Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Executive Order 1, The People's Movements Executive Order, Q

The People's Movement Executive Order

Public School is: 13 years of Satanic Ritualistic abuse, hypnotizing, and filling United States citizens with lies! Satanic power against the people to enslave and experimenting on with our lives and torturing our minds with these lies, is punishable by death! It takes the power of God's love and the Truth that comes from the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ, God's chosen "King", to set us free!

Those who lie about paper currency,
have no constitutional power, no constitutional authority
are trying to enslave America using sorcery, the devil Satan's lies,
They are at War with the People!
Executive Order # 1                                                                                January 20, 2017

                 Honesty In Government and The People

All government employees, all who collect any kind of payment from the American people, officials, CIA, FBI, from President to temporary employee, to anyone who receives a government grant, welfare check, a military payment, payment for goods and services provided. foreign aid, any kind of contract, etc.
                                               must be honest with the American People!
You work for the People of the United States of America, you are on our payroll!
For the Judicial, Executive, and Legislative Branches
            The rest must be shut down if they have no right  to exist under the Constitution: Department of Education, EPA, CIA, Housing and Development, etc.
no one has the right to a  Bureau"cracy" form of Government: A government run by "Bureaus" The Bureaus, Departments, and Agencies must be eliminated.  Every State has the guaranteed God given Constitutional Right to a "Republic" Form of government.
They are the Executive, (President and about 5,000,000 workers) Legislative (Senate and House of Representatives) and Judicial (Supreme Court and lower Courts). The President of the United States administers the Executive Branch of our government. He enforces the laws that the Legislative Branch (Congress) makes

                                           Section I

1.    No one can lie, falsely accuse someone else or an organization, manipulate,  spread rumors, lies, propaganda, purposefully and intentionally while working for, or receiving payment from the People of the United States of America.  
2. No politician or public official can purposefully with the intent to deceive the people to get elected, to get votes with no intention to keep promises. No politician or public official can promise payment or benefits of any kind to the people, which amounts to bribing the people.
  Example Social Security, Welfare, grants, Planned Parenthood, Military, government employee raises, special compensation, special "favors", like forcing the Supreme Court to make gay marriage legal, or promises businesses or individual "contracts or special attention. It has been proven that Obama made promises about Obama Care and had no intention of keeping those promises. He usurp, stole, the power of the people by lying to them!
3.No politician, can pass legislation, executive orders, or make legal statues through the judicial branch that would put the American people in a state of indentured servitude, or slavery. Example the Federal Reserve was designed to enslave the American people...to steal our farms, our gold and silver, our right to self-government and our freedoms to self determination of our own lives/ happiness. 
      Example EPA, CIA, Too much Debt, Borrowing paper money, deals with other nations, deals with businesses, using the American people as "collateral".  American People will and never can be held in ransom as an "asset", a "human resources" to another person or group of people or non-human entities, etc.
4.Immediately: All books, loans, papers that state "People", human beings as "assets , "human resources", notating slavery or the state of being owned must be removed from all government documents any where in the world.
     The American people Are Free. Our Freedom does not come from men but From Almighty God!
4. Government can not tax any personal possession, Includes, land, gold and silver coins, inheritance, capital gains, etc.
Government can only coin gold and silver coins. Government can only tax gold and silver coins.
      Penalty for refusing to do so is death! For attempting to enslave the American people. We the People consider those acting outside this law as at War with We the American people. Every Citizen has the right to defend themselves, with lethal weapons against these tyrants and those they hire. In accordance with the Constitution and in obedience to  the Congressional Coinage act of 1792. 
The Coinage Act or the Mint Act, passed by the United States Congress on April 2,1792, created the United States dollar as the country's standard unit of money, established the United States Mint, and regulated the coinage of the United States.

