Monday, February 4, 2013

And Then God Made a Farmer... Thomas Jefferson on Farming and Why I Want to Marry A Farmer

And then God Made a Farmer
Thomas Jefferson on Farming and 
Why I Want to Marry A Farmer

The following text is full of quotes from the author of our Declaration of Independence- Thomas Jefferson. As I was reading a book called The Living Thoughts of Thomas Jefferson, a book written by John Dewey compiling the written thoughts of Jefferson , I could literally feel my heart beating along with Jefferson’s and I knew that the vision he had of what this country should be and what line of work would make a man happiest was exactly what God wanted and intended for this country and it’s citizens.

“ Cultivators of the earth are the MOST VALUABLE CITIZENS. They are the most VIGOROUS, most INDEPENDENT, the most VIRTUOUS, and they are TIED TO THEIR COUNTRY, and WEDDED TO IT’S LIBERTY, by the most LASTING BONDS.  As long, therefore, as they can find employment in this line, I would not convert them to mariners, artisans, or anything else.” -T. J.

As I read through Thomas Jefferson’s letters I began to see a wise pattern in his thinking. #1, of course, as stated above, was that above any other occupation, people should be in the business of agriculture. His reasoning was that it makes for the healthiest bodies, the most peaceful of minds, the most virtuous of spirits, and the freest of souls. He is FREEDOM TO CHOOSE A FREER LIFE.
also understood that not all can be in agriculture, that we need people to make the plows, and clothing, and other things necessary for living comfortably, but what we are missing today

I. The Most Valuable Citizens Are Farmers/ Husbandmen:
“Those who labor the earth are the chosen people of God, if ever He had a chosen people, whose breasts He has made His peculiar deposit for the substantial and genuine virtue.”-T.J.

Those in Agriculture Are:
A. Virtuous
“Corruption of morals in the mass of cultivators, ( farmers),  is a phenomenon which no age nor nation has furnished an example.” T.J.
              1.What this is saying is that throughout history the majority of people who farmed for a living were moral, honest people. Why? Because, when you are working close with the earth, you are working as close to God and Christ as you can get.  In history class we were taught that some American Indians worked the soil, while others did not for some reason. The ones who cultivated the earth were usually more civilized and peaceful.   
 2.Understand the nature of husbandry and you understand the relationship between God and man. Christ says “I am the true Vine, you are my branches.” I didn’t really get this until I had grown my own grape vines. Now I see that everything I am comes from Him.  
 3. No leftover time or energy to get in trouble
B. Vigorous

... to the labor of the husbandman a VAST ADDITION is made by the SPONTANEOUS ENERGIES OF THE EARTH on which it is employed: for one grain of wheat committed to the earth, she renders twenty, thirty, or even fifty fold, whereas to the labor of the manufacturer nothing is added.”- T.J.
1. A farmer takes one kernel of corn and puts it in the ground. Then, nature starts to compound the farmer’s effort, and for that one kernel he receives hundreds. Multiply this by the thousands of seeds a farmer plants and he’s got himself a VAST ADDITION made by the spontaneous energies of the earth! On the other hand, a man who works in a factory putting a bolt on a car has NOTHING added by nature’s supernatural force. His bolt will always be just a bolt; it will not grow but it will eventually rust and fall off.  
2. All the effort that is put into working the soil is compounded and “increased by the creative energies of the earth.” The more work put out comes back 20, 30, 50 times more which encourages more hard work .
C. Independent
It is the mark set on those, who, not looking up to heaven (and) to their own soil and industry, as does the husbandman, for their subsistence, depend for it on casualties and caprice (sudden, impulsive change of thinking) of customers. Dependence begets subservience and venality, ( being open to corruption or bribery), suffocates the (origin) of virtue, and prepares tools fit for the design of ambition.” -T.J.
1. I know this sentence is a bit confusing; I had to read it like twenty times, ( and look up some words) to understand its meaning, but basically it means that a farmer looks to heaven and depends on the soil and his own effort for his livelihood. On the other hand, a person who does not depend on his own two hands, the earth, and God, can depend on having casualties in his life and customers that change what they want on a whim. Because of this, those who have to depend on more then the earth, heaven, and his own two hands become servants and not their own masters. Venality is being open to bribery and corruption and it is the result of being dependent on circumstances or other people’s whims. This, in turn, smothers and stifles the very seed of virtue so that goodness cannot even begin to grow in a person, but it is choked out before it even begins to take root.
        D. Good Citizens
... generally speaking, the proportion which the aggregate ( a mass of distinct things gathered into a total or whole) of the other classes of citizens bears in any State to that of husbandmen, is the proportion of its unsound to its healthy parts, and it a good enough barometer whereby to measure its DEGREE OF CORRUPTION.” -T.J.
1. Okay, so basically this means that, in general, when you put all occupations together and count the number of people working in them they should not outnumber the number of people who work the soil for a living. I am smiling here because I know this sounds ridiculous and most people today would be like “What? Farmers make up such a small number of Americans that they could never outnumbereveryone else.” Well, yeah, that’s because most of the farming done today has been taken over by big corporations and the small time farmer is a thing of the dying past. But what Jefferson said is TRUE. Look around, the more you push out the man who works his land for a living, the MORE CORRUPT A SOCIETY BECOMES! The question is, what do we really want? Do we want a HEALTHY SOCIETY or an UNHEALTHY SOCIETY. The statement is still true. Measure the amount of workers in offices and factories against the ones working outside with the earth and you’ll see our body is SICK and the DEGREE OF CORRUPTIONS IS OFF THE CHARTS

