Saturday, September 19, 2020

RBG Twitter Fire of Hell Demons Cry Out in Pain and Agony

Watch on video:

Fire of Hell as Demons cry out in Pain and Agony.
 Ruth Bader Ginsburg Death Will Change America's Future

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Death Is Sign From God

Ruth Bader Ginsburg How This Will Effect Americans

Much more painful than Hillary Clinton losing the election.

A petition to stop Senators from electing a new SCJ until after inauguration Day. ???  Are the Democrats Hoping Nancy Pelosi will be President by Default.

Mother of Whores

Rev. 17:4-6 in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the impurities of her fornication; 5and on her forehead was written a name, a mystery: ‘Babylon the great, mother of whores and of earth’s abominations.’ 6And I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the saints and the blood of the witnesses to Jesus.

18The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth.’

Read out loud>

This prophesy was fulfilled by Nero in the years after Jesus Death. Nero is said to started the fire's that burned down Rome. Up to the destruction of the Temple and The end of animal Sacrifices in 70 AD

 It is applicable for teaching, reproof and admonishment. 

RBG is not the whore of Babylon. That is a city. RBG life's goal was to convert Americans to Witches, whores. She hated America, good honest men and women, She hated Christians. Her life depicts this personification in the Book of Revelation.  

We can study her life and see she taught men to turn from the Constitution, The laws of God, from  a Godly good wholesome life to a life of lust, greed, perversion, and murder. 

She made it her life's goal to destroy the Constitution not uphold it. She was one of the first to abolish the police. She removed their ability to uphold the Constitution. I was there! Judges, lawyers, Police Officers, Congressmen, Presidents, Soldiers, Mothers Fathers, etc. No one could uphold the Good Wholesome God given laws of the Declaration and The Constitution. 

She twisted the Bill of rights and shredded it's real meaning. Turn are laws into Satanic laws of Aleister Crowley: "Do as that Wilt."

A Satanic Book was her Law Book.  America was founded on Christianity and on the Bible. 

Her court decisions over turned good Godly, wholesome, moral laws. America's strength and Greatness is from being good!

That is what whores do. They weaken men and dominate them. Through lust, sexual perversion, vice, greed sin. 

Are Modern Feminists Truly Masculists- Resistance Chicks on InfoWars   From the Past relevant today. Sept. 8, 2017

The Resistance Chicks join Lee Ann McAdoo and Millie Weaver live via Skype to break down modern feminism and dissect their definition of toxic masculinity and the line drawn along the sexes. Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family:

0:00-5:55   The Election

5:56- 7:32   Men abusing women, Pink Hats, Nasty women, 

7:33- 8:29  Resistance Chicks, repulsive

8:45-11:15 Treated like an equal, get the cow for Free, modern Feminism is from pornographers

11:15-15:00 Evil Men behind evil women, Witchcraft, worshipping Satan, Marxism, Communism

18:54- 20:20Created By Divine Design, Feminism meant to divide families, separate people from each other.

23:00-24:00  Men defend women or predators,  Designed by Predators 


11:00-14:29   The power of the occult. Witchcraft, those who worship Satan. To assert your beliefs onto everyone else! Games of a few Billionaires, all Luciferin worshipers, they build on each other. Raping the world basically! How? unlimited printed fake wealth. Dollars, checks, paper.  It isn't real wealth. It is all counterfeit, made up.  Deceit. Only a piece of gold or a piece of silver are money. A silver dollar a gold Eagle. It is all witchcraft. 

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Death was a very good thing. All her works will die with her.   America will return to a Good, Godly Moral country again! All our laws come from God. Our laws come from God and Are written within us.  What RBG did, her works were a Satanic Demonic Spirit on America. So Satan has been holding America Captive supernaturally by a demonic Stronghold on the minds of Americans.  

  1. conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.

This stronghold caused men to sin with her! 

Whore of Babylon? Drunk with the Blood of The Saints? Made men drink?  Rev. above. 

We use Revelations to kick her off the court and throw her in jail for sedition!

Jesus, the Power" of his name set us free!To love him, serve him and obey God: repentance

Rosh Hashanah started Friday, with her death. 

