Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Dr. Make House Calls Ohio Is My Country Saith Almighty God! A Sovereign Nation 3.12.21

 On YouTube Read Out Loud with Commentary

"Ohio Is My Country Saith Almighty God!" "Ohio is a Sovereign Nation." The Right for us to form our own government came from Almighty God who set us free. We live only by God's laws.

Patriot Gallery Post: Ohio's motto: All things, good things, are possible with God. Apart from God men can do nothing "good", "right", "Holy", honorable, or noble. Men apart from God will not be tolerated in Ohio. https://www.openbible.info/topics/good_works
When wickedness is tolerated, people suffer. History is our authority of this fact. We had the right to form our own government, to enjoy our God given right, duty, and responsibility to defend and protect our God given right to live free from those individuals, (or organized groups of individuals), who desire to harm us, enslave us, to dominate us and subjugate the people of Ohio. Free from those who do so with the hard, heavy hand of a task master, treating the people as mere animals, slaves to be beaten at the whims of the clinically insane, (who should be institutionalized). When they are institutionalized, jailed, imprisoned for their crimes)...Then, we the people are free, safe and secure in our own homes, free from them and the harm they would chose to do if allowed.
Except Battle Hymn of the Republic

"Ohio is my Country, saith the Lord God Almighty. Ohio is a sovereign Country." Almighty God set us free from evil, from sin, from oppression, from tyranny. We do not submit to the arbitrary laws made by tyrants: men living in fear, debauchery, savagery, witchcraft, wizardry, immorality; who sin, who disobey God's Ten Commandments. These are men who are themselves in bondage to the perverted lust within themselves and are in slavery to Satan or any other inferior man.
The right to form our own government came from God. For we the people of our own government, our own country, Our Own Money, gold and silver coins. Ohio is our land. There is land for each individual to own freely, clear from any other claim. By the Authority and Power of God with men, Ohio's Constitution formed in 1851. It comes from our personal relationship with Almighty God.

All our laws come from God. We mint our own money, gold and silver coins, according to the Constitution of the united States of America. We are united by the spirit of God, united in our Faith in God, and the joint covenant we have as men with Almighty God. {Article 1, Section 10, Coinage Act of 1792.} All of our laws have been formed from God's word, free from trespass, free from sin. Our laws are just and fair for each individual, not for corporations, not for pacs, secret societies, organized religion, or for any organized groups of people.

Our laws, rules, must be formed from learning the Bible, from knowing God's will, laws and principles. Our laws are and will always be in the future, based on that covenant Jesus made for God; the new and everlasting covenant, ordained before God and made with each other. All men shall live by the sovereign Holy Words of God written down in the pages of the Bible. No man can stand between the relationship each person has with Almighty God. Men should always be lead by the Holy powerful Spirit of God and walk in their anointing of their individual calling from God. This begins first as Mothers and Fathers, raising their own children.

We serve no other god but Almighty God through our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. To live in Ohio you must live by the Ten Commandments of God. Jesus sealed our covenant with God with his broken body and shed blood on the cross and his resurrection from the Dead. Signed by the sovereign people of Ohio who inherited this land from our Great Grandfathers. Forefathers who labored on this land, cleared the land, built houses, barns, and families with their own two hands God working with them, in them.

Who do you believe?
Jesus, the same yesterday, today, tomorrow the very Word of God, told me the Truth. "a silver dime is worth 3 flour sacks full." flour sack in my perception was anywhere from 5 to 8 pounds. About 5 years ago.... Just a month ago I found this scripture.

So that is where you can get the value of silver and gold. $10 Gold Eagle, according to the Coinage Act 1792 is $10 silver dollars.. .
Revelation 6.6 New International Bible. 6 Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, Two pounds of wheat for a day’s wages, and six pounds of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!

1599Geneva Bible 6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny, and oil, and wine hurt thou not.

Deuteronomy 24:14 Do not take advantage of a hired worker who is poor and needy, whether that worker is a fellow Israelite or a foreigner residing in one of your towns. 15 Pay them their wages each day before sunset, because they are poor and are counting on it. Otherwise they may cry to the Lord against you, and you will be guilty of sin.
James 5:1 Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you. 2 Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. 3 Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days. 4 Look! The wages you failed to pay the workers who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty. 5 You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter. 6 You have condemned and murdered the innocent one, who was not opposing you.

