Friday, August 28, 2020

True World Wide Protest = The Gospel of Jesus Christ = LIBERTY!

Not edited, sorry. I just saw an hour long show "It is All the Jews" show. I left this comment. The Bible says in Romans 2: 1 Whatever you accuse others of you are guilty of. No negative comments? Why is that? Do you delete negative comments? Well, here is another one for you. With Jesus Christ and his Holy Spirit. I do not see the World as in the hands of a few Israeli's. Thank God! I see each of person and their religion. 

Whether it is Nixon, Putin, AJ, Piezenik, Kushner, President Trump, Etc. What do they really truly believe? Each person is just a "child of their parents." They aren't the trouble makers their parents were. These guys are so much more internally weak by reason. They are followers, not leaders. To my original point. AJ gives more solutions than you do. So that makes you a level closer to Satan than he is. You give absolutely no solutions, yet you accuse Alex Jones of talking a lot with no solutions avoiding "Topics". As you do. You did not mention one thing God Almighty is speaking!!! 

2014-2015, the Blood moon tetrad, the Star of David the week of ?? June 30 through July 4, 2015 "Venus and Jupiter seen in convergence, June 30, 2015", The Virgin and Child September 23, 2017, The Solar Eclipse over America, The years of 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 all years of Jubilee! So much more in heavenly signs. A lot of these signs occurred around 1500's. What Happened then? A great Harvest of Christians and America being discovered. The Great reformation of Martin Luther, The Protestant Church happened.
 Many Great powerful preachers, John Lock's Second Treaties of Civil Government. That is now happening World Wide. While in the late 1400's, 1500's, 1600's Christian and Jews were being burned at the Stake, jailed, etc. by other so called "Christians".
 .. You shared Steve Piezenik's "evolution", the Constitution is out dated, most lawyers say that. Obama said of the Constitution, it is an evolving document. All the evil guys use this word, "Evolution." Darwinism. That's their religion. Do you know what the Constitution means? "The Gospel of Jesus Christ." Reforms out of the 1500's reformation brought forth the real birth of a Free country liberated by Jesus Christ and his Holy Spirit, His Very powerful "Word", The Bible. Liberty Bell inscription, Leviticus "Proclaim Liberty." Oh that reminds me of "Constantinople" and Kanye West. Constantine changed the World "In this sign conquer". 

A sign from God. Kanye West: "Use the Gospel for Protection." The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution are the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Then you left out the words from around the world before Covid. 
June 30-July 4 2015
God Pointing the World
towards Jesus Christ
 July 4th 1776
Declaration of Independence
The Bill of Rights: Freedom of; Speech, religion, press, right to bear arms. All men are equal; Life, Liberty and The pursuit of Happiness.
This is a stream, an under tow in a mighty ocean. That is what really directs any ocean.

Ocean currents of the world are the Words of the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution. Try looking at the true leader of the World: Jesus Christ. He is KING! Stop looking at some ships on top of the ocean. Servants of Satan. Of their parents. Their parents are Dead. These kids are harmless. Jesus is surfacing. Coming up from the undertow!

I see the public (tyrannical system) schools and gov. officials who purposefully did this. Public schools were made compulsory by "Progressive" in 1930! If you are a great system you don't need to make it compulsory.   Why Compulsory? Children at home on the farm learned to be very independent. They could grow their own food, raise their animals, raise their own children, build their own homes, barns, fish, hunt, drive/ride horses! Grew to be men and women who were dependent on God and obeying God. They didn't need anyone else. They didn't enslave others. 2 Thessalonians 4:11 11 and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, 12 so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.

NOTES:  His speeches are always a little bias towards Rockefellar, Bankers, FDR, New Deal, Progressive, I can't listen without knowing the other side of the people losing everything, their land, their rights, their families, their children etc.  their love for God and morals, Christian laws, etc. Evil took over and good Godly people were crushed destroyed by progressives, socialist, communist, corporations

Oh, God is going to heal it all, I'm not worried, he will restore the farms families, moral, health! etc. The rudder has already turned the ship around!

The solicitors in Melbourne are looking into starting a class action if they try and push vaccines here, I hope they will be using the Nuremberg Code It restated the law not just in the case of war, but as applied to all persons at all times. It was used as a statement of the law during the Subsequent Nuremberg Trial of the Nazi doctors. The Right of Informed Consent The Code requires respect for Informed Consent, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion. I live in Melbourne and if the premier tries to keep us locked down after the 13 of September there is going to be trouble. Did you also hear about the girl who is now locked up in Perth Australia jail for coming over to the boarder, 6 months jail for breaking covid restrictions. we don't even have boarders in Australia anymore. and a fews week ago a guy was fined $1600 for putting his bin out a few minutes after 8pm lock down, Victoria has gone mad with the Lefty premier ,health minister and chief health officer.
Medical Experimentation on People.     Health Ranger Report
You are now living in a medical police state, even in America.

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