Rosh Ha·sha·nah
/ˌrōSH (h)əˈSHōnə,ˌrōSH (h)əˈSHänə,ˌräSH (h)əˈSHänə,ˌrä (h)əˈSHänə/
  1. the Jewish New Year festival, held on the first (also sometimes the second) day of Tishri (in September). It is marked by the blowing of the shofar, and begins the ten days of penitence culminating in Yom Kippur.


  1. the action of feeling or showing sorrow and regret for having done wrong; repentance.
    "a public display of penitence"

Men did not use their God given authority to bring her to justice. So she Lorded over men in America. Her death. Is Justice. She should have been put to death by just men before she ever was on the court or her book she wrote. That was treason. Her book, or she,  lead Americans into sedition.  

The scriptures to the above means in action:

 Abortion is absolutely illegal it is murdering a human being! 

The Ten Commandments can be raised high for all to read by everyone in America.   It is the responsibility to put the Ten Commandments up on Government Property.

 It is the Responsibility of Government to put up Manger scenes. 

RBG voted to tear down the Godly institutions, ways, principles that keep America Free!

We The People cast down every imagination anything that would exalt itself above the KNOWLEDGE OF GOD!

Manager scene the knowledge of God, Ten Commandments, the Knowledge of God.

Abortion: Life and death are in the hands of God, not men. No man can take another man's life!   Knowledge of God!

We use the Power and authority of the Bible, The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, Our State Constitution, (Ohio), Acknowledges God has set us Free! Not men!   We do this with and in the Love and power of God's Holy Spirit living in us!

By the invisible hand of God the Holy Spirit,  punishment will come on those who broke the commandments of God. Who broke the laws of God. And enjoyed doing so. The spirit of God is going to return men back to the land. To wholesome living. Once this demonic stronghold is completely broken down in the minds of men. People will find how moral they really are. They will realize Satan held them captive by a Satanic Force. More importantly the Christmas song will mean a lot more to people.  "Jesus, He saved us from Satan's power when we had gone astray".  Men will become moral good Godly men again. 

God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen with Lyrics (Traditional Christmas Carol)

25 seconds  >>>


RBG had a Spirit attached to her and the Spirit was ruling over the minds of men in America. The Spirit of the Harlot. When she died that Spirit lost its "Position" in High places talked about in 2 Corinthians 10:1-6 and Ephesians 6:12. Rulers of darkness.  on Twitter we see them crying out, screaming out.

These young women are not demons, they are not even Demonically possessed. It is a Satanic Stronghold on their minds, the Brain, their nerves, emotions. "A boss Making them" do things actually against their freewill. Men only have freewill after the power of God's Spirit has set them free from Satan's power over them. 

The Spirit of the Harlot is off America. A Satanic Stronghold on the minds of men. Men had become

"AFRAID! of Satanically "Bound" women. Sinful immoral, self-righteous evil women! The Cancel Culture of the 70's, Feminist, destroyed many men's names and reputations who stood against them in the 60's, 70's and 80's. Even Alex Jones was attack by them in the comments for having Leah and Michelle on as guest with LeeAnn and Millie Weaver. 

In 1930's Public school became compulsory, that means by "Force". Children and their parents were "Made" to send children to school. Public education is far far far away from being free. When you are Made to do something, made to pay for it, made to sit down and shut up. It is called tyranny! Slavery, "NOT"FREE!

Teachers become extension of the State, witches. There to "NOT TEACH", but "CONTROL"! CONTROL SOULS!> MINDS of children. This is the definition of witchcraft! To control others without their consent or knowledge.   A spell, black magic keeping people in darkness of God and His perfect plan for their lives.

God's plan is that men are free from Satan's power over them. Men to be forgiven and filled with God's power, authority, knowledge, and love. Each individual person, a separate individual lead separately by the Holy Spirit of God living in them.

To hurt someone's soul so they are broken, can not talk to God, are separated from the love of God is to practice WITCHCRAFT!  Most people practice witchcraft and thinks it is Christianity. 

Before you bolt. Hear the whole presentation. Perspective of an elephant. You can not describe an elephant just by looking at it's head. You have to look all the way around it. 