Patriot Gallery: Yesterday I asked everyone to pray for the Children around the world. To stop such unspeakable horrors. Today As I am before God I see the horror done to you! Your mother and Fathers, Grandparents. Because of this we hurt our own children. Today, I pray/ask you to pray in unity with the Holy Spirit for all of us to be healed of these horrible unspeakable crimes against each one of us. Those who to this very day, right now, are doing experiments on our Minds. Mask, social distancing... SO SO SO MUCH MORE.
They are experiments by mad scientists who can not stop themselves. Their parents broke them. They are so controlled by witchcraft, mind control, their evil wicked senseless parents, and even demons in their souls. In times of slavery, children of slaves had more freedoms and loved more than America's children the last 100 years through today. I say this truthfully before Almighty God!

My mind belongs to me. your mind belongs to you. Your children's minds belong to him. Authority is to guard and protect our precious vulnerable minds until we are old enough to protect them ourselves.
Starting over 150 years evil men planned to separate "our minds" from real power, real authority that God created within us. Separate us from our knowledge of God and the very scientific laws of God written by God on our hearts and minds. Every infant, every child has right to be "RIGHT". To know the Truth. God's Word is the Truth. It is perfect wisdom, and perfect knowledge that only comes from speaking directly to God everyday.

Let us join in unity with God’s Holy Spirit and stop such unspeakable Horrors! (Men do with children, our own mind as a child. That continue this day to have direct control over our thoughts, actions, deeds.) The Holy Spirit of God our Father will Bring us Justice and Have our minds and the children’s minds cleansed, healed, restored by the power of God’s Holy Spirit! Amen! Our God is ALL Powerful! Amen! Revival Lord Revival! You are Sovereign Almighty God. Every child has the right, especially in America, a right, duty and responsibility to be taught in and by your word to live by it’s principles and formidable wisdom, and know your Love and power of your infinite Holy Spirit.

Every human being has the obligation to his fellow man to tell him what God has to say. What the will of God is. Love God with all your heart, Love one another: No one is "God" but God himself. No screaming, no yelling, no laws outside of What God has said in the Bible. Men must humble themselves and speak the Truth like Martin Luther. Each person, each child, even government departments, employees are obligated to tell people what God has said in the Bible. What the Bible said is right and wrong. What God says is moral. Jesus said the hearers of his word will not be welcomed into heaven. But those who hear his words and obey Jesus very words. God very words.
With the evidence of God in them with them, the Holiness, purity, cleanliness of the Power of God the Holy Spirit. Which is LOVE!

Read the Founding Fathers. God was in them, with them inspired them, motivated by Jesus Christ to Liberate all men. To obey scripture, have their own free conscience, no laws of men. Men that just make up "religion", they make up right and wrong, morals, rules and laws out of cunning crafty deceit. Men without faith that
"God's Word being Superior to all men."
The Constitutional rights of people do not stop on Private Property. Or private businesses. All businesses must uphold the rights of All people and not discriminate, or force arbitrarily laws on others, even on your own children in your own homes! Can a Muslim business refuse service based on religion? No. No one can make another person sin. All laws must submit to God's, (the Ten Commandments), laws first. Men must obey God, not other men.

 In the 1980's people went through a horrible disfiguration of the Church. Good things should happen to good people, Bad things should happen to bad people. Why wasn't this happening. People
desperate for answers. I was one of them.
Leadership lied!  They all started making things up: Pat Robinson, Kenneth Copeland, Vatican II, You name, who ever called themselves a teacher or a Pastor  they just made things up. 

Simple answer: Evil men threw out the Constitution. There had been an over throw of governments World Wide! Corrupt evil men had stolen leadership in every country. 
Using fake fiat paper dollars.  Only gold and silver coins, in hand, perfect size, and weight. Clean, gold and silver, pure are money. All Money became  counterfeited. 
   What does the church do, people do: Refuse to use counterfeit money. Scream it to everyone you know. That is stealing! only gold and silver coins are Constitutional legal as money. Don't stop. Like Martin Luther and the Founding Fathers, 

John Locke, William Penn.  Stand!  Stand with the Silver Squeeze!  Good Works!  Ask God to forgive all the people who lie daily to each other. There are no paper currencies in the Bible,
 only Gold and Silver coins.  God's will is that each person use only gold and silver coins.  

Tax Day! Ides of March! Only Gold and Silver coins. The Constitution, The people, the government officials get their rights, Power and Authority from God. Inspired by the very sacred Holy Spirit of God and the infallible Word of God, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior who died on the cross and paid the price for our sins. We cannot be held in bondage, or for ransom, surety for some false illusionary, Satanic debt, based on liars or be held slaves to anyone. We are Free men. Almighty God set us free. We serve only under the laws of Almighty God. We serve no King, no men, Only God's Holy Spirit.

