Saturday, September 28, 2019

Blow The Trumpet Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot

Video Version
Rosh Hashanah 2019 will begin in the evening of

September 29
and ends in the evening of
TuesdayOctober 1 Jewish New Year
Yom Kippur  October 9th  Day of Atonement 
Sukkot October 14-15  Feast of Tabernacles
.***In this "video" Patriot Gallery Reads this Blog, "Globalist Biggest Army, Billions of Jason Bourne's", out loud, Follow Along as it is explained in greater detailed. For a Deeper Understanding, and you can hear and see, a lot of different topics woven into a picture crisscrossing stitched together like a well woven Tapestry. You can see God in the news. Your every day local, National, and World News, History in the making will have God in it. Complete picture of the Spiritual battles you fight every day with an invisible All power Almighty God is fighting with you, other Saints, for your freedom from tyranny..***]
.. I added a little to this video done during the week (9-23-19) to briefly go back and cover some additions to it. Before going on to today's Sunday's Service Topic.... "A Pinch Of French, President Trump's Speech to UN, Q" excerpt "My Mother always said we had a pinch of French in our Family!"
Building a Tabernacle within our hearts and minds. For the Most High God to dwell within us by the power of his Holy Spirit.
Addition to last blog and information on the time of Year, Jewish Holidays.

Rosh Hashanah 101

The Jewish New Year is a time of rejoicing and serious introspection.
God really did descend on the Mt Sinai. It actually did happened and the laws of America are founded on this instance in History. In yourself you know this happened and it is perfect LOVE. Perfect LAW AND perfect JUSTICE 
Exodus 20 18 When the people saw the thunder and lightning and heard the trumpet and saw the mountain in smoke, they trembled with fear. They stayed at a distance 19 and said to Moses, “Speak to us yourself and we will listen. But do not have God speak to us or we will die.”
20 Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning.”
21 The people remained at a distance, while Moses approached the thick darkness where God was.
Idols and Altars
22 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Tell the Israelites this: ‘You have seen for yourselves that I have spoken to you from heaven:

The Hebrews were forced into slavery in Egypt. About 1800 years BC.  Abraham's family went there when there was a drought. Slowly the Egyptians took their rights from them. They had houses, homes, animals, and grew their own food in the land of Goshen.  Their slavery was working without being paid. What we have today.   Fake fiat isn't money. Gold and Silver coins are real money.  They got married had children. Their slavery could be equated to taxes.  Today it would be..If you want to keep your land you have to pay taxes, but you aren't allowed to pay with gold and silver coins. You have to go to the bankers, the Federal Reserve Bank to get that money. to do that you have to get money from their distributors, US Government, Corporations, businesses.
   Today/Goshen, Egypt You could have a farm and provide all you need for yourself off the land you own, without taxes. A small business at home being paid gold and silver coins.
    You can understand the plight of the Hebrews. They were maids, servants, 3rd class citizens. The Hebrews could not be in any leadership or have anyone represent them in government. They had no justice when Egyptians committed crimes against them. (Dual justice System) 
  This is important to understand their sufferings, their grievances and their faith in God.

 The Egyptian "Task Masters," (foreman, supervises, bosses, teachers, etc.)  To make sure the work was done would "whip" men to force them to do hard labor.
   The day came for them to be delivered from slavery by God!
    God intervened, they were set free, they came out of Egypt "to love and Worship God."
     They left everything behind. They left Egypt but; Their physical bodies were  healed, they left very wealthy, with their animals and a lot of food.
They had no land, no home.  Abraham's land is their land. "Promised land.
A transference of wealth was made.  Egypt lost all their free labor, they lost their first born, they lost their army, they lost their wealth.
   How? A sacrificial perfect Lamb. They took the lambs blood and put it on their doorpost, later the Hebrews put the "word" of God on their door post. They are the same thing.
   Jesus is the word of God, Jesus is that sacrificial lamb.  For Most people what is most important is deliverance from Oppression!  Oppression makes men sick, and old before their times. It's a hard life.
Jesus took the "Task Masters" "whips" upon his back, he took the slavery on himself when he suffered on the cross.   Satan beat and caused an innocent man to suffer be beating as a slave and shed his blood, he died on the cross, for us.
   Can you imagine how excited the children of Israel were, now free from the torture, suffering, whips of the "Task Masters?" 
   They knew God loved them, healed them, delivered them made them wealthy and provided all they needed.
   That is Salvation. 
They prayed and God saved them, forgave their sins and healed them. By Loving God they obeyed God and worshiped God, by the 1st commandment...Love God.  
    Mountain of God.  Moses saw God in a burning bush on a mountain. The children of Israel saw God on a mountain. We must always turn to Mt Sinai not physically but see God internally on the Mountain. 
  So we fear God:  
Exodus 20 18 When the people saw the thunder and lightning and heard the trumpet and saw the mountain in smoke, they trembled with fear. They stayed at a distance 19 and said to Moses, “Speak to us yourself and we will listen. But do not have God speak to us or we will die.”
 Through Jesus we can hear God we don't need someone to hear God for us.  We know God is so Powerful, Holy, Pure, Clean. God loves us!  When we pray as the Hebrews did, he hears our prayers, answers our prayers and sets us free. God delivers us from sin and oppression. Not slaves to men, but free to worship God. 
     With this information you can more easily understand Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and The Feast of Tabernacles  Kippur.  God to page. Link at the top.  

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