus anything less than the very best? A King would kick that person out.
I saw a show on Lynette Zang where they displayed different golds have different colors, texture, etc. Different weights, different qualities. 18 karet, 24 karet gold, etc.
President George Washington and our first Congress did exactly what the wisemen did. They had men mine gold and silver, made a US mint and produced the purest gold and silver coins because God was their example to follow. God was with them.
These men put a "stipulation" in the law. The Law the past in congress. President George Washington signed it into being, concerning real money. The "stipulation": If anyone changes the amount of gold and silver in these coins, lessening or debasing, the purity, the quality, the value of these coins that person is to suffer lose of his life or be to be put to de..., die!
The temptation to cut back on the coins is so great by any government, they had to make the punishment very very severe!
If you are at school all day you are surrounded by walking dead people. They are already dead. Everything you learned from them leads to a life of death! Slavery. Without the real 99% karat gold coins, silver coins you are nothing more than a slave to whom ever is printing up this fake stuff.
The people are charged to see that something is done about this. We can not except anything but what is written in the Constitution and this law 99% pure gold and silver coins. Should we obey the law? We have to obey the law or we, as accomplices, at any time can be legally put to de..., die. We received stolen goods, we lied, we defrauded God, we defraud our neighbors, more than guilt by association, we received an education without paying anyone for what we had. We broke the law. God forgives and heals our minds. It is made right again. It is like it never happened when we ask God to forgive us and those who sinned against us and fix. Make it right.
Only God knows how, that is why he is God! God sees it already healed. In order for anything to be fixed you need to see the finished result, Like a finished product. (A vision from God) You can not imagines it.
Only God knows how, that is why he is God! God sees it already healed. In order for anything to be fixed you need to see the finished result, Like a finished product. (A vision from God) You can not imagines it.
It is a Universal Law, World Wide. God initiated this usage of gold and silver when he created man. It is self-evident to everyone. You don't want to go to jail or have lighting strike you for someone else's sin. We pray ask GOD HELP US! PLUS WE DON'T WANT TO DIE AND GO TO HELL FOR LIVING A LIFE OF SLAVERY TO SIN. God help us.
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