Constitution of The United States of America. We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Article. I. Section. 8. The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States; Section. 10. No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility. James 14:11

A lot of people refuse to say America is a Christian Country inspired and birthed out of God's love for mankind and the spreading of the Gospel, good news of Liberty. That all men are free to live by the Conscience and obey scripture, obey God and him only.   
They are convinced Americas foundation was born out of sin, lust, sinful greediness and there has never been any good governments. 
Quantum Computer
AI, BlockChain, Gold and Silver Coins Ballots, New Energy, Every Human    MUST                      a Bar Code Roll Up Your Sleever

Humanitarianism Religion. Free Thought Religion. They have their own religious beliefs of evolution, randomness of creation. (Think Star Trek). They strive to better themselves without God, without the Christian religious principles which are edged into the Declaration 
of Independence and the Constitution and the Coinage Act of 1792. 

The Demonic Spirit not Inspired By God's Spirit
Satan Comes as An Angel of Light False Religions Spirit of the Anti-Christ Antithetical to Declaration of Independence and The Constitution  
Quantum Computer AI, BlockChain, Gold and Silver Coins Ballots, New Energy, Every Human    MUST      a Bar Code Roll Up Your Sleever

Try their best without morals and men decide for themselves right and wrong. Political correctness. They will live Just like Rome.   But even Rome used real gold and silver coins, real wealth.  Romans was  honest about conquering other countries and enslaving men stealing all the land wealth and resources. Taking men, women and children  back to Rome as slaves. Etc. Such dishonest people Why? 

Quantum Computer AI, BlockChain, Gold and Silver Coins Ballots, New Energy, Every Human    MUST        a Bar Code Roll Up Your Sleever

They lack the power of God's Holy Spirit. They can only see what is inside themselves. They can not see those cleansed and set free by Jesus Christ power and his Holy Spirit. 
  GESARA NESARA isn't salvation but enslavement!

If you want to die and go to Heaven, Only obey Jesus Christ. Only Obey the Constitution. Martin Luther said, "it is very dangerous to go against one's conscience": Conscience is God's Holy Spirit, written laws in you!   
The Plan:
  Evil men, globalist are  trying to keep what they have stolen.  A few non-consequential people might be put on trial, they might even be put to death. 
But most of the children of evil men Plan to keep what the Father's have stolen from the people around the world.
  If you got all the wealth they promise you 2 or 3 years later there will be a "crisis.  They will take it all back!  Most people will lose it like those who win the lottery lose everything. Ill gotten gain comes to naught!
   God is sovereign.  His prophets tell a different Monetary Reset. There have numerous Signs with planet alignments, blood moons, eclipses, other  signs and wonders since 2014. In their planing of The reset,  the children of the "Creditors" can not, would not, will not perceive or plan to protect their wealth, themselves from God's Plans. Their parents knew it, influence of God's Holy Spirit and saw it. They went about to destroy it like they do. But It is impossible to destroy God. 
The real Creator of the Earth! 
The Creator, The one who's Spirit hovered over the earth. Then  when God spoke the Holy Spirit transform the earth from death to life!  
When Jesus comes into our lives He does the very same thing in us. We are transformed by the very same Spirit. From Death to life, from darkness to light of God's love for us. From void of understand of the ways and principles of Christian to Understand, knowledge of God's great love and his Word.  

Scroll page for second blog.

God's Food Progressive Methodology Part 2 God Created Food For Us

French Yellow Vest, Hong Kong, Brexit protest of 2019. Were Shut down with the Rona, like Our planet is a prison colony and the Wardens shut the prison down with a lockdown to stop the prisoners from rioting. Or Like a good football team: the offensive throws a Hail Mary Down the field. It goes to the 30 yard line. We the defense catch the ball start running to our goal post. 
Belgium Horses

We tell them: We don't work for anyone. We demand Gold and silver coins. Honest Money. We demand Our Land. We declare we are farmers according to God's Word! We the 6.5 billion they plan on annihilating are
not going to be wiped off the face of this earth. Seeds. We use horses for Transportation. We collect our own water, grow our own food, raise our own herds of animals, raise 10 or 12 children. The Land provides for us as God intended! We live according to the Word of God. We live according to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. We use the Ten Commandments as the foundation of All laws!

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