Friday, November 24, 2023

Governments, Military, or Cannon, Common Law Each are Ministers, Servants of God's Covenant

 Watch on Video:

Rumble Part 1

Part 2

Bitchute Part 1

Part 2

Only gold and silver coins are money, and only horses are Transportation! In the name power and authority of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Governments are servants of God. Ministers of the Gospel.  This guy has disappeared for quite some time and then comes up with a Q post. Sealed Indictments? Military tribunals, no fair trials, arrest them, a pretend monkey court, Take them way out into the ocean, out of any country's jurisdictional Waters, kill them, Guilty.  Yeah, we have seen that on SYFY movies, FEMA Barages, Is this where you took the victims of San Fransico, the Homeless? Like with Katrina survivors? 


 I think he is talking to the Australian People. 

PG here. Anyone using any power they did not receive from God Almighty is unjustly holding court wherever they are in the world. America's Founding Fathers proved their rightful power and authority was based on God's authority after receiving the Holy Spirit of God. And living by the inspired word of God in their hearts and minds. That is the only law God upholds and recognizes. I don't know anyone in the Navy who even acknowledges Almighty God and Jesus our rightful Lord, Savior, and King. That is what is wrong with all governments worldwide. They are just a bunch of counterfeiting thugs. Just because some words are written on paper and someone calls it a law does not make it law. We have a covenant made by God without pen or paper but put into power with Jesus shed blood, and resurrection. Men must live unto that covenant.  Governments, Military, or Cannon, Common Law Each are Ministers, Servant of God's Covenant. Stop playing this fake game. The Navy exists because of counterfeiting money, which protects the counterfeiting bankers system.  If they knew God they would repent and bomb their ships out of the Water for using them to spread death, tyranny, mass suffering, and enslavement around the entire world for over 100 years.   Turn your spears, and swords into plows! Now! Then God might be with you. Use horses readied for battle and only gold and silver coins for money. Read some scripture, (Bible ) Not the Masonanic or Hebrew, Jewish, Scottish Rite, or Quran, Fake Bibles, etc. The 1599 Geneva Bible. believe it and act upon it. Every word is absolutely true. 


 6:00 - 10:31

Trivia:  Jesus: The tomb had to be made longer.   Israeli News Live

And it will be utter terror merely to hear and comprehend the report and the message

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This is so applicable for today! Wow! 58:00 minutes Into the town of Vanity Fair! A place filled with great sin. Anything you want can be bought there just a little compromise, just a little sin. Like gold-backed fiat, crypto, blockchain, counterfeited money, or CBDCs. Courts are completely corrupted. Punishment of death for poisoning the minds of the people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Truth. 

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