Saturday, January 14, 2017

2000's The Awakening!

Since the invention of the internet, there has been this great Awakening!

      Before the internet, we just had to trust the newspapers and Nightly news. There wasn't a way we, the average person, could go to see what really happened around the country or around the world.

   The problem with that system was that a cesspool of evil grew in the dark. The CIA works in the dark, instead of in the light. so it is "evil."    Only evil will grow in the dark.  Things out in the open, where everyone can see them, become clean, light! They took over the media and ran the media in the dark. Lying, deceiving, using mind control and manipulations. The commercials did the same thing. Then the Movie industry started doing ;ikewise. So anyone who has an agenda to use the masses of people in an evil way took over these industries.

Now the government, media, movies, newspaper, magazines are able to deceive, manipulate, and con the rest of the population.  We became their slaves. They exploited us to become very wealthy, while they robbed us of our land, talents, government, education, skills, minds, families, history, our money, etc.

In America, 50 % of the people make less than $40,000 dollars a year. You can not raise a family on that. So 50 % of the people are poor, unable to provide for themselves. The unemployment rate is over 20 %. 40% of millennials live at home.

   We have been robbed!
plural noun: shysters
  1. a person, especially a lawyer, who uses unscrupulous, fraudulent, or deceptive methods in business.

 This is a short little summary of the awakening. What do we do after we have woken up though? Wait on Trump to use his skill at bankruptcy and negotiations?
       We need to do something for ourselves. Individuals could starve waiting on Trump to fix 100 years of society being broken down by bad people.
        Evil men have been ravaging our country selfishly, greedily for over a 100 years, making us dependent on them. 100 years ago, the time of our great, great grandparents, everyone knew how to take care of themselves. Build their own homes, barns, grow their own food, dig their own wells for water, raise their own animals, make their own clothes, etc. and "No one" depended on (paper money is a scam, it's how they robbed us) the shadow government for anything. 
       Good government servants were expected to coin gold and silver currency, not tax people's personal income and property or inheritance.  They were to be honest and keep the peace, uphold our rights to live free, independent lives! Farming!

      God gives us the power to make wealth. With our new independence from these shysters,  we need to regain the knowledge that kept us independent. And bring justice to our past and our parent's past!

     People can tell us the truth of how we were robbed and who is trying to kill us, but only God can empower and "gift" us in talents, skills that come naturally.

  We need the "Truth" that is not defiled by lies. in order to live functioning full, happy, healthy lives.

 Work hard to get the lies out of your head, free from manipulation and being controlled by others.  This is done by spending a whole lot of time alone, being quiet, praying, and waiting on God.

All healthy "Truth" comes from God. For God is the "Truth".  Jesus is the "Truth", the Holy Spirit is the '"Truth", God is love. By the Spirit!

  Your heart should be filled with love. Overflowing with the love of God and filled with his love in you 24/7/365!  Then no one can ever use you, abuse you or lie to you. You'll know a lie before it comes out of the other person's mouth!

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