Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Economist Magazine cover 2017 Clif High Explains

Tarot Cards are Pure Evil
This is a Curse on the World
Economist Magazine is owned mostly by Rothschild.
It is written for and by the globalist.

As Buzz Aldrin Twittered about Antarctica

"We are all in danger" "It is pure evil!"

Buzz is right the magazine and the globalist are pointing us to Antarctica and what they have conspired to do to the population of the world and it is pure evil.

Do not have anything to do
with anything coming out of Antarctica!

A quick review of the cards which are evil!

1.The Tower

     Martin Luther's        95 Thesis
Christianity or God's Kingdom on the earth, God's ownership of the earth. Through God's gift of Salvation of Jesus Christ men are set free from Satan's power over their soul. Men live only by the laws of nature and nature's God. No one is above the laws of God.  Reading the Bible, learning who God is, learning about Jesus Christ as Savior, God's laws, The divinely inspired Word of God!
There is only one True God. The God of the Bible.
It also represents America, our Constitution and Declaration of independence. It represents Freedom!  God has given us "all rights" that no man can take from anyone!
Communist Russian army is the hammer, sickle.

Russia is no longer communist and it is now more of a Christian nation. The other is the Catholic church. I think these are the three main enemies of the elite. The "people" of Russia, The "people" of the Catholic church who stand against abortion, The Protestant "People" around the world.  Because with God they see and know the "Truth" are not easily lead astray to follow the elites.

This year is the 500th anniversary of the Reformation that was started by Martin Luther!  Man's freedom from Tyranny, Slavery, individual rights: to Life, Freedom, Happiness!

                    The War is between God and Satan wanting to become god of the world!   The war is not "man to man" but the devil is using mere human beings to fight against Almighty God.

Satan's plan, the globalist plan is always the same, divide and conquer! Steal the earth, steal God's kingdom from God, Destroy the earth, kill all human beings, all life on the planet. Think:"spraying the sky with aluminium, killing anything living or that has "life" in it!"

2. Judgement sideways to the "right", confusion for the left

     Speaks for itself. Whoever is
president in America sits a  a Tyrant over the entire world as JUDGE. Instead of God.  Only God can judge. Evil men threw the Bible and God's laws out. Making themselves god. Making decisions that affect the entire world and people think that when they suffer or bad things happen to them that God is judging them, when he isn't.   

Look to the middle right of the Magazine   "Trump Planet!"

Now the Devil sits as judge over the world, instead of God and his laws.  Trump will not be putting the Divinely inspired Word of God in high Places over the Court's,over The Judicial Branch of our government!  He will not place God's Word over the executive branch, the Military Branch or the Senate and Congress.

     The awakening in 2017 is a revival, bringing men back to God, The Bible, and Jesus Christ our Lord!
     The Declaration of  Independence and the Constitution are all in recognition of : God as Supreme being, The gospel of Jesus Christ, Jesus is our Savior and the Bible as the inspired Word of God.
These scared documents, ordained before and unto God are written from the teachings in the Bible. The Declaration of Independence is the Gospel of Jesus Christ!       Freedom!  Liberty!  Life!  Happiness!  All are free gifts from God.  America's true Government!
3.The World

Representing Satan as ruler of the World through the globalist and their New World Order.  Building 1: The Federal Reserve, (the paper dollars, currencies). Building 2: The Governments of the world 3:The pyramid is Satan, hypocrisy, technology etc... This card represents the Devil controlling everyone's minds instead of God saving mankind's souls through Jesus Christ's death on the Cross then living free by the laws of God: The Ten Commandments.  Actors, movies, ads, governments, television, News reports, paper dollars, businesses, taxes,are all keeping men in bondage to Satan and his lies. The world sits under bondage to the Devil who is the great deceiver.
Reveals the Future
4. The Hermit
        He is also the wise sage, the false prophet telling the signs of the heavens, reading and telling the future through technology!
     After watching a few small clips you'll see that Clif High is one of these hermits, or false prophets that the devil is using.

Lets look at the picture. This is what is actually happening today. Trump is leading a divided American people through the valley of decision opening the eyes of the masses to say "Stop" and "No".

Two words of "Rebellion."

Rebellion to what! TTIP, EU, TIP  but it's in the dark!

It is the work of the night or darkness!