Witchcraft the say one thing and it is always the opposite. Their Father is Satan he is the Father of all lies.  

Feminism is actually Masculinity. Women loving the attributes of men, worshipping, evil sinful men they become, internally, evil sinful men. Hillary becomes just like her Father.  It is in the kingdom of the mind. the brain. Women become filthy dirty mind men in their minds.

As men become good honest moral men again they will stop giving into these witches and stop being afraid of them. 

Strong in the power of God : Christian women are not a terror to good honest moral men! Good Godly women do not use "feminine wiles" to scheme, plot, control men's minds. "Witchcraft". Nor do thy use rage and anger, but are with the spirit of God. Which is love, power and a sound mind. 

During Rosh Hashanah we can contemplate what went wrong.  Women became men, then started teaching young men, boys. It was upside down. Men are teachers of children. Seriously. Fathers teach your children is what God does. Jesus is a teacher. God was Adams teacher. 

These evil women full of lust, perversion, self-righteousness were harming children's minds. Public schools are not natural places of learning for children. They are Institutions. They are there because of Money. They are a business. Not a home, not a family, with love for their children but a hard hearted business. Parents teach their children out of love, freely. Teachers teach because they are being paid! 

Children's minds are flooded with Satan thoughts, sinful thoughts and ideas; anger, rage, hatred, lust and perversion.

Without saying anything the Public School system is teaching: Go to school, Go to work, get a job, make money. Pay your taxes.

None of this is in the bible or lead by God's Holy Spirit. But you have been trained in this for years!

"Make Money!"  Think,  "Make Money".  To make money to most people would be money is ink printed on paper because that is how you have been taught by counterfeiters. Criminals, Witches. Witches produce Paper printed on when "making money"

In the Bible and the Constitution. Money making is melting gold or silver and forming it into small coins, easy to carry with you.   Christians Saints produce Coins when making money. Because they do it in obedience to God. It is honest money not counterfeit.  

With fiat counterfeit paper taught by Witches, by school systems,  men lust after, strongly  desire, crave, obsess over, Sex, pornography, TV, alcohol, swear a lot, lust for cars, boats, airplanes, trains, power tools, food, entertainment, money, power, etc.

God is no longer in their knowledge.  With God in their knowledge, it breaks the spell of lust, perversion, and obsession. This is why Governments acknowledging God and reminding people of God is legal, right and good.

Opening few paragraphs.

God created horses, animals, oxen, donkies, elephants for heavy burdens. They are called beast of burden. It is obvious! Everyone can see what God created and why he created them. You see God in Creation.

To love and use beast of burden is the right thing to do. You don't lust after what God has created or obsess over animals. 

The things men have created are all made out of stolen material! That is why you lust after them. Using another lusted item "gold backed" man made money, printed on paper. The counterfeit of God's real money. Itis all stolen. 

One of those Supreme court decisions that needs to be brought into obedience to God's Word. Nothing but gold and silver coins are money. "Gold Standard" is just another deception, deceit.  "Witchcraft". Gold Standard is not written in the Bible but a lie created by very evil greedy men. They made it up!

Automobiles turn women into men, men into women.

People forgot God created animals for transportation, heavy lifting.

People forgot God said to each person: If you obey me I will bless your crops, your fields, your animals will multiply, your children will multiply.

God's Plan is for women and men to grow up fall in love, have a lot of children,  own land, obey God and he blesses your crops and animals. 

With the "Gold Standard"  Men's minds were taking captive by principalities in High Places. Demonic powers, forces control men's minds.  You forgot Your land is a gift from God you need it. God put you on the earth to take good care of the earth he gives you.  It was a "con, A slight of Hand. "gold Standard". Evil men stole all the land. With that your right to get married and raise children.  It was very deceptive. 

God is going to turn men back to their land. Government doesn't have the Constitutional right to own land! So they can not tax it. They don't own the people so they can not tax the people or their labor. Government and businesses; all men must "show me the money": gold and silver coins.  

 Rosh Hashanah September 18-September 28th. Yom Kippur: Jubilee

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