Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Financial Reset, It's always the same!

The TRuth is what SETS PEOPLE FREE AND KEEPS PEOPLE FREE!  Living by every word of God. Just weights and measures has to do with money! All the same. Coins in pocket, in hand! A fair just Honest Godly system. No "finagling", conning, scamming, no quantum finances! . According to Nature and Nature's law. It's lasted for 6,000 years there is no evolution of Finances.  No evolution of the Constitution. All this stuff happened in 1913,  1970,  2020.  I lived through the financial change in the 60's, 70's 80's it isn't new!
 This is all the same!  This is How Deep State Steals all the wealth. Taking everything. Now it will be "quantum Financial System" Stealing all the wealth. Making wealth digital.  It's all the same!  The only way to defeat this evil is with the Truth, The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Truth, With the Constitution: Only gold and silver coins can be used for legal Tender. Anything else is A LIE! A CON, A Thief lying, scamming!  Only gold and Silver coins are legal Tender!  Read the Constitution and The Coinage Act of 1792. And what happens to those who trade or buys and sells with something else?  It is absolutely necessary for every coin to be identical. And All American citizens treated equally. Government is Limited to only use gold and silver coins. Government can never be above the individual or more powerful than the people!   It is very serious. Very!  The people can not compromise! No respecter of persons or institutions!


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