Thursday, June 13, 2019

Western American Values, Liberty, Constitutional Law Definition Explained

Go to school,
 Go to College,
 Go to work,
 Go, go, go then
Go into a nursing home!  

You were be a worker.
​Living to work for someone else is a kin to slavery.

Men need freedom. Imagine working 40 to 60 hour a week for yourself. What can you do with "Your Land".
Your Great Great Grand Daddy did!
More than 150 years ago, they went truly ballistic with all kinds of barn building expressions. It seems that if specific arrangements of timbers could be theoretically conceived in various building designs, then these ideas would see completion in reality. 
The Pennsylvania Forebay Barn is a two-level, banked structure. The forebay refers to the section of the cantilevered upper floor level at the barn front that extends over the stable wall. Perhaps four to five hundred of these barns exist in west-central New Jersey, with thousands more just across the Delaware River in southeast Pennsylvania where they originated.

Building a barn, building stalls, paddocks, fences, for animals. With your two hands, from scratch to finish. Digging a well, a water tower, etc. Men were created for such work. For 6,000 years of written history. It is very satisfying and fulfilling, work!
Pic. left
It is not the 1700s farmhouse that qualified the Kennedy Martin Stelle Farmstead property for historic preservation. The farmstead’s architectural centerpiece is the eighteenth century English Barn, with two significant surviving features. The hewn common roof rafters with pegged wind braces put this place on the National Register. They held up the roof for three hundred years while the rest of the building deteriorated. There is also the “dropped” or lower level stables at one end, signature to English barns. The refurbished barn is central to the events, barn dances, workshops, and receptions for the Farmstead Arts organization in Basking Ridge.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the foundation of the Declaration of Independence, the Declaration is the foundation of the Constitution.

The Gospel is about repenting from a life of jealousy, greed, anger, strife, stealing, cunning craftiness, manipulating others situations, using violence against others.
Turning to God and Trusting God to provide for you when you obey him.

Nothing written in the foundational documents is for the self-serving, rights of, or survival of government or business. It is all written for the individual only, who has repented and is trusting God. .

The individual rights blessed by God with his own land to provide for himself by growing his own food on his own land. Following God's plan to get married, have children, and teaching his children to love worship God!
"Secure these blessing of Liberty", is

Deuteronomy 28 Blessings for obeying God his Ten Commandments.
To Preach the Gospel, To Proclaim Liberty, To set at Liberty

Deuteronomy 28 Blessings of God! Blessings for Obeying the Law
28 “Now, if you will be careful to obey the Lord your God and follow all his commands that I tell you today, the Lord your God will put you high above all the nations on earth. 2 If you will obey the Lord your God, all these blessings will come to you and be yours: 3 “He will bless you in the city and in the field. 4 He will bless you and give you many children. He will bless your land and give you good crops.

He will bless your animals and let them have many babies. He will bless you with calves and lambs. 5 He will bless your baskets and pans and fill them with food. 6 He will bless you at all times in everything you do. 7 “The Lord will help you defeat your enemies who come to fight against you. Your enemies will come against you one way, but they will run away from you seven different ways! 8 “The Lord will bless you and fill your barns. He will bless everything you do. The Lord your God will bless you in the land that he is giving you. 9 If you follow the Lord your God and obey his commands, he will do what he promised. The Lord will make you his own special people. 10 Then all the people in that land will see that you are called to be the Lord’s people, and they will be afraid of you.
11 “And the Lord will give you many good things. He will give you many children. He will give your cows many calves. He will give you a good harvest in the land that the Lord promised your ancestors to give you. 12 The Lord will open his storehouse where he keeps his rich blessings. He will send rain at the right time for your land. He will bless everything you do. You will have money to lend to many nations. And you will not need to borrow anything from them. 13
The Lord will make you be like the head, not the tail.

You will be on top, not on the bottom.

This will happen if you listen to the commands of the Lord your God that I tell you today. You must carefully obey these commands. 14 You must not turn away from any of the teachings that I give you today. You must not turn away to the right or to the left. You must not follow other gods to serve them.

***Using gold and silver coins.***
Fake printed fiat paper money is slavery, unlimited corruption by all men!
You can not "treat" or put all people on an assembly line. The mass population isn't something you can treat like a product! Then throw out ones that don't pass inspection!

You can not enslave Christians! We have one King, one leader, one God and we will not be enslave to another man, who is equal to us!
Communism says government "people" are better than others. The People are not equal government. The Government rules over the people.

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