Preface: This sounds really boring and I'm sure you are asking yourself why should I listen to this. Your life depends on knowing what will be taught in this 5 part series. Your life, Liberty and happiness depends on you knowing this. Evil people have spent 100 of years if not more; they raised their children to do everything possible to keep you from knowing what will be presented. In all seriousness! They spent their entire lives. Thousands of evil people have worked very very hard and spent unlimited amounts of money to keep you from this information.
1618 Project! Mathew 16:18 Upon this rock I shall build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Jesus Christ "Revealed as the Son of God."
To the Point: we have to have FREE MASONS on earth.
Each man should be one: A good Master Builder.
Jesus Christ, God, the Father, The Holy Spirit: God,
Masons! Master Builders, Our Creator is a Mason.
Life is building, growing. 2 People get married have children. Animals and plants do the same. Multiplying. Building families is life.
The Bible says that some women tare down their own houses.
The Council of Foreign Relationships are Illuminates The Free Masons were infiltrated and taking over by the Illuminati. The Free Mason organization was Created by Christians. Master builders like Jesus Christ. Who built on the cornerstone of Jesus Christ. Jesus is going to kick out all the riffraff, trespassers and cleanse it of all evil corruption.
Riffraff (sometimes hyphenated—riff-raff) is a derogatory term for people the speaker considers socially inferior or undesirable. It's a centuries-old term, having come to English from French around 1500. In modern use, the word is usually humorous or ironic.
Men are to be one with God. Married to God. Submitted to him. "God's help mate" on this earth building the family of God. Some men have an adulterous affair on God. Start to Tear down everything God is building, and created. Evil people sabotage the good works of men. Start building Satan's work on this earth. What they build is crooked because it is build on sand. It is always shifting. Blackmail, framing good men, falsely accusing others, lying, stealing, subverting the true was of Life itself.
The right ways to life are written in the Bible, Jesus is the Word of God. The cornerstone of Master Builders: "Masons". When men build God's family on the Bible, The church, governments become the family of God within that men are not crooked but straight. God revealed to Peter that Jesus was the "Son of God." Jesus changed Peter's name to "stone". His name was Simon. So "Simon Peter" knows a bit about "being a living" "Stone". Those who God has revealed Jesus as the Son of God. The Messiah! The book of Revelation has taking place in their hearts. Jesus Christ has been revealed to them by God the Father. Upon this rock I shall build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
15 He said unto them, But whom say ye that I am?
16 Then Simon Peter answered, and said, Thou art that Christ, the son of the living God.
17 [m]And Jesus answered, and said to him, Blessed art thou, Simon, the son of Jonah: for [n]flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.
18 [o]And I say also unto thee, that thou art [p]Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church: and the [q]gates of hell shall not overcome it.
19 [r]And I will give unto thee the [s]keys of the Kingdom of heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt [t]bind upon earth, shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth, shall be loosed in heaven.
20 [u]Then he charged his disciples, that they should tell no man that he was Jesus that Christ.
21 ¶ [v]From that time forth Jesus began to show unto his disciples, that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the [w]Elders, and of the high Priests, and Scribes, and be slain and be raised again the third day.
22 Then Peter [x]took him aside, and began to rebuke him, saying, Master, pity thyself: this shall not be unto thee.
23 [y]Then he turned back, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, [z]Satan: thou art an offence unto me, because thou [aa]understandest not the things that are of God, but the things that are of men.
The cornerstone (or foundation stone or setting stone) is the first stone set in the construction of a masonry foundation. All other stones will be set in reference to this stone, thus determining the position of the entire structure.
Over time a cornerstone became a ceremonial masonry stone, or replica, set in a prominent location on the outside of a building, with an inscription on the stone indicating the construction dates of the building and the names of architect, builder, and other significant individuals. The rite of laying a cornerstone is an important cultural component of eastern architecture and metaphorically in sacred architecture generally.