II.  “ While we have land to labor then, let us never wish to see our citizens occupied at a workbench, or twirling a distaff.”- T.J.
The land IS THERE for the laboring! I know; I’ve ridden my bike across middle America and even down the east coast. There is still land out there! But people are driven to the cities by high taxation and big corporations taking over the jobs for the little guy. THIS IS NOT THE FREEDOM OR LIFE OUR FOUNDING FATHERS WORKED SO HARD FOR!
A. Occupations Outside of Agriculture Tend to Encourage Immorality  
- Jefferson referred to workers in England as the : “ ... dissolute (overindulgent in sensual matters) and demoralized handicraftsmen of the old cities of Europe.” T.J
.           - He also said: “ I consider the class of artificers as the panders of vice, and the instruments by which the liberties of a country are generally overturned.” T.J.
   1.. Okay, I realize that most people might stop right here, (probably because they are not out plowing the field) and say they are not that immoral. But if you step back a minute I think you’ll see that we live in a society that makes it EXTREMELY DIFFICULT and sometimes DOWNRIGHT IMPOSSIBLE to be good and do good. These are liberties that all men are created with: THE RIGHT TO BE A GOOD, MORAL PERSON WITHOUT PRESSURE TO BE IMMORAL.
                B. Husbandry Discourages Wars With Other Countries
“ Were I to indulge my own theory, I should wish them (citizens) to practice neither commerce nor navigation, but to stand, with respect to Europe, precisely on the footing of China, (as it was in the 18th century- China was pretty much cut off from the outside world, able to live comfortably with their own goods made with what their own land supplied them with) We should thus avoid wars and all our citizens would be husbandmen.”
1. In theory it would be great if everyone tended to their own land and we were able to have everything we needed by working with our own two hands- We wouldn’t have time to fight other countries! We’d be too busy!
  C. Pure Government Needs Quiet, Independent Citizens
“ The mobs of great cities add just so much to the support of pure government, as sores do to the strength of the human body. It is the manners and spirit of a people which preserve a republic in vigor. A degeneracy in these is a canker which soon eats at the heart of its laws and constitution.”- T.J.
1. Even in the 18th century city living has always been one full of murder, theft, and rape of the human soul. Pure government cannot survive here; it becomes sick and wears down our political strength and what makes America the Land of the Free. Big cities are like sores; they add nothing, but take much. They strip the land, contaminate rivers, and erect structures that pollute the environment around them. How can anything good come of something that makes nature so unnatural? The answer is simple, nothing good can come when people are more concerned with high profit margin then keeping this country clean and healthy- morally and physically. Good government, a democratic government, cannot survive in the hands of those whose primary objective is to make money.    
D. Agricultural Living Keeps Free Government Safe From Pollution 
“Indeed it seems to me that in proportion as commercial avarice and corruption advance on us from the north and east, the principles of free government are to retire to the agricultural states of the south and west, as their last asylum and bulwark .” - T.J

