Tuesday, March 12, 2019

I Call A Foul Play!

Why should I pay property taxes and pay for severe, serious life threaten child abuse?  I will obey God, I will love God and dedicate my life to obeying Jesus Christ, the laws of God, Which are written in the Bible also in The Ohio State Constitution and United States Constitution.
     Starting with the German reformer Martin Luther, men started to read the Bible and obey God not the teachings of the Catholic Church. Starting at infancy they taught their children to read so they could read the Bible for themselves and know God's will. Men threw off governments after reading and studying the Bible. Men stood tall on the side of right and announced All men rights that come from God. 

   Not the arbitrary rights men just "MAKE UP"! Just like the Pope and Kings modern day globalist, elitist who are government enforcers do the same thing! Men lie and say your must obey them because God say so, (it's the right thing to do! It's the LAW!) 
                  *****I Call A Foul Play***** 
I don't have to pay taxes until I know every child is taught to read so they can read the Bible, study the Bible their entire childhood! That is right of every person before and from God! 

The Constitution was written by men who read the Bible from 3 years old. Everything they studied at home from their parents who educated them and from Pastors who taught children from young ages Greek, Latin, Hebrew, from the Bible, and every study included references to God. You can not even work in the government or educate ***American *** children unless you were raised this way. It's the child's right to learn from someone who knows what the child's rights are.

The Founding Fathers ALL, ALL, ALL agreed that using the Bibles as a tool in education is the best education for every child. It's my Constitutional right not to pay for dumbing children down and lying to them about everything!!

[Just look at the Pirates what they teach their children, everything in opposition to the Constitution! Rape, women have no rights, Cut off the head off people who aren't of your faith, terror attacks, acid attacks, kill their dogs, invade other's countries, steal their countries, Hate Jews with everything in you, force those whom you subdue to live by ****a fallen angels sociopaths visions/rules, pedophilia, barbarism.] 

***Education matters!*** for good laws, good people good morals, for good government, for equality, liberty, life, happiness but most importantly Justice!

Introduction.  jc I refuse to pay property taxes for children to be HARMED! Forced at gun point, a law or the sheriff, or by their parents, to become stupid, dumb, ignorant of their rights that come from God. It's their right to know the Truth!! I have no right, you have no right to pay for Any Government Schooling!! You and I have the opposite right, duty, responsibility to protect every child's mind, their soul and Tell the absolute Truth, Like gold and silver coins can only be used as money. I don't have to pay taxes until I know every child is taught to read so they can read the Bible, study the Bible their entire childhood! To know what their rights are that come from God. That is right of every person before and from God! I will stand with others lawyers, judges, sheriffs and punish those who abuse children through dumbing them down using public education, on Purpose to damage their minds.

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