Thursday, March 28, 2019

Why Telling the Truth is So Important!

On Trumps inauguration Day, Isaiah 58 Ministries put out an Executive Order.The People's Movement Executive Order; Executive Order # 1 January 20, 2017

Honesty In Government and The People
All government employees, all who collect any kind of payment from the American people, officials, CIA, FBI, from President to temporary employee, to anyone who receives a government grant, welfare check, a military payment, payment for goods and services provided. foreign aid, any kind of contract, etc.*** must be honest with the American People!*** Section I
1. No one can lie, falsely accuse someone else or an organization, manipulate, spread rumors, lies, propaganda, purposefully and intentionally while working for, or receiving payment from the People of the United States of America.
2. No politician or public official can purposefully with the intent to deceive the people to get elected, to get votes with no intention to keep promises. No politician or public official can promise payment or benefits of any kind to the people, which amounts to bribing the people.

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