1. Go to middle America. Stay awhile with people who grow their own food, (and your food for that matter); listen to them speak; hear their concerns, and you will hear the distant echo of liberty and justice for all.
E. Morality Says : Soul Cleaner, Body Healthier
... we should allow its (morality’s) just weight to the moral and physical preference of the agricultural over the manufacturing man.” T.J.
-Physically and Morally, working on your own land for a living is always going to be better for you and the country you live in.        
1. When you’re out in the field you’re sweating, you’re building muscles, your mind is focused on the task at hand. When you sit at a desk, your mind wanders, (now in the age of the internet, people’s eyes wander to things they shouldn’t be looking at!), not to mention your body just sits there motionless for hours on end causing high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and extra notches on that belt!
2. When you’re farming and working hard, you’re pretty much by yourself or with your family -ie- not many co-workers around to have affairs with or fantasies about.  

III. Nothing Should Divert Us From Our Wisest Occupation (Agriculture)“...

- Before the outbreak of war with England, Jefferson was concerned that war would divert our attention from what would bring this country and its citizens the greatest happiness they could enjoy- working the soil with their own blood, sweat, and tears. 
“( do not let a war) divert us from agriculture which is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good morals, and happiness. The wealth acquired by speculation and plunder is fugacious, (fleeing) in its nature, and fills society with the spirit of gambling. The moderate and sure income of husbandry begets permanent improvement, quiet life, and orderly conduct, both public and private. We have no occasion for more commerce than to take off our superfluous produce.” T.J.
     1.. Agriculture is our WISEST PURSUIT as United States citizens
     2.. In the end it will contribute the most to REAL WEALTH     &        
     3. GOOD MORALS   &
     4.  HAPPINESS
-When Jefferson wrote in the Declaration that “All men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among these are LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS- HE KNEW THAT MAN WAS HAPPIEST WHEN WORKING THE SOIL AND IT IS MY CONSTITUIONAL RIGHT TO BE ABLE TO MAKE A LIVING WITH MY OWN TWO HANDS AND NOT BE OVERBURDENED OR OVERTAXED BY THE GOVERNMENT SO THAT I WOULD BE FORCED TO TAKE ANOTHER JOB. It is up to ME to work hard, it is up to the government to see that I have every opportunity to pursue this HAPPINESS
B. Wealth Acquired Through Speculation or Plundering Does Not Last!

 1. Jefferson says above that true happiness is not found by plundering the pockets of others, or through things like the stock market which is speculation. This only leads to a spirit of gambling which in turn brings out the worst parts of mankind- Greed, theft, lying, cheating, immoral actions, even murder. Once you begin to step over that line where you cease to make a living making things or growing things for the betterment of your fellow citizen, and instead base your success on the size of your wallet- you become a self-absorbed greedy person and are a sore or cancer to society.
2. One minute you are up, (I’m talking about the stock market and other speculative ventures), the next minute you are down, and all the while you are not producing anything worth anything to anyone. 

C. Moderate and Sure Income Through Agriculture Fathers:
- Now I know that in today’s society an agriculture income is not sure, people have been forced off of their farms and into office cubicles, but the adverse affects remain the same. Most people today are not permanently improving their lives during their “day jobs”; they are at best saving up money to someday retire. For most people they drive to a building day in and day out just for pieces of paper. A home business in agriculture lets people raise their children without sending them to daycare, making for more reliable and honest citizens. When a man works his own land he is constantly improving it and making it better. When a person is not engulfed in office politics and pleasing people who may be less than honest or good, they become a slave to a company or a man and often have to go against their own moral fiber just so they can be assured
that food will be on the table. This makes for dishonest citizens, for once you cross the line into going against your conscience or better judgment once, it is easier to bend a second time, and so on. The end result is dishonest and self-seeking person who is not fit to call himself a true American because he has the moral backbone of a jellyfish who does not stand up for the weak and innocent but bends into criminals for money or powerful position.

IV. Resorting to Manufacturing as a Necessity, Not a Choice

“ Manufacture must therefore be resorted to of necessity not of choice, to support the surplus of their people.” T.J.

