Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Ohio Issue #1 A word From God The Holy Spirit

Media Blitz for NO to Ohio Issue #1 and #2 Share. Share. Share.


Hong Kong and the Opium Wars

Please share! PG here. Opium and its history in Singapore in the 1800's, and early 1900's. It was ravished with crime brothels Sex trafficking, and poverty, and criminals ran the place that called themselves the government. The government legalized Opium and made huge incomes off this trade. Crime went through the roof. One of the most unsafe places in the World. With Issue #1 and #2 Evil people who stand to make great profits are trying to turn Ohio into Singapore. Vote No on #1 and #2 November 7th, 2023. Tomorrow Tuesday.  Singapore

Two Kingdoms, ideologies, 2 beliefs, God or Satan. Children raised at home by 2 loving parents, loved all day on the Family Farm. Wholesome living. Heaven brought to earth. Repent of going to public school. You would have been loved all day by two parents with a Family Farm. God's plan for your life. Or perverts who are the governments. They profit off the sale of children's genitals, sex trafficking in children, abortion selling body parts, etc. and parents have no right to raise their own children. Sale of drugs. American clean wholesome Family Farms or Singapore Hell on earth.  Singapore

OHIO is extremely important! Especially If they rigged the election for Issue One pass to Pass. The Lord told me they have done that with backdoor handshakes. The initiative did not get the legal votes it needed to be put on the ballot. So they lied and put it on their anyways. From start to ballot it is all illegal. Satanic. All these judges have the ability to rebuke, denounce, and renounce any action taken as a result calling all of it: Ohio unconstitutional but also US Unconstitutional. Almost anyone can run to be a judge. Get into their entire lives. I've seen Republican and Democrat judges vote in line with Satanic Laws.

Amen, we need the whole Nation to stand up and say absolutely not! NO! Satan does not run this country. Ohio lives by the good laws Almighty God has given all men to live by! Life, Liberty, (Personal Property,) pursue happiness. Children are a gift from God to their rightful parents! The State, government, hospitals, teachers Unions, Nambla, and Planned Parenthood are not the rightful parents of the children. Get your hands off our children. We are not defenseless we have God's life, love, and power within us. Those who would even speak such Satanic words will learn to fear God: Men will Fear "God will take their lives" for even saying Issue #1 words out loud. They are so Demonic. You have to be completely out of your mind to even think this stuff! Totally Insane men wrote this!





November 11/4/2023 Today the Lord showed me we will be cleaning up the Constituion. Get rid of laws, and amendments not given to men by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. 

Planetary alignments are ominous for 2021-2024

BUCKLE UP! Beginning 2021, the earth and other planets will be begin moving into a planetary alignment that last happened in 79 A.D. This alignment will culminate in 2024, with when earth's gravitational pull by the sun will be cancelled out as earth moves directly between an aligned Jupiter and Saturn, and into the magnetic field created by that alignment.

Also, in 2023-24, there will also be a square of Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and Uranus. The last time this happened was sometime between 536-578 A.D. (he suspects the date has been obfuscated to keep us in the dark) which was a very dire period of seismic activity, revolution, war and death.

In addition, in 2023 Pluto will move into the area marked by the constellation of Aquarius, which is associated with electricity/technology (he wonders about this involving 5G), change, rebellion and revolution as seen the last time Pluto was in this position-- the American Revolution!

Then on April 8, 2024 a solar eclipse will occur over America. Combined with these other planetary configurations, the San Andreas or the New Madrid earthquake faults may be triggered and the super-volcano in Yellowstone may erupt to create a volcanic winter.

All of this will occur as the sun continues decreasing its output due to the Grand Solar Minimum which has already begun.

Jupiter in Aries  The Holy Spirit created the earth and fixes the earth. Mudslides. Jupiter in Aries. Aries means Godhead, fire. God and Man. Jupiter is the King Star. Jesus is the King who Destroys all Technology 2024. 
Pluto in Aquarius   Technology. Occurred around 250 years ago  The Revolutionary War...God fixes the Constitution and heals America. Something Huge to take place. Huge!  

God meant for Mothers and Fathers to love each other all day, every day. Sharing their love for each other. Then the children join in loving each other with each other all day long. Every day. Jesus forgives us our sins now we are free to love God and Worship together all day, every day. Farming.

Two Kingdoms, ideologies, 2 beliefs, God or Satan. Children raised at home by 2 loving parents, loved all day on the Family Farm. Wholesome living. Heaven brought to earth. Repent of going to public school. You would have been loved all day by two parents with a Family Farm. God's plan for your life. Or perverts who are the governments. They profit off the sale of children's genitals, sex trafficking in children, abortion selling body parts, etc. and parents have no right to raise their own children. Sale of drugs. American clean wholesome Family Farms or Singapore Hell on earth.

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