Wednesday, April 22, 2020

To: Ohio Citizens "Honesty Is the Best Policy"

To: Ohio Citizens "Honesty Is the Best Policy"

***Making*** people lie to themselves, their children? Restart OHIO Honestly Please. It is your right, Duty and Responsibility before God to be Honest leaders, Mothers, Fathers, Grand parents @realDonaldTrump @GovMikeDeWine Will we continue "the Lie"? Will we continue someone else's lie for another 100 years? FDR lied when he said gold coins were illegal. Nixon lied when he took everyone's silver coins away calling them no longer money.
Is it impossible to be good?  
Is it impossible to be honest?
  Is it impossible to raise children based on the truth?
We can choice to re-start Ohio Honestly!
  Gold and Silver coins are the right way. Real Honest Money.

Our Country, Ohio, has been govern by corruption.

Everything is upside down using fiat.

We have stopped everything. Let us start Ohio  without corruption using gold and silver coins. 

Evert Ohio
Washington DC is a cesspool of corruption. We do not have to continue in a Union with them.

A union with corruption makes us corrupt.  We can keep/make a higher standard.
We can be right!
The system that we stopped wasn't based on the Constitution which clearly states only gold and Silver coins can be used as payment, tender.

If you study, you can clearly see anything other than gold and silver coins is corruption.
SLAVERY of the masses.

According to Ohio's 1851 Constitution Slavery, even indentured servitude is against the law.
We can set a good example for our children when "we" as a State, an independent sovereign  country, repent, turn to God, stop being corrupted by fiat monetary system and start being honest.

Ohio and Independent Sovereign State
Self-providing, Self-protecting
All things are Possible with God
What about the children?  Do you really love them? Do you really care about them? Do you want them to be raised has you were in corruption which leads to immorality, which leads to pain, sickness, fear, worry, indebtedness, slavery to evil people who print the corrupt money or the corrupt crypto.

Instead of business or manufacturing which is slavery of the masses; corruption running our lives, bossing us around, making us slaves;
 Make Ohio the only State in the Union that will not be corrupted. Open Ohio has a Farming country, like an Amish country. With "Only gold and silver coins" can be used as tender in Ohio.
Evil will flee Ohio as fast as Rats flee a sinking ship. Let us be Honest people, using honest money having an honest Government.

The choice is clear:
     more slavery, more corruption, more evil, more suffering 
    End suffering, End corruption, End evil, end immorality. Start living honest, free independence Lives. 

                   Flip Ohio right side up.
Imagine how many people could have been saved if the Poseidon  had survived and flipped right-side up and the Water stopped flooding all the compartments?

Ohioans you don't need money, jobs, electricity, color TV's, Radio's, Insurance, etc. You don't need the Prince of the power of the air to liberate you and set you free and continue to repeat and perpetrate the same "lie", "the same lie": over and over again: "Oh we need government to save us from the Evil President Wilson, The Federal Reserve Act, FDR,  and other corrupt men who stole everything from our grandfathers. "

    Right here right now, we can turn to God, humble ourselves before God and ask him to forgive us all! And Heal our minds, our very souls and heal our land. 
 Start telling the "Truth".  Only gold and silver coins are money. No one can tax our land, our labor or anything else we own!  

Jesus Christ died on the cross paid the price for our sins on the cross. Jesus Christ Liberated us, set us free, now we live by every word that comes from God. We are freemen and women. We are not your slaves! 

  We own our land because Jesus gave us our land, our labor our inheritance. They  are all gifts from God for doing the right thing! For telling the Truth. We, in Ohio, were liberate from the Prince of the power of the air by God Almighty's Power The Gospel of Jesus Christ, by the power of God's Spirit in us!  

 Addition: 5-2-20
To: Ohio Citizens "Honesty Is the Best Policy"
Bottom 2 videos on the subject of Gold, you the reader can see the truth. The Truth told out of the "knowledge of God". Those who know the Bible, know the Constitution. You will acknowledge the TRUTH. Truth is only giving to men from God. The next 2 videos sound really great.

THE LIE: One World Gold reserve, each nation has it's own gold reserve. But both are based on FDR's lie that you can steal all the real gold from the billions of people on the earth. There are A 100 million metric tons of Gold
in a Trust fund. A co-op. GESARA, NESARA.
It is Stolen. Of course stolen anything is going to be bad. It has been stolen from Billions of people on earth and Hoarded. Put it in a vault some where and locked away for ever. God did not make gold and silver to be "NOT USED?" It is a mineral human beings need in the daily lives. It is like everything on earth to be scattered everywhere touched by Billions of people. It Makes people sick to live without it in their daily Lives. You are replacing the Truth with lies. Lies tear our souls in two.

No one can believe that gold and silver on earth is robbed and it won't have a Huge Bad effect on LIFE on this planet.
God is going to return it all to Billions of people world wide because it strengthens the human race internally then externally, physically. People have the God given Right to live has healthy as possible. God gave them that right. No one has the right to take it from them.  


There are 2 videos: Michelle and SGT/Benjamin Owen


GOLD Corn Harvested? World Bank GESARA Trust Fund setup by Marcos? Cut CDC, WHO, NIH. 4.19.18

In transition

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