Sunday, January 8, 2017

Government is Religious Series Message 2 "Get religion!"

Word spelled incorrect. The Bridge is beautiful.
Scared isn't a good excuse!
Ohio First!

The up coming months are going to be very, very, very scary! Earth quakes and Volcanos are going to almost destroy California and the areas of the ring of Fire! By the end of 2017 America will appear to be back in the Stone Ages.

Donald Trump will be the President handling the bankruptcy of America. Shocking things are coming. Food distribution will stop,
Banks will stop, credit cards will stop, etc.

Ohio, we are a country, a State, and we have to do what countries do: help Ohioans First. Ohio First
We may have to close our borders.
(Most recent expert on economy to date)

(No opinion about Nibiru or planet X.) This is the most collected info about Volcanos and Earthquakes happening to this date. The earth is just stretching, going into a small ice age. Natural for a planet. Government isn't going to tell you the Truth. They are "bad, corrupt". They tell you the opposite of the Truth. So if they say it's white, it's actually black.

We need to know what is the "right" way when "the wrong way" we were raised and taught to feel safe in, is falling apart and being destroyed all around us!

Truth: Gold and Sliver coins are real money. Paper dollars, quarters and dimes without silver are not money.
1.) A dollar is a solid silver coin. 10 dollars equals 1 Eagle, which is solid gold.
2.) Education is religious. To past the test , get a good grade or to have a "good" education you need to know, feel, understand and be set free by God's powerful love so you can be thankful to
"AlMighty" God for your freedom, in Ohio

3.) Grow and raise our own food, independent of grocery stores
4.) Start doing everything for ourselves. Build our own homes, collect our own water, chop firewood to heat our homes, etc. Help our neighbors.
5.) Go to church on Sunday!

Isaiah 58 Ministries January 8th, 2017

Pastor "Faith"

Scriptures: references listed

If you live in Ohio and are a Christian then you absolutely love our constitution. Throughout the Text it talks about Almighty God. Did you know that education in Ohio is not mandated but encouraged. Also, it isn't just encouraged as just a lot of information, so called education.

All Education must be religious and teach morals!

God taught me that our Ohio law expressing freedom of religion envelopes education. You can not separate religious freedom and education. Education is an exercise of parents freedom of religion. Education is religious!

Constitution of the State of Ohio

We, the people of the State of Ohio, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, to secure its blessings and promote our common welfare, do establish this Constitution.
Article 1
Section 7. All men have a natural and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own conscience. .......................... Religion, morality and knowledge, however, being essential to good government, it shall be the duty of the General Assembly to pass suitable laws, to protect every religious denomination in the peaceable enjoyment of its own mode of public worship, and to encourage schools, and the means of instruction.

Ohio only has the right, but duty and responsibility, to "only approve laws" for education that is religious in context! Why? It is necessary, essential for "good" government. Without religious and moral education, like in the public schools, you have "a bad" or corrupt government.

To simplify this rule I'll paraphrase Ohio's religious freedom law.

"Every child in Ohio as the right, duty and responsibility to grow up learning about God's love, knowing God's love, the power of God's love and what God's love means, because our freedom comes from and out of God's powerful love. If you live in Ohio you are expected by your fellow citizens to "know" personally God's love and personally know what that means!"

You can not work, own land, get married, etc. experience any freedom in Ohio unless you know this. Why? Because Religion and morality are "essential"! You are considered a criminal that would corrupt Ohio and it's government if you have no religion and no morals. Knowledge without knowing all freedom comes from God will be used in exercises of corruption. "

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