A. “But If Manufacturing is a Necessity- let it not be a prison, but independent also.” - T.J.
1. Yes, we need to have things made, but man should always have the opportunity to run his own life, (under God), and not be forced to work in a city or manufacturing job, but let those jobs also have a man at the helm of his future, NOT ANOTHER MAN!
B.  Man Needs A “Fall Back” To Work His Own Land  

As yet, (before the corruption of American business as it is today, businessmen mostly had their home and business tied together, didn’t have the long commutes of today, and ran their own show), our manufacturers are as much at their ease, as independent and MORAL as our agricultural inhabitants, and they will continue so long as there are vacant lands for them to resort to; because whenever it shall be attempted by the other classes to reduce them to the minimum of subsistence, they will quit their trades and go to laboring the earth.” - T.J.
1. As long as people are independent, (not under the rule and authority of others) and Moral, with the ability to obey God and work toward bettering himself and his family, manufacturing and working in a trade can be fulfilling and great.
2. On the other hand, whenever the “upper classes” (usually those buying his goods) start to push a man down, not pay him what he is worth, and take away is dignity and self-respect by not honoring and appreciating the job he does- Man needs to know that HE DOES NOT HAVE TO WORK FOR THE PLEASURE OF PRIDEFUL OR ARROGANT PEOPLE- this is not God- this is not freedom, but servitude. He needs to know that he can always leave his manufacturing job for the quiet of the country -

V. Equilibrium Between Agriculture, Manufactures, and Commerce:- Essential to Our Independence.
A. Desire for Commerce and Trade is not American, but European
“ Our people have a decided taste for navigation and commerce. They take this from their mother country.” T.J.
                1. Jefferson knew he couldn’t stop Americans from trading and commerce, it was in their blood from Britain. However, he could encourage fair trade, honesty and independence in all things.
  B. “Eat That Which Is Sufficient For Thee
1. “Manufactures, sufficient for our own consumption, of what we raise in raw material, (and no more)” - T.J. 
a. It’s just the gist of this idea that we should understand. We don’t need to be greedy and money hungry, but need to live quiet and peaceful lives working with what God puts before us. If we need to send off to India or somewhere for some sort of tool or cloth for our business, let’s make sure that we are mostly working with what is in our own area.
            2. “Commerce sufficient to carry the surplus of produce of agriculture, beyond our own consumption, to a market for exchanging what we cannot raise, (and no more)
 These are the true limits of manufactures and commerce. To go beyond them is to increase our dependence on foreign nations, and our liability to war.” T.J.
a. I truly believe that God has put before man all he needs for living and that getting things native to other lands is a plus in life, but not a necessity.
b. When we begin to produce things, let us make sure that we send the just the “surplus” of it away to faraway places in exchange for the surplus of what others may have native to their area. We don’t want to end up fighting others for things they may have that we want or vice versa (oil). We don’t want to have to rely on or depend upon the whims of other countries who might or might not take our goods- that is speculation, and not independence.

 VI. Education Is Great - but Must Be Held In Check

During the time of the founding of our country people were in need of “book learning” and education, but the educators began enticing the young people away from a perfectly happy and great life on the farm for the glass dreams of the great amounts money and power that could be had with a job in the city. Jefferson called for education, but for people, (especially the young men), to be EDUCATED AGRICULTURISTS!

A. There Is An Evil In The Enticements of Education
“On the revival of letters, learning became the universal favorite. And with reason, because there was not enough of it existing to manage the affairs of a nation to the best advantage, nor to advance its individuals to the happiness of which they were susceptible, by improvements of their minds, their morals, their health, and in those conveniences which contribute to the comfort and embellishment of life. All efforts of the society, therefore, were directed to the increase of learning, and the inducements of respect, ease, and profit were held up for encouragement. Even the charities of the nation forgot that misery was their object, and spent themselves in founding schools to transfer to science the hardy sons of the plough. To these incitements were added the powerful fascinations of great cities. These circumstances have long since produced an overcharge in the class of competitors for learned occupations, and great distress among the supernumerary candidates; and the more, as their habits of life have disqualified them for re-entering into the laborious class. (They got too big for their britches!) This is an evil that cannot be suddenly, or perhaps entirely cured” - T.J.

1. Jefferson was ALL FOR EDUCATION! - he founded the University of Virginia and stated this as one of his life’s GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENTS! Education begets:                       
a. Improvements to the mind
b. Greater morality
c. Better health
d. Greater Happiness
2. On the OTHER HAND, people began to view education as the only means to a good end  and city living as far superior to farming, which it really is not.
3. Churches and charities forgot that their greatest mission was to the poor and started to focus on education as a means and ends in and of itself, which it is not.
4. With all the opportunities to receive an education there was a surplus of students all vying for the same jobs, (which they were promised as sure things)- Even today we have this problem. Competition is ugly and fierce for the really good high paying jobs that children are taught will be waiting for them with open arms if they “just study really hard” and “do good” on their little spelling tests. This leads to a lot of stress for those who enter the market place on their own while an unfair advantage is given to those who have relatives that are willing to pull a few strings.  
5. Young men leaving a muscle building way of living got too used to the fineries of city living, too comfortable and spoiled. They didn’t want to work hard if they could do far less arduous work and have a fancier lifestyle. Most young men today are pampered and prissy and would balk at the work of18th century agricultural men.   

