Part 1 w/PG Intro School Godawful Prophet or Fortune Teller Quite Frankly, Juan O'Savin
Part 2 w PG School Godawful Prophet or Fortune Teller Quite Frankly, Juan O'Savin
Part 4 w PG Unshakled Godawful Blood Suckers Prophet or Fortune Teller Quite Frankly, Juan O'Savin
Matthew 12 Poisonous Words Casting out Demons, Clean Words Good Fruit, Healing
This video deals with The war against the "Perfect System" via: Globalist, Occultist wanting to put laws in hearts and minds of the population on the planet using technology; with Demons, psychic abilities, joining humans with Supercomputers, micro chips. The 2 choices are: 1. Being one with God via his Holy Spirit or one with Satan using AI's. 2.
Being Demon possessed. "You'll be poor and love it." You will no longer exist. Your sovereignty as a Human dissolved, Caged within your own Body by something stronger than you."Stronger computer" Exactly like a quad·ri·ple·gic 4 limbs paralyzed. You can walk, talk, move but the "Stronger computer" stronger than youAI with demons will decide what you say, think and do. With no escape. God is the only one stronger. God is the only one stronger.
So The Evil lobotomist your mind so you can not remember God to call upon him to save you. you can not remember God to call upon him to save you. New ERA has Arisen in 2020, An ERA of Freedom, Liberty, Life, Patriotism, Love for God, Family, Land and country. You-tube channel is ***Created By Divine Design*** Masaith3 Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness. Mankind has rights to live free independent lives. To own land, get married and obey God. We The People obey God by farming the land, multiplying and raising children with the knowledge of God our Father, Savior living within us. Making Mankind more than mere animals because their creator lives in them. Our "CREATOR" Speaking, communicating with us all day long. God, Jesus sharing his love, power and authority with us. God's power and authority over ALL the elements of the earth. God in man helping him take good care of the earth.
Trivia: In her early young adult years, Rosemary Kennedy experienced seizures and violent mood swings. In response to these issues, Rosemary's father arranged a prefrontal lobotomy for Rosemary in 1941 when she was 23 years of age. Parent(s): Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. Rose Fitzgerald Born: Rose Marie Kennedy; September 13, 1918
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Wait on the Lord |
Laws of Nature and Nature's God. If you have a pain, if something is wrong your nervous system lets you know it. It was made by God as a calling card or a warning.
A bell going off. Some where I was pushed out of line with God or turned out of my lane into some else's. "Running in a Track a race." Trespassed. Out of God's Kingdom, Into Satan's kingdom of Darkness. People should instinctively turn and see God for his help to fix it make it right. Stop sinning being cleansed of that perversion, brokenness.
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See Jesus Know Him |
That is turning seeing Jesus and allowing him to tell you where the sin is and with The Holy Spirit be healed. All those effected heal.
All Wars are Bankers Wars. "Rothschilds, I don't care who makes the Laws, It is who controls the Money." We are in a Bankers War. Both Blockchain, Both AI, Super Computer Both QFS, Quantum Financial System. Tracking and Tracing Money. To Control everyone, who you know, how you live, where you live, your ever move.
You'll have a choice: but the "demonic pressure> forces" will be there to force you to conform. White Hat Witches, Black Hat Witches
Glorify the Super Computer and Technology.As the Savior. New Technology, bio beds, to heal, new free energy based technology based to replace power companies, Using enhance psychic occult practices Computers are Wizardry
Frank and Juan 1:04:13-1:10:43 "The Call." Satanic, telling the future.
Horcrux creation.gif
The Dark Arts, also known as Dark Magic, referred to any type of magic that was mainly used to cause harm to, exert control over, or even kill the victim.[1][2] Despite being labelled "dark", the Dark Arts were not necessarily "evil".
The Dark Arts encompassed many spells and actions ranging from the powerful Unforgivable Curses,[1] to brewing harmful or poisonous potions[3][4] and breeding Dark creatures,[5] all of which were often illegal or at least heavily discouraged in the Wizarding world. Practitioners were referred to as Dark wizards or witches.[6] The most prominent and powerful of these was Lord Voldemort, who was and was widely considered to the be most evil Dark wizard in all of history.[7][8][9][10] His followers, known as Death Eaters, also heavily practised the Dark Arts.[11][3]
Call in...Yeshua....
The caller is right but it has to be Jesus Christ in you and through you. The working and power of the Holy Spirit.
Fighting Satan can not be done by things! War gamed out by Supercomputers made by Satan himself. NOT God.
God is a spirit, God created man, and the earth by his spoken word and by his infinite wisdom of his Spirit. God, the church, his body, people one with God and his written words he has spoken.
