Sunday, June 9, 2019

News Commentary The Sovereignty of States Almighty God! Pentecost 2019

President Trump and other news representatives say things like, "returning the country back to the people",  or "take back your country", etc.   What?  How?    No explanation on what they are talking about or how to.    "Power",  "Authority", "right to".  For years we have had "authoritative News, experts"  feeding us a bunch of hog slop,  when you've never had "the good" life you don't know hog slop from good food.
John Quincy Adams > Speech on Independence Day  July 4, 1937
 I hope to help Americans understand what President Trump and others are talking about like Alex Jones!  First. What are we fighting against?  Who's at war with us, who is trying to kill us all!   Now if someone is trying to kill you, you should at least fight back! 

Invasion from over 100 countries. People  riddle with lethal bio-engineered weapons of mass destruction within their bodies Ebola Virus, Typhoid, Measles, TB, along with countless others. Along with sex trafficking, human labor trafficking, drug trafficking from enemies, Satanic evil people attacking Americans!

Link to infectious Diseaese spreading Globally.

   Evil spread around the world by men who made people of God's earth, God's creation slaves by using the printing press, fake wealth fiat paper dollars,  witchcraft, wizardry, (chemistry, science in these cases is Wizardry), illusions, manipulations using "Nothing" but craftiness, cunning Luciferian means of illusion that they could use Alchemy and turn pieces of paper into gold. Men calling on occult practices, Satan to help them.  Demons show them how to massively manipulate, murder extinguish mankind off the earth!

Based example is King Author, Merlin the Magician,  Workshops, training, etc.

Kings like Nebuchadnezzar, calling on their "Wisemen"  (Persians, today's Palestinians, Arabs, etc.), Egyptian Pharaohs, Aztecs,(South Americans Mexicans),  having their High Priests early American Indians all calling on false god's to save them.
Sacrificing, pedophilia, sexual abuse of Children is always a sign of a false religion, a cult. 

Worshiping these gods, bowing before them, even sacrificing their children to them.  New Orleans, Haiti, Africans, have been places of Demonic activity, Witch Doctors Voodoo,.
Look familiar?
 Looks like Europe when it was invaded
 and it looks like
our Southern border being invaded.

Satanic Spiritual Power!
It is real!
All Attacking America, Invading from within and without! 

You have to have God in the news!  Without these spiritual aspects of this war you can't see what you are fighting.  Without a Microscope you can see the germs, bacteria, viruses you are fighting.  If you invent something to combat them without a microscope you can not see if you are killing the infection, germs, virus' bacteria.

Jesus prayed give them eyes to see, ears to hear.  So if you are fighting something you can not see with your natural eyes or hear with your natural ears. You need some supernatural help.  Evil men call on Satan.  Good Men call on God! 


 Today is Pentecost..  What is that?    It is the day in History when God gave men his power, God's Power, God's authority, God's love,  he poured out his Spirit , the "Holy Spirit" of God himself!

    This power is very important if President Trump is going to give back America to the people.  People will succumb to man's pressures and forces without a wall within themselves to protect them from these spiritual unforeseen forces.  President Trump uses economic forces pressures  against people nations.  To make deals.
 He would have no "power" no forces if men were obeying God!  Really!  If each country were united with one voice, one mind to obey God and him only.  President Trump couldn't stand against anyone one reinforced by the "Power" of God's "Holy Spirit". 
  John Quincy Adams > Speech on Independence Day  ,  July 4,1921

1 Corinthians 10:1-4 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)

10 For I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, that our forefathers were all under and protected by the cloud [in which God’s Presence went before them], and every one of them passed safely through the [Red] Sea,
And each one of them [allowed himself also] to be baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea [they were thus brought under obligation to the Law, to Moses, and to the covenant, consecrated and set apart to the service of God];
And all [of them] ate the same spiritual (supernaturally given) food,
And they all drank the same spiritual (supernaturally given) drink. For they drank from a spiritual Rock which followed them [produced by the sole power of God Himself without natural instrumentality], and the Rock was Christ.

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