Sunday, January 22, 2017

spirit of Americana is rising... the message in the speech is Americanism verse Globalism
The people are awake
This revolution is about YOU!!!
Washington envisioned this in his inaugural address
It's why they teach you in school how horrible manifest destiny is
This Republic will defeat the world gov, eugenics
Put America first...nothing wrong with any other country putting themselves first
We're going to put God first
Righteousness exalts a nation
Seek God First
Starting over
quick turn around
invoke Divine Providence
you can feel it
it's about who you pursue
Turn your eyes to Christ
The spirit is US
All over the world people are trying to get out from under the globalists
Creation moans and groans...people are waiting for America to take it's stand again
All this racism
We put God first!!! One of the few times I've heard Christ spoken by politicians in D.C.
The evil that was about to unfold under Hillary was insane
human rights in muslim countries
God is the installer and remover of kings
americans need to wake up- Muslims have divided the world into two parts... two houses,

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