God is light.  God's word is light! Every human must base decisions on the Light of God's love. 

5.  Death
     This card represents what will happen if Satan has his way or if the New World Order has it's way, without intervention from God. Trump is leading the people into the next card which is the valley of the shadow of death, War.. Japan being the Sun, or light. Technology again!


A global drought, dessert, destruction. No life. With the locust representing flying machines. Maybe a new technology that we call flying saucers? Which always leads to "bombers, airplanes"! War!         Satan starts all Wars!  Not God, not religion! Satanists, Satan's children, hypocrites, liars, deceivers all claiming to be god, know god or just think they are gods: the demi-god culture.
6.  The Magicianthe Sorcerer using technology,  factories,  new technologies.

Infinitely wise. The little figure 8 with a halo surrounding him. 
Trmp will bring in new technologies, new factories, he will be a "magi" a savior!  A wise ruler. 

It will seem like "Magic"!  Everyone wants to know "How does he do his tricks?

It's easy. have no problem enslaving the masses into cubicles and factories!

Trump thinks it's his  job as President to feed, clothe, house and look after the well being of everyone.

Remember              "Trump planet"

                           It's a job only God can do!
According to the sacred documents, Each State's own Constitution is it's government's job to protect the right of the people to live free, independent lives. 
Men are to own a piece of the earth, raise animals, raise a family, grow crops, build homes, their barns with their strong arms and their own two hands and dig their own wells. Everything according to the Bible!

Life, Freedom, independence, Happiness

Sunshine, healthy living, working with family!
Deuteronomy 28: God blesses a man with land, a farm of his own!  To secure these blessings men enter into governments!

The Globalists, Nationalists, Socailists, communists, and renaissance men think: 
               "Hey! I have a great idea!
Let's take everyone off the farm and put them into captivity, into man made buildings. Let's enslave all the people!  Americans  will produce sooooo much more in our factories, our man made businesses, than independent farmers being individuals!" 
                                            And we'll get rich!

7. Wheel of Fortune
    The economist magazine doesn't know the future here!? These government's elections are up in the air: France, Germany, and the Netherlands. But they are pretty sure Merkel is out!

Satan and the globalists believe this: these elections could destroy the European union. To the people it looks like they see the light but the moon, which is darkness/ "Satan's deception", is their light. Germany will continuously be in a storm because there is a stronghold of Islam there.  This is what the elite are thinking.

               God is actually opening people's eyes to the "Truth". God is turning the hearts of the people, all around the world, to himself. To Jesus Christ their Savior, to Martin Luther, to the Reformation. To the divinely inspired word of God!

                                 God is Almighty! All Powerful!                     

8. Star, left leaning, turned sideways, confusion for the right

  This card was placed here to bring confusion.  There is a comet you can see in January/February of this year. There is Comet Pizzagate. (Research the Pizzagate scandal) There will be a super eclipse over America in August.
Putin says all the elites propagate pedophilia. Maybe Satan and the elites are hoping  there will be more people following California and legalizing peodophilia.  Maybe Satan and the elites are going to sacrifice Washington DC's pedophilia sex trafficking criminal organization by allowing them to be put on trial for their crimes. But it will be done by evil people instead of the righteous, letting them off easy. It could mean a "No Money, (Star Trek did away with money), The universe going for the stars, NASA" type mentality?
     It would be nice to magnify these faces to see if anyone can recognize who these children are. It could be who Satan plans to put into the public as faces to lead the people astray?


       God talks to human beings using the sun, the moon, the seasons, and the stars.  We know God has shown us 4 blood moons on specific dates, as well as eclipses of the moon and the sun. We have also seen the star of Bethlehem, The Kings star, or Jesus star on the 4th of July last year and one other time recently.