Both Juan and the caller talk about destroying this evil Demonically powered Evil lead by Satan using the Flesh, physical. Under the "Written Word". Which only brings death. "Everything done By the law"
Jesus did make a new covenant that is only activated, Actuated by the love and power of the Holy Spirit and the Word, God's law written in the hearts and minds of the people that has any real power or authority.(Promise of the Old covenant)ac·tu·ate
Those who become as children and remember that spirit, love and laws written on their hearts and in their minds before they could read. Completely lead by God himself. His spirit can destroy Satan's war and Demonically powered weapons. Children knowing Satan's kingdom, power was totally finished. Over thrown by Jesus. "do not fear I have overcome the world". On earth the devil has no rights any more. God reconciled the world, earth unto himself through Jesus death, for all our sins.
Who to look at, who to hear? The Founding Fathers, The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, The Coinage Act of 1792. All anointed inspired by
God defeated Satan in 1776 through 1792..... With Men who had a childhood Faith in God.
The right to Defend yourself isn't limited to the Second Amendment. I woke up the other Day, I believe it was the Lord. I'm not that into self-defense. People in our area have trees all along the roads. They bring out jab requisite to travel, to go shopping or go to the grocery shopping, etc. That action will Start a "Fire". The people have to build a back fire. If I cut all the Trees down on my property and everyone did that world wide.... Oh, and they all happen to accidental take down all the Electrical and Telephone poles Block all travel on the roads that everyone is dependent on. Oops.
Hey it was an accident! We would not run out of trees for months! All it takes is one to shut down travel and daily life for huge sections of town. I've been wanting some horses. Here is my opportunity. Knock out all Modern conveniences! Now I need a wash tub and washboard for the laundry, maybe a ringer, I'll be set.
The smartest children in the world have trouble at school or going to school.
Good Fathers and Mothers bear Good Fruit. Good parents know God has written his laws on the minds and hearts of their children in infancy. Parents supervise their children. They guard that each child's relationship with God with their whole being. No one gets near their child without God's permission. Permission from the Holy Spirit.
Bad parents are like, at the Mexican border. To distract the Border Patrol chasing them down they throw the baby in the river. They know the border Patrol will stop their pursuit of them to save the baby.Those Men and Women who scream about affordable child care, afford health care, jobs, employment, etc. Bear bad fruit are themselves Selfish children. The bad fruit produced by Public School teachers, who teach children who are not the children' They are not being Mothers but evil witches. All they do is suck any life, light and goodness of God's love written laws out of all the children. Instead of nurturing God's love and laws they usually destroy it within the first 6 years of school. out of every child. Big changes happen from 6 grade to 7th grade.
My Mothers heart was broken by the rotten fruit produced by Nuns and Public School teachers. Her children treated her so so badly. It broke her heart a thousand times. Do you think those Nuns, Priest, Public School teachers cared about my Father's and Mother's hearts being broken by the fruit they produced in the hearts and minds of my siblings?
I've seen the broken hearts of Fathers and Mothers. God sees the billions of broken hearts world wide.
The children's hearts are broken too. It is slavery. On the Plantations they separate families to get work out of their physical bodies to get wealthy. Men separated from their wives and children forced to work in their fields with other men, women separated from the children to get domestic jobs done and work in the fields. As soon as they can walk the children are forced into slave labor. That has been the American life without God for last hundred years. Producing bad fruit. Selfish people or worn out people.
I have fought these evil people my entire life.
Picture is: G. Edward Griffin
2 of his books: The Creature From Jekyll Island: A Second Look At The Federal Reserve
PG here, I'm a Mother. Mothers stay home raise their children. Mothers protect their children's soul, the laws of God written in them. Protect their children's relationship with God.
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Hitler, Science, IBM, Immorality PSYCHIC, OCCULT |
Leah and Michelle have been crying their eyes out since they were born.
All children want two FREE Parents. Freed by God to live by the written laws of Almighty God written within their hearts and minds full of God's love and power. Sound mindedness that comes from no fear, full of the wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
Children want Parents without this war which is between the very very clean in heart and mind by the Holy Spirit I have always had. Warring with the very very selfish filthy mindedness of the violent heartless perverted immoral society, family members. We have been surrounded by.
Leah and Michelle have been crying their eyes out every time a friend gets married or has a baby. Desiring their own marriages and children. Then they are crying: seeing demonic forces at work. Fathers forced to abandon their wives and children. Father's unable to protect the Mother and child's relation, the bond between them. Mother's bearing the Fathers children, babies with bliss, then the child ripped from them. All end up heart broken forced to
Forced to put their child in day care or Public, Christian schools with another women to raise their child. Strangers!
Turned into raging violent wild animals, or domestic docile lifeless submissives, cooperatives, intermediators, peace makers, separated from their parents love. Separated from the Love of God their Father.
Forced into the Rio Grand to sink, or swim be kidnaped by Border Patrol trying to save them from the raging rivers of immorality trying to drown all of us.