            B.  Putting Education and Agriculture Together!

1. First, we NEED TO KNOW that the art of agriculture, is just that- an art, a science in order for husbandry given it’s proper place of respect:
- “It, (agriculture), is a science of the very first order- It counts among its handmaids the most respectable of sciences, such as Chemistry, Natural Philosophy, Mechanics, Mathematics, and generally , Natural History, Botany.” - T.J.

2. Jefferson suggests reversing the enticements so that people see working in agriculture as superior to any other job because IT REALLY IS! People need to eat; above all else, people need food and water. After these come clothing then shelter, and after these are all other conveniences. So it stands to reason that the people doing the greatest good by using the time God has given them during the day to work the soil so it produces that which brings us a healthy life should be given the highest place of honor and respect among his fellow citizens. You could spend all your life in school and learn how to be a brain surgeon, but without someone farming the land people wouldn’t live long enough to need a brain operation. Yes, doctors are needed in society, but just because a man read more books does not entitle him to more respect then the man who has gotten up at 4:00 a.m. all his life, sweating all day and breaking his back so the doctor could have meat and vegetables on his plate at dinner. Without the farmer, we would not have rocket scientists or great works of writing or art. Life starts with a seed, whether it’s a beast or a flower or a human being; and someone or something has got to plant them.  
- “The same artificial means which have been used to produce competition in learning, may be equally successful in restoring agriculture to its primary dignity in the eyes of men! It is the first in utility and ought to be FIRST IN RESPECT.” - T.J (This is such a great line!)

3. In places of Higher Learning- Teach, I mean REALLY TEACH all the aspects of the SCIENCE of Agriculture!
A. “ In EVERY College and University, a professorship of agriculture, and the class of its students might be HONORED FIRST...”
- Jefferson thought it was so important he set up a professorship in agriculture at his institution.-
B. “...Young men closing their academical education with this, as the crown of ALL other sciences, fascinated with its solid charms,
-Encourage husbandry as the CROWN, THE ULTIMATE OF ALL THE SCIENCES!
C. “... and at a time when they are to choose an occupation, instead of crowding the other classes, would return to the farms of their fathers, their own, or that of others, and REPLENISH AND INVIGORATE A CALLING now languishing under CONTEMPT and OPPRESSION.
- Those who choose an agricultural life should go to college, and ACTUALLY LEARN SOMETHING WHILE THEY ARE THERE THAT IS TRULY USABLE IN DAY TO DAY LIFE. And after graduating they should return to or go to farms instead of running over each other vying for the best positions.
 D. “... The charitable schools, instead of storing their pupils with a lore which the present state of society does not call for, converted into schools of agriculture, might restore them to that branch qualified to enrich and honor themselves, and to increase the productions of the nation instead of consuming them.” - T.J.
 -Teach a man to fish- Charities and churches who want to educate people should really teach people how our God above had planned for us to make a living.

In summary of all the above statements I leave you with this:

“ ... are we not almost merely agricultural. Should not all laws be made with a view essentially to the poor husbandmen?” - T.J.

The foundation of this country was built on agriculture; the principles of government set up to protect and secure our individual rights to property and to pursue happiness by working on that property. This freedom, the freedom to live and die by the sweat of one’s own brow and not have government, taxes, or a state religion squelch the spirit or take away the profits of an honest, hardworking, Godfearing citizen. Our founding fathers believed in these rights; they are the rights that they agreed to fight and die for. They did not give their lives, or the lives of their sons and fathers for the capitalism as we have it today with men and women in air conditioned offices all day, working for an “it,” a company accountable to no man, woman, or child. They died so you and I could know what real freedom was, so we could experience a self-determining life unshackled from the dreams and aspirations of another man, to pursue the God-given destiny that lay inside each and every one of us. This is America. This is FREEDOM.

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