Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Sound Money is the Horizontal Gauge for America

Sound Money? What is that? Perspective. It's in the eyes of the Beholder. "Perspective" must all be the same first. Which means "Sound Minds" first. Like the "horizontal gauge on and airplane" All Americans need the same Horizontal Cage or Like a Compass it always Points North. So many differing opinions due to differing perspectives makes for every evil work, fighting, arguing, division, no peace, confusion chaos. The founding Fathers agreed on a cornerstone in order to bring unity, peace, lay a foundation, birth a Nation. 1st Is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, 2nd the Bible, 3rd the Ten Commandments. Without a cornerstone, a compass, a horizontal gauge, everything is corrupt. Tilted, Wrong. Out of Alignment. What is President Trump's idea of this Cornerstone. We all must agree. For it to be unanimous. ** Christian** can only agree on what God has stated in his word.

For America to be healed, straightened out they need a cornerstone: Jesus told me: a silver dime 99(% silver), equals 3 flour sacks full, 5 to 8 lb old fashion flour sack. 1st. 2nd I heard from God, 3 banks in our town holds or protects all of the people in our towns gold and silver coins . 3rd The silver dimes, is the word tithe, tenth, leads to making bread, leads to breaking bread to "Do this in remembrance that My body was broken for the sins of the world", or "a covenant" with God or "To heal our town and the people in it. Cleanses out all corruption", lastly our transportation is horses. Jesus told me he created this land for horses. Why?
Only God is "RIGHT", straight without corruption. Everyone needs to repent turn to God and do the Right thing! What causes or what is the power, authority, energy behind all of this healing, making things Straight? It is the "Holy Spirit" of God with/in men. That is exactly what happened in "1770's". The Spirit of God moved and a nation was born by the power of the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ "In Truth", Honestly, in Love for God, without sin. Think about it.

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