Thursday, June 27, 2019


UN poised to outlaw speech that might offend others. Next it's everything that offends others. Biggest voting block in UN 2 billion voices talking about religion.  Talk about religion loudly! Squeaky wheels get oiled! Be Bold! Confess God before others. People are going to have to start talking Religion because the UN and Others Are! No one can keep their religion private and personal and Keep their religion! The Founding Fathers were BOLD About their Christianity, God and Jesus Christ so are the Pirates who rape, rob, murder,  pillage. Christians better start making A lot of NOISE or lose everything, even their lifehead's! That is the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution they are talking about that is so oppressive. Liberty! Both documents, political systems are based on the Bible! Why? Islam is Antithetical to Freedom, Liberty. Mohammed is an Oppressive ruler with oppressive laws. He says I sin, You go ahead a sin and love to sin! Kill anyone who gets in your way! Christianity Liberates people from people like this and we throw them in jail. . A civilize government of people who protect each other from "insane Barbaric hordes","usually following a dictator. Like a locust coming in devouring every thing good and decent full of life, Pirates! All 10 Bill of Rights comes from the teachings of the Bible, Jesus Fulfills the Bibles prophesy of Liberty, freedom from sin, so men can love one another, love God, love their spouses, children etc. Philadelphia the City of Brotherly Love. Sinners are run by their lust, pride, arrogance greed, sin that drives them to harm others, to lie, steal, murder, dominate, and control others as human slaves. It is easy to see this is the result of the followers of this dictator. Jesus Christ wasn't a dictator. He was free from sin. He loves people and has the power of God to forgive sins, then cleanse our minds of this lust and perversion, and he heals our soul and physical bodies.

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