Myron Fagan exposes the Illuminati/CFR [1967]
Myron Fagan's purpose here if you listen carefully is to be a Big Bad Wolf! Making people Afraid of the Illuminati and at the same time destroy the Declaration The Foundation of America by Destroying the character of Thomas Jefferson and other founding fathers. There is a lot of Truth here but also A lot of Deceit, manipulation. G.Edward Griffin has been on several shows lately and his number one theme is: The illuminati becomes their own opposition to control the narrative. This video is such a movie. The "whole Truth Icludes Jesus Christ. The Bible. Myron leaves out the Working of God in the Creation of American And the work of Salvation in the minds and hearts of the Founding Fathers. Like what is going on today. People who were once Soldiers have repented. People who were once Democrats have repented. Of Course the illuminati would leave out any references to God or "Truth".
0:00-1:17 NWO
12:13-16:25 Holders of the Light... UN, Masonic Lodges, Rothschilds, Bribery, Exceptional students, well bred families, indoctrination into one world government, Rhodes scholars, Have the right to rule the masses, Council of Foreign Relations, CFR, internationalist
19:00-19:34 Council of Foreign Relations, CFR are the Illuminati, introduced fake money, gold backed pieces of paper, counterfeiters. No gold or silver coins
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22:30-25:00 Free Mason's Good men. Blue Masons, Bad Men infiltrated took over, George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Humanitarisme leads to Free thought.
to strong, too powerful,
It was just a few people
the majority of people were
This is why evil men had
to do everything in secret,
Americans would not tolerate this evil
Thomas Jefferson: Fame, popularity brings out the worst people. Evil People saw a weakness in him they could exploit. He had lost his wife and children. There was a war for his soul. He wrote the Declaration. He fought hard with George Washington and John Adams to Free all men from slavery. People were always attacking them. Sometimes they were lead astray, deceived. The question is did they stay deceived? No.
The church was so strong that before they died they were set free from "Satan's" lies in their minds. They repented. Made amends for any wrongs they did and in death they all went to heaven.
Martha Skelton Jefferson (née Wayles; October 19 or 30, 1748 – September 6, 1782) was the wife of Thomas Jefferson. She served as First Lady of Virginia during Thomas' term as Governor from 1779 to 1781, but did not serve as First Lady of the country because she died in 1782, 19 years before he became President.[1][2]
Of the six children born to Thomas and Martha, only two survived to adulthood, Martha and Mary. Martha died four months after the birth of her last child.
Questions, Questions, Questions????Amy Coney Barrett initials ABC? Deep State, ABC agencies, CIA? Rhodes scholar, CFR, Council of Foreign Relations, Illuminati. Adopted 2 children from Haiti. What's the message? 3 Catholic on Supreme Court ( From: born big Catholic family not judging just asking). We have the Jesuits and a Black Pope???
Tares Among The Wheat: Sequel to Lamp in the Darkness
Both on Amazon Prime. Once Martin Luther of the Reformation and other's started to translate the Bible into the language people could read the Bible for themselves. The Hierarchy had a Problem. Here are 2 documentaries on where each translation/edition of the Bible comes from. Jesuits set out to destroy people's Faith in the Bible to lift Canon doctrine above the written Bible. The 1599 Bible was from the Reformation of 1517.
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Forgeries, Counterfeit Money, It is all Based on Lies. The root of the problem, John Dewey Decimal system. Communism, Fascism, Socialism, Marxist, Capitalism A few Lording over the Masses |
In your own family there are people making sure you don't come to the revelation that Jesus is the son of God. At work, colleges, Public schools. Imagine how powerful the Gospel of Jesus Christ is that it takes a lot of work for people to try and stop it! "The Gates of Hell shall NOT Prevail against it!"
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams were Masons, Master Builders. Free from Tyranny. Free Masons, Master Builders. All the Founding Fathers were. Propagating the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Building The Church of Jesus Christ. Very Good news to the Masses. Read the Bible for themselves. Make laws for themselves
Men live by the word of God, by their conscience. No one has absolute rulership. Examples of absolute rulership are the Lockdowns. That is absolute rulership or tyranny. The "Dictates," laws, rules, doctrines, believes, of a one or a few. That is call a crime.
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