Friday, October 18, 2013

How to "Honestly" Teach your children about Halloween & Santa Claus!

All American's should have one of these:

This is the real Santa Clause dressed in Red and White

This is the real America:  red,  white, & blue

Godly Teaching Shows God's Blessings in the Form of a Farm

Absolutely not one of these:
Below is 
Halloween:  A Nightmare

This  is the "dishonest" Santa Clause, in a red suit and red sled with reindeer.
            Government (Public) schools gives you an Apartment. Government Housing puts children in the absolutely worst place to learn and grow- this is the government's gift- isolation from fresh air, fresh food, grass, trees. If you need housing help you will most likely be stuck in one of these "projects" for the rest of your life.

Confucius says:             Words      of         Wisdom

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”

     I woke to a nightmare this morning.   A thought:  When communism fell most of their people lived in high rise  apartments.   They were forced off their own land and put in these apartments and had to "get a job",  they had to get an "education".  But not one of them knew how to provide for themselves according to the proverb above.   

People starved. 

They would wait days 

for just one loaf of 


Government (Public) schools gives you an Apartment.

Godly Christian teachings gives you a farm.


People starve when their  fellowman, 

their leaders do not 

teach them how to fish.  

All human beings, children, can say, 

"I have the right to learn 

how to fish." 

Future CEO's of their own Property! They will be fed for a life time.

It is the duty of society to  teach children how to fish.

Elementary training of a child should teach a child how to provide 

for themselves.  It is so easy.

Reading books should be about eggs, bacon, wheat, barley 

rye,  etc., a child's breakfast. Children  need to be able to answer 

Where did it come from? How is it made? Then, they need to be 

shown how to grow it, to be taught- This is how you make this. 

Then children need to start doing it for themselves,  never stop. 

(Childhood should add responsibility upon responsibility as the child grows up. It makes children stronger every day. Like a boy who lifts a calf every day ten times a day eventually he'll be able to lift the whole cow.)
Just like going fishing.

      A child is taught to fish then they fish.  

      This is a good education. This is how we as a society know we 

have taught our children well.   This socializing!


Children graduate when they can run the farm and household without any help from their parents.  Proving themselves worthy, responsible, and mature enough to set out on their own and have the right to get married and have their own farm. 

Did you know during colonial America boys would "graduate" anywhere between 12-14 yrs old and then go on to either University or apprenticeship? Did you know that in order to be excepted into Harvard or Yale, or any college at the time, the average 13 yr old had to be able to speak Latin and read and write Greek and know all the classical writers. Ask a 13 yr old to speak and write Latin and they'll look at you like you are crazy. 

Right now someone else has an agenda and 

they want to break down a child's natural 

defenses, using pornography.  Children 

are being  sexually assaulted by their 

teachers starting in Kindergarten.

 This is Pornography!

I dare you to do a google search: Teacher accused. Then come back and tell me we don't have a problem of epidemic proportions! 

       Can you think of what kind of person would  want to do such a

 thing to  children?  Individuals from the 1 to 3 percent of the population that is sexually attracted to the same sex are committing up to one-third of the sex crimes against children   The Family Research Council Gives Sexual Abuse Statistics
        We hear about it all the time.  Child Molesters expose 

children to pornography to break down their natural defenses.     

     A human being, a child, has the right to be taught and learn 

momorals; and how to provide for themselves  by society. 

Society doesn't have the right to teach children the ways of 

immoral people to accept them!

       So that the American people do not end up in 

bread line, because they were never taught how 

to fish.

                                 THE END                              

PS:  This is your government.

What is important to your 

Government in education? 

It's to teach children the 

most immoral, the most degrading 

sexually perverted material. So our schools and 

government are all run by psychopaths, deviant 


psy·cho·path  (sk-pth)
A person with an antisocial personality disorder, manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior without empathy or remorse.

In January 2008, the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit affirmed that public school teachers in Massachusetts have the constitutional right, not only to instruct their students regarding the alleged normalcy of homosexuality, but to do so without notifying parents (Parker v. Hurley, 2008). Circuit Judges Lynch, Stahl, and Howard ruled in favor of the Lexington, Massachusetts public school system, and upheld an earlier ruling of U.S. District Judge Mark Wolf, who believes “it is reasonable for public schools to attempt to teach understanding and respect for gays and lesbians” (Unruh, 2008), and to do so without teachers needing to consult parents. If first grade teachers in Massachusetts want to read books about Daddy’s Roommate or Jack and Jim to their six- and seven-year-olds, they not only have every legal right to do so, but are even encouraged by the state to promote such materials. According to both the judicial system and the Lexington, Massachusetts school system, if teachers want to read a book about a prince who rejects all of the princesses who wish to marry him, and instead, chooses to marry another prince (shown kissing on the last page of King and King), teachers are free to expose youth to such material. Parents can “quibble” and Christians can object, but such is the way of life in Massachusetts’ public schools. [NOTE: Amazingly, the plaintiffs in Parker v. Hurley were not even challenging the use of “nondiscrimination curriculum” (i.e., books that depict and celebrate homosexual marriages), but simply “the school district’s refusal to provide them [parents—EL] with prior notice and to allow for exemption from such instruction” (Parker v. Hurley, 2008, emp. added). But, since Massachusetts courts believe that reading books about men kissing and marrying men is not a “human sexuality issue” or “indoctrination,” parental notice is said to be unnecessary.]


In May 2009, President Obama appointed Kevin Jennings, “who has advocated promoting homosexuality in schools” (Lott, 2009), as director of the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools (i.e., “safe schools” 

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