5. Every American Citizen has the right to inexpensively purchase land for the use of farming, building their home, barns other necessary buildings, grow their own food, raise their own animals, raise their own children, without government interference or regulations. etc.  Government can only interfere to deny these personal rights to privacy, and living quiet peaceful lives as freemen if the person has broken one of the Ten Commandments. As the Amish live.
Section II
     Detailing of honesty. 
1. No bias, No leaving out important information of any kind.
   Example all speech, documentation, debates must carry warnings like a prescription drug is labeled with side affects.  
2. All branches of government, at all times when publicly speaking must state the opinion, the opinion of their opposition and the pros and cons of both positions.
a. to Establish they have a comprehension understanding of their subject topic and are competent to officially speak on the subject at hand.  To eliminate ignorance, puppet incompancy and unprofessional unqualified people in government.  
3. No speaking, writing, acting, passing legislation purposefully and willfully leaving out information for the intent to deceive the American People.  These willful acts are considered an act of War by the American People used against the people to usurp, over throw, over turn the rightful power and authority in the participation of running their own government.  All consent of the people and political power rests with the People. Government employees are servants, employees, workers for the People not the other way around!
4.All people must show where their "rights" come from Out of the Constitution, Graced by the Declaration of Independence, must be a "natural" right and accordance with Almighty God. (Nature and the God of Nature)    Cars, telephones, internet, birthcontrol, man made items out of factories, etc. are not "Natural" to the state of mankind. They are not necessary for life. A home, a barn, a horse, a well, a pond, etc are in accordance with nature and are "accordance with the natural state of man.    
5. If government officials with letters from the public, with embassies all around the world in, in every state: fail to warn the people of any danger to themselves, their neighbors and people around the world We the People will consider it an Act of War!
 Punishable by death.  
Example: A Meteorite, a Volcano, natural disasters, etc. Dangers of chemicals, Gmo's, Fluoride, Chem Trails, Vaccines, purposeful and intentional dumbing down of the American people, lying about history and other topics to brain wash The American People into government servitude for "Life" , the emotional problems, addiction problems caused by such oppression and the mental and emotional problems of  women who have had abortions, and their deaths, deaths of heroin, etc. 
                 Section III
The public responsibilities to be honest.
   People can not make good decisions unless they have the truth, the whole truth. Anyone speaking  to a group of people must be held to a higher standard for public safety!
  1.  All news media must report all sides of an issue, without bias. Stating all sides of all issues stating the pros and cons of both sides.  News media are allowed commentaries in their editorial section to state personal opinions or disagreements.  All issues are life and death and the American People have the right to hear the whole truth on any subject without manipulation or "force" of impressions on their minds to be coerced one way or another. Force or suggestibility, children are impressionable and are watching, endangers all Americans. Every America must be free from any pressures to make a "Freewill" decision not based on "fear" from those who disagree, etc. 
   To force one view over another in a strong manner as to coerce, force someone, as n brainwashing, switching their minds to believe lies by telling lies over and over, etc. Is considered an act  of aggression, violence, War against the People of the United States of America. Example cussing, swear words are acts of violence, aggression, "power", over or against another human being. No one has the right to hurt another human being.
    If the media fails to warn the people of corruption, dangers like GMO's, Fluoride, chem trails, etc
   It is punishable by death or life time in prison when it is willfully and intentionally done. 
2.Because the media, all media, movies, radio, newspaper, books, magazines, music, can be used as a brainwashing, propagandizing, tools, weapons against the liberties and freedoms of The American People they are to be held to the highest standards of Honesty.
    a. Any media purposefully and intentional making "verbal", writing, or other ways of communicating to and with the public, communications to deceive, lead into lies, persuading, manipulating people where they are not able to use their own "natural God given senses of right and wrong, good and bad, etc. Will be considered enemies of the American People, domestic terroist, trying to "dominate" the minds, wills and emotions of  the "Free"  American people. Using domestic violence against the people like rap songs that speak of raping women or killing police officers, endangers all of society and is to be consider and act of War against the freedoms of the American people and punishable by death,  

In Conclusion:  The People of the United States of America have the right to know the "whole" truth that they may make the best decisions possible.  It is the right of the People to participate in every aspect of government for it is our government. There can not be secrets kept from the people that we may inform our representatives on how to represent us when issues arrive.  The People are not outsiders the government is not our parent we will not be treated like children by those we hire to serve us and represent us.

Example of usurpations of power: Federal Reserve, is an illegal organization and has no right to exist.  Anyone who is "wealthy" because of the use of the money scam must return everything  they own back to the American people. 
  They accumulated their wealth unequally. paper money has only been given to "certain people" who were in the know of the scam.
Separation of church and State, use wrongfully over and over to brainwash the people was an act of War, act of aggression to enslave the People of America.
Business, which are not "human beings" with conscience can not be given the same rights as "human beings" who are moral beings having a moral conscience.  The individuals rights are above the "state" and obey organization.  An Example,Interstates are not natural to mankind's existence so the government can not take land for use in building roads.

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