We know God is going to eclipse America this year in August going West to East.  The years 2016, 2017 and 2018 are years of God's Jubilee: God is moving in America to bring about the end of debt, restoration of the people back to their farms, back to their great great Grandparent's land and how they did things.
Jubilee     https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/jubilee-

             No one can begin to explain Satan and the globalist's delight and excitement for what they have planned this year. So we are going to share this video of an interview with Clif High. Much of this is absurd and false but he explains the globalist's Agenda 21 very well. As well as Antarctica, new technology, the end of America, The end of all religion especially Christianity and the Jewish religion.  The excitement of a new "historic 70 books refuting the bible", that is falsely telling people what Jesus really was trying to do. According to Clif High Jesus was trying to get people to go back to "the annunaki god- the reptilian gods", that are aliens from outer space . (Crazy alert!)That is where we really come from according to Clif High. (More crazy but stay with me...)                 Alert, Alert: Clif Hgh, Web Bot Report 2008 vs 2017-2018

Back to The Hermit, a Wise Sage.  Clif High claims to be a Hermit and a wise sage and a person able to look into the future and predict the future with his computer program.

According to the Word of God he is a "False Prophet". A person teaching false religions, false interpretations, having false visions, false futures.

Clif High does tell the Truth sometimes.  Gold and silver coins are the only real money. 
Trump can not save the country by pumping paper currency/ money into the system to create jobs.

Clif tells us what the elite are going to try to do with their "words".  He tells us what their plan is.
500 year anniversary
(The Bible says evil men think they can prevail against God using their words.)

        All of the following is not God's plan, God has a different plan.
On the above video go to these time markers:
6:13   The elite are going to try to start a gold rush. Not because the people need gold but the"Elite" are going to need a lot of gold. They will try to use the people to  go get the gold for them. Then steal it from the people.
7:46 Elites plan
8:10 Innovation also technology from China. 5 billion people joining the internet is China
9:00  Renaissance, innovation, technology, China. Industry, jobs,  A Star Trek global mentality, Federation: No Money, space alien ideology. 
through 10:02 stop
Start Again 11:34 
    The elite do not expect Trump to change anything. He is just leading a childish rebellion but the system the elitist have build through Rothschild, Rockefeller, Ford, Morgan, etc. since early 1900's stays in place. 
13:24 stop
Start Again 14:20
Because their money is going to collapse some of the elites will be judged. People in government who are child sex slave traffickers, pedophiles, murderers.
(Judgement Card)
    Always remember this is how the elite see their future.
15:03 Stop
15:50 chem trails  through 17:00  Death Card
17:58-18:18  New Ageism, Eastern Religion the Age of Aquarius, Collective Consciousness,
Awakening, Evolution of Man Kind.  For the new age to start everything needs to be destroyed. A new start.
19:50   Anti-Christ Starts
    Clif High attacks God, the Bible, Darwin. Talks about "Satan's Hidden" wisdom, knowledge.
                      Starts a new religion  "Aliens, innovation, technology
    Tower Card    Destroy all religions, destroy Christianity, Attacks "One God" Monotheistic
Judaism and Christianity are two of the oldest monotheistic religions in the world. God in Judaism is strictly monotheistic, an absolute one, indivisible, and incomparable being who is the ultimate cause of all existence. ... Rather, God is a unity unlike any other possible unity. 
       One God is not a valid belief.
 22:25  Clif builds up Antarctica, innovation China, 5 billion people means the Chinese 
      The elite are trying to get people to belief in their aliens from Antarctica. 
(If they successfully bring forth their "aliens"  they won't be real aliens but genetically engineered test tube hybrid people, only called "aliens", or they are Demons.) 
Clif talks about Ancient Civilizations to introduce these strange aliens.
If the elite are going there it is Evil!
24:28  Stop

start at 25:30
   Clif will shut down anything that is the truth from now on like Buzz Aldrin saying; What's going on in Antarctica is "It's pure Evil!"
Listen to Clif: Antarctica means aliens, innovation, technology means Chinese world government, technocracy, communism.   World dictatorship, tyranny
The Bible says wisdom God's word is more precious than gold or silver. 
The Elitist are saying their "Alien Technology", is precious as gold or silver.

Elites plan:    
27:43   Antarctica is very Evil!
Antarctica joining Innovation/communist China
China/Antarctica is connected to globalism, world wide: wealth, a boom, new technology, solve energy problems. China forces people to go to Antarctica

at 29:45 Clif High says it is "very Cool!"  Buzz Aldrin says it very evil. Clif loves this evil.
Think he is talking about Space, Aliens, the Far Realm out of dungeons and dragons.

Far Realm - Wikipedia


In the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, the Far Realm is an alien dimension of cosmic horror. It is the home plane for many aberrations and strange ...

