Saturday, March 9, 2019

ALERT! ALERT! Justice With Judge Jeanine 3/9/19 [FULL] | Fox Breaking News March 9, 2019

 ALERT!!!  MEMORIZE! Preface.  [I don't like judges.  A lot of times innocent people are punished while the guilty go free because judges rule by the "letter of the law" which brings death instead of the "spirit of the law" which brings true justice, healing and restoration, fixes the of wrong done. God is just convicts the guilty and restores heals. Judges should manifest the love and nature of God himself.]  ALERT! Judge;   7:40,  8:12 - 8:17  Koran........  Islamic Doctrine, Sharia indicative to sharia law which in itself is ***ANTITHETICAL TO THE US CONSTITUTION***,  ALERT!    20:50,  21:37-21:54  Sara Carter  Muslim Supremacy, she thinks she is better than everyone else, ALERT! Judge  22:04-22:13  She got the Democrats to write a law that is Sharia Compliant which is antithetical to the US Constitution making Hate speech of Islam illegal. You can not hate Islam. an·ti·thet·i·cal
directly opposed or contrasted; mutually incompatible.
"people whose religious beliefs are antithetical to mine"
synonyms: (directly) opposed to, contrary to, contradictory to, conflicting with, incompatible with, irreconcilable with, inconsistent with, at variance with, at odds with, contrasting with, different from/to, differing from, divergent from, unlike; More
connected with, containing, or using the rhetorical device of antithesis.
an introduction to a book, typically stating its subject, scope, or aims.
synonyms: introduction, foreword, preamble, prologue, prelude, preliminary/prefatory/opening remarks; More
provide (a book) with a preface.
"the book is prefaced by a quotation from William Faulkner"
synonyms: precede, introduce, prefix, begin, open, start, launch, lead up to, lead into;
serving as a sign or indication of something.
"having recurrent dreams is not necessarily indicative of any psychological problem"
synonyms: symptomatic, expressive, suggestive, evocative, typical, characteristic, representative, symbolic, emblematic; archaicindicatory
"the President's visit was indicative of improving diplomatic relations"
denoting a mood of verbs expressing simple statement of a fact.

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