So many people tried to save me, my brother John. Forcing me to reject Jesus Christ salvation.
Karens...Good doers thinking they have answers apart from our Creator Almighty God. The World does have answers. In the end is tyranny, death by the vilest, evilest criminals for everyone on earth. Georgia Guide Stones.
Starts with WW1, "psychic Abilities" of Satanist, snake oil salesman of Rockefeller, The charisma, demonic draw of Easy Money through the Federal Reserve Banking system. William Gibbs McAdoo Jr.! Head of the Treasury Department and Federal Reserve from it's conception the Diabolical Master Mind of illusion. Black Magic, Using Mathematics to enslave every one.
All Wars are bankers Wars. This war is no exception. .. Satan comes to kill steal and destroy. Spanish Flu Evil brought in DEATH. It hasn't left America since.
Always having a Task Masters evil schemed planned attack on their MINDS! Creatures of Jekyll Isle.
Jesus calls it a yoke of bondage.
Caused by:
Psychic Abilities of the criminally insane or gypsies. Fortune tellers, Crystal Balls, Magic. Pick Pocketers, illusionist.
Hitler started with IBM to enhance psychic abilities using the Computer. The abilities to enslave souls under spells of witchcraft, wizardry, usually by telling the future. With out the aid of God's Holy Spirit.. Demonic, very very Demonic.
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In this realm you have good witches and bad Witches. It is what the Chinese wisdom calls the yin and yang of Wisdom.
Dems. Neo-cons. They need each other to bring in a New ERA of Technology. Rebuild Back Better
With God's Holy Spirit all people are united in their love for God, sworn obedience to the whole Bible. Obedience to Jesus Christ. Life comes from Jesus Christ the very living Word of God. The Love and power of God's Holy Spirit. People hearing the call of God, seeing Jesus. Times Gazette Scott Richardson
Mennonite Scott Richardson, God called him to Be a good steward of the earth. PG, Jesus called me to stay home raise my children, don't use their money, only use gold and silver coins. Satanic forces of Technology got in our way! The A Car Industry murdered Scott Richardson.
The abilities to enslave souls under spells of witchcraft, wizardry, usually by telling the future. The promise of Public School is that after 12 years you will be able to provide for yourself. NOT!PEONS: Powerless, weak, ignorant, in total darkness. The light in them is darkness.
A (figurative) peon (reflecting the former institution of peonage and modern analogs of it) is a person with little authority, often assigned unskilled tasks, or an underling or any person subjected to capricious or unreasonable oversight.
Government employees! All of them. College Educated, CEOs bosses.
Men held in bondage to Satan. Bondage To sin. All world leaders, scientist, their peons, pawns, working for them, They are all the smallest pieces on the chest board. The real movers are the demons control them.
Separated from their parents love and protection since birth, or near to it. With out the Faith in God they were born with. Without the love, life, light, sparkle in the eye they were born with.
A few people have the Faith of a Child coupled with the love of God's Holy Spirit living within them destroying this Satanic principalities and powers over America.
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THE ANOINTING you received as an infant. |
Saints, those who remember the love of God given to them when they were born and God's laws written on their hearts and minds have the power of God over this whole evil plan and schemes of the devil.
Dreams and visions from God are anointed, full of his power to heal. Cause men to be convicted of their crimes. Glorify God's salvation, love, laws written within us. Draw us and each person closer to God. Instead of becoming more violent, more perverted, immoral and aggressive towards others. Men and women and children are held captive by their love of Jesus Christ. Live in Jesus Christ peace in their souls and share that love, power, wisdom, sound mindedness of the Holy Spirit. God shows up. The Holy Spirit of God: Cleanses Minds, People become pure, holy in minds, thoughts, emotions made whole leaving peaceful souls with no fear.
PEOPLE ARE HEALED through the love and power of God repented of any sin. The Love of a child who knows God.
The difference between the fake, counterfeit, anti-Christ charisma "unholy Spirit" and the Real one. The Real Holy Spirit leads to Holiness, purity, gentleness, kindness, empowered to protect those who can not protect themselves, protect Mothers and their children Protect the weak and vulnerable. To heal and restore minds, lives, broken hearts, reunite people to God their Father, and to their relationships: Man and wife, Fathers and Mothers to their children. convict men of their sins. The power of the Holy Spirit to transform a sinner to a Saint by the power to Forgive Sins. Rise up and Walk, open your eyes and see, be healed. In the name and power of Jesus Christ name.
REUNITE ALL PEOPLE TO THEIR Relationship to the land, their great grandparents, to building their own homes with their own two hands. Like their grandparents did. Using only gold and silver coins, Their relationship to horses for transportation for heavy burdens of plowing, moving heavy loads. Digging their own wells. One with God their Father who created it all and provide it for them.
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