Hopeful: which is True!
31:44 stop
Author's Note:
 The elite in the economist magazine plan to destroy Christianity this year. To do that they would have to destroy every Christian because God has written his word on our hearts and in our minds. So the elite plan to kill all Jews and Christians.
   Martin Luther's 95 thesis was a list of how the church was not obeying scripture and he addressed all their errors.  Once someone is a Christian they can only live by the Word of God as God has freed them from sin and given them the power of the Holy Spirit not to sin. God also has written his laws his words in our hearts and minds.  We can only live by every Word of God.
   The Reformation declared: Men should love, obey, and worship God alone. There is only one God. There is no law above the Law of God, the Word of God. The Bible is divinely inspired "Word" of God, from God.  It is 66 books all written by men as God fell upon them and they wrote what God told them to write. So if anyone wants to know God's plan or will you can find out in the Bible.  No one can be your boss. No one can force you into servitude to obey them. Men must only obey God.

Card one: The Tower
                Annihilate all Christians; Americans, Russians, Europeans, South Americans, Canadians, etc.  who follow Martin Luther's 95 Thesis.

Some people say Obama's name means "Lighting" so these people think this is Obama's job.  Using Islamic Terrorists, Martial Law, FEMA camps, Sharia Law, etc.

God has different plans!

Start at 34:02
Buzz Aldrin quote Clif high Shuts it down quick!
"We are all in danger, it is Evil itself!"
(paraphrase)"No! No! No!" says Cliff.  "Calm down" "Peace", "I'm your wise Sage having all knowledge!"
Stop 34:44
Start at 36:53 
Aliens brought life to earth. 
Stop 37:39
Start 38:00
Clif goes on to say Jews were never slaves in Egypt. The Bibles is all lies!

In this part  Clif, with a forked tongue, speaks of "the evil Buzz tweeted that we are all in danger of": Destruction of all religions!       


Clif introduces Huge FAKE NEWS!  Rewritting history!  a new bible, a new history of the Jewish people 70 books.

41:30  Clif High  said "Jesus god was a space Alien"!

42:48  Religion is going to die!

Stop watch start

  People around the world and God's says we are in the middle of a awakening, "a revival" turning back to Christianity, around the entire earth! 

Death , also of the dollar
Death Card, Magician Card Listen to the rest.


Stop 43:51
The rest is some truth, Pharma is killing us using all kinds of chemical tricks including vaccines. Growing your own food, doing things the Old Fashion way is the right way to live to get the proper nutrients, etc.

More Antartica, other dimensions, human DNA in Hot Dogs, Cannibalism is turning some humans into Zombies, the word fanatic comes from "religion", 

56:45 Star Card pedophiles in power elite, 
Flying saucers, UFO's, Aliens, high taxes, heath care insurance rip off,
space aliens, 

March death of religion, pedophile rings being destroyed will do a number on the Catholic church, on the Tower card
January through February, change everyday into March, easy to predict with Trump as president.

Nuclear power plant failure, radio active problems, minerals block radiation, grow your own food, ice age, food shortages, food cost increasing too much. Russia fed half the world off small organic farms before 1917, oil is going to stop.

The End!

Clif High seems like a really nice guy, I know. To hear more personal stuff from Clif himself check out this video.  . After listening to this video, learning about the Economist Magazine cover then I heard the video Alert, Alert: Clif Hgh, Web Bot Report 2008 vs 2017-2018   I realized Clif is the Hermit.

I put out a warning and told Clif himself.

Be careful of Cliff High. His Father actually worked for President Lyndon B. Johnson. He just said that religion is going to die in his life time and that is also in the economist magazine, (owned by the Rothschilds). Clif also has a brand new bible, and a new god for Jesus! I saw it on this. 

I left Clif this comment.
I listen to you whenever possible. Not any more now, sorry! It seems to me you are the Hermit in the economist magazine and they want to use you to destroy religion!? Which is the first card, along with anonymous. And bring the world into their occult of eastern religions and aliens!? You instill fear then introduce people to your beliefs. Years ago David Icke talked about that in Agenda 21. It is a part of the globalist agenda, a part of the new Pope and Catholic Jesuit churches next teaching that we are all from reptilian aliens! I think you are being used maybe willingly. It looks like you are still carrying on your Fathers role in globalist agenda.


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