Saturday, June 6, 2020

Comments to David Icke and Alex Jones

Right to the Point: Riots: Counterfeit Money! We the People have the right, duty and responsibly to punish those who counterfeit money. The dollar "BILL", IS COUNTERFEIT Only the gold and silver coins in your pocket are sinless, clean legal honest MONEY according the the word of God and The Constitution. Ask yourself what is in your pocket. If you pull it out think of having a hand full of poisonous snakes that is sending you and your family to HELL. Snakes, Jesus calls them vipers who have poison our souls and the souls of our children Witches, Warlocks, Wizards. In 1930's they poisoned our entire family. It started with their Satanic "PUBLIC EDUCATION AND SOCIALIZATION INTO SATANISM> You were not worshiping God every day you were in school but Satan. God is just, He is fair. God is bringing Justice to this Luciferian Satan worshiping cult destroying the minds and free practice of religion in America. Men ought to love and Worship God and him only. People will do the right thing when they know absolutely God is with them and this is absolutely the right thing to do. You see absolute power only comes from God and absolutely Ends ALL corruption of the masses. Own land and farm. In the United States of America in 1776, 95 % of people did just that. In obedience to God, in obedience to God's Word. They loved God, they worshiped God. They reverenced , (highly respected and exalted with the power of the Holy Spirit of God), They lived by every infallible word of God
With fiat, the counterfeit illegal currency men have to sell their children to the State. The State raises children like cattle and the children are bought and sold for and using fiat fake currency. Two direct opposites. One a Man is sovereign, free, the other men are human resources, just animals have no rights, no free will, and can be bought and sold. One is right. God, righteous So Alex and David DO THE RIGHT thing yourselves turn from your love/hate relationship with these men and love for yourselves. Get on your knees before Almighty God. People should bow to God in reverence, awe and submit to him only. You 2 have been doing this "preaching" for years and things get worse and worse to prove your right. What good is that when you are wrong, what these people is doing is wrong and as we talk about God and the right way of doing things we can clearly show people why, how and even when these evil people lost their salvation lost their minds to Satan's Attitude of Kill steal and Destroy they are just practicing Halloween. It is so simple to fix if you all would get off the thrones of your own lives.

Ok for Years Alex Jones and David Icke teach people what is wrong, who's doing wrong so they are just as bad as their enemies. Why don't you guys teach repent, turn to God start doing the right thing. Ask God to forgive your sins and protest for your gold and silver coins they stole from society! Real Money. These evil people can get away with this because you two advertise for these evil people and make people afraid of them and they aren't even obeying the law which is all legal tender is only gold and silver coins!


Teach the Constitution, teach people don't listen to these thugs, listen to the Constitution, Jesus Christ God who will tell you how to be good men and women, how to be good citizens #1 Love God serve God, Demand gold and silver that World Wide was stole by these thugs Great Great Grand parents and Start being honest citizens and know an honest employment, is Farming! Owning land and farm. The constitution demands we the people punish anyone who counterfeits money which is check books, credit cards, mortgages, loans, fake fiat. It is all illegal Over come evil with Good. Demand all people use real honest money gold and silver coins!
Ross Beaty rewind: Think. You said: "Gold would not work in today's economy everything goes so fast!" That is the point of using gold and silver coins Only no Backing anything, no collateral, fiat is a debt with the collateral being gold or silver. Scriptures tells us "NOT TO BE IN DEBT! It is a sin!. Gold and Silver coins are made by God To limit corruption, to slow things down. Think of fiat as a Magician or a card shark. Which is Fiat, a Con, a black Magic illusion, witch craft! People are tricked conned by the speed and slight of hand! It's a demonic spell on people, on their minds. It is an unfair, unjust system of enslavement. Unlimited corruption around the world came from unlimited printed money. Thomas Jefferson said to tie the government down with the CHAINS Constitution. Only Gold and silver coins can be used as Money! The point is to make things slow. You can not govern when there is chaos, things going to fast. The riots show people what fiat does. The riots are a fiat of life without the Police, with thugs running the streets.


the Cardinal wrote "prosperity to their nation" that is a communist Statement not Christian. Christian propagate the Gospel of Jesus Christ we
Bring Christianity to our nation, justice, peace, People have liberty, people own their land and are BLESSED by God for obeying God and living by the Ten Commandments
If people want to be blessed they must Repent! Accept Jesus Christ. God promise to bless people with land then he blesses their crops and animals and gives them lots of children   If people want to be blessed they must Repent! Accept Jesus Christ. God promise to bless people with land then he blesses their crops and animals and gives them lots of children

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