Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Blog PG 4.Homeschooling Made Easy LAND By Destiny, The Ark

Read Out Loud on Video 

Each Person born is created by God, with certain Unalienable Rights
Human Beings are Set Free From Slavery, Tyranny by God! By the power of forgiveness brought to s when the Gospel is Preached. We confess ours sins God forgive us our sins by his Power. Then We receive power from God. The Holy Spirit.  We are grateful to God and we know God loves us, forgave us our sins, sets us free from sin. gave his power.  Why? As we seek God's will in all ways, God sets us free from Oppression of man! 
Evil men want men to be slaves to them. To do what pleases them. They want others to live in fear of them and live to serve and obey them their laws, leadership, as arbitrary rulers as if they were God.  
They are not God and they are not leaders.
God gives us his power to convict these men of their sins, to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and we use these power to be set free from tyranny and Stay Free.  The Holy Spirit leads us into all "Truth". 
The Declaration of Independence States, "We hold these "Truths" to be self-evident." 

1. Home Schooling Made Easy! Setting the Foundation For Life!

We studied Genesis. God created everything. The earth, all the animals and us.  Each animal has a divine purpose and so do Human Beings.
#1 is to Love God. So easy isn't it.

God created all of it, the earth, the Sun, The Moon, The Stars, Plants, Animals to provide for his Children. We are God's children.   And as a Father, God wants us to willing love him. You love your Mother and Father and you want them to love you. God is no different. We are his children and God just wants to love us, provide and protect us.  More importantly God wants to be with 24/7/365. That is how much he loves us. God sets us Free from Sin that we are born with and sets us free from the evil man.

   An evil man, a tyrant  see others and says to himself, "I could use that person to do what should do for myself. So I'll enslave him and MAKE him be my servant using Power, Authority, fear of Me!"

 God's perfect plan is for the evil man, a sinner to turn to God and be forgiven just like you and I.  That means submitting to God's laws and rules just like a child obeys their parents. Knowing you love each other.
   Not every man will receive God's merciful, gift of Grace of forgiveness and be friends with God. They don't want to accept Jesus death on the cross for their sins. They seek to be God, to be rich, powerful and the center of attention, "look at Me". "See how Great I am!"
 Thank God we are Redeemed by Jesus Christ. Called out of that darkness to the Love, glory and light of God. Light is a real light and it is  wisdom that comes from God. God teaching us daily as he leads us.
Describing Evil People:


7:40- 8:38      Censorship went from 5,000 to over 200,000  

   We need God's power to protect us. His Holy Spirit his word written on our hearts and minds. AS we ourselves our friends with God as our Father we obey his Ten Commandments. Our thoughts our clean, pure Holy and all day long we love God, Worship God, (Obey), submit to God, and reverence His very words, The Bible.
 Learning from God.  God loves us and doesn't want any harm to come to us. God teaches about The Devil what he does to lead men into all kinds of Temptations and he teaches us how to not fall into those traps. God teaches us the perfect way to have a wonderful Happy Healthy Long Life loving and obeying God all day long every day.  With God in us He helps us Love our parents. Love others the way God does. That is why we were born.
Ephesian1: For He foreordained us (destined us, planned in love for us) to be adopted (revealed) as His own children through Jesus Christ, in accordance with the purpose of His will [[a]because it pleased Him and was His kind intent]—
   America was created in one day. July 4, 1776. God lived in some very very good men and as God lead them into the "Truth" they learn some very important information.  All men are Created by God. God created the earth, the animals, herbs, fish, birds fruit and it is very good.  Each animal makes a home for himself. Birds build nest. Squirrels build nest in trees, rabbits build burrows holes in the ground. Foxes build dens in the ground.  This is "Nature." So they knew They needed homes too. Shelter. Food, clothing, and  water. The king of England was a bad man an evil man who was selfish wanted too much.  

These Very good men, lead by God's Holy Spirit came with their families to America. Their Families left England and other places from all over the world because America had free land.   A place where they could love God, Worship and Obey God. They came here then they  claim an area of land. Build their houses with their own two hands. Grew crops, raised animals, got married had children. Build barns with their own two hands to store what they grew.

 They formed their own government and told the King of England that they were no longer under him. They were not slaves. God created the earth for each person. to have enough land to provide for himself and for his family . Using his own two hands on the land he carved out of the forest God had given him here in America.  That is what our government is all about securing each person's right to own his land build is own house and barn, do everything for himself. Get married and raise his own children. 
We have God's Holy Spirit to deal with evil men. God working in us sets us free from tyrants, lazy evil bad people. We use real God given power and authority.  The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution. All our laws come from these two documents. Do you know why they are powerful?  Because honest men praying and seeking God wrote them and they are True. Honest documents.

God has given these documents an anointing, a power and authority from Heaven. God upholds these documents, supports them sustains our freedom to love him and live as freemen. Quietly, peacefully with our families and each other. As Honest people telling the Truth and obeying the Ten Commandments of God.


0-3:50 September 18th, 2020 event, gold will go over $2,500 based on a 4-2-1 Theory.  Introduction of Bo Polny  Skip to video below to introduce Bo Polny's April interview.
Then this makes more sense.
Time in Ark
Bo Polny has a 33 page Power Point Presentation. 
Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with cycle analyst Bo Polny of Gold2020Forecast.com.
Donations: https://usawatchdog.com/donations/ All links can be found on USAWatchdog.com: https://usawatchdog.com/america-will-6:15-6:50  What is gold? Hedge Against Government.  If gold is going up confidence in government is definitely going down. 
Creation, 4,000
Repentance, Introspective
Lockdown was introspection
7:50-10:00  Noah's Ark saved Noah, his family and all the animals on the earth. Noah's cycle is the time the door shut on the ark until the doors open 150 days. April 21st through Sept. 18th, 2020 
Rosh Hashanah, 10 days Sept. 28th. Lockdowns were a time of introspection, repentance. See Judge Jeanine Pirro in this series. 370 days, (the first 150 days is within this time)  
World as we know it Ended April 21st, 2020 Transition 
Stepped off the Ark To a New world April 26th 2021
Goes into Pentecost May, 31st 2020. A dam breaks town of "Edenville" in the twp. of "Hope" in Michigan.  Signifying "water breaking" New birth,  Daniel's time Line birth of a New Temple. That is our bodies the Temple of the Lord. God fills people with his spirit. The Spirit lead men into the "truth" after the introspection or repentance. 
Goes on to Predict Christ return. Then Jesus Christ reigns for 1,000 years. does not give the Day and hour but Year. 2030.
Goes into famine, time of Joseph a time of plenty for 3 1/2 years. then a time of famine.
President Trump is like Christ over turning the Money Tables, Big Pharma, Banks, Federal Reserve, China, Pedo's, MSM, Big gov. Department, Politicians,  Drug Cartels. Corporate CEO's, Oil Cartels, Railroads, Gambling, Entertainment industry, Military Industrial Complex, Technology Co.. Bill Gates, Power Companies, Phone Companies, Big Agriculture GMOs,  Car industry, Walmart, Public Schools, MAGA Churches, Ministries, Clothing, textiles, Nike, Porn Industry, Insurance Companies, Tourism, Airlines, Fast Food Industries, etc.  Organize Crime. "Fiat Kings."
23:40- 25:52    2021 Gold and Silver  Real Money takes it's place!   Not sure I agree about his statement of luxury.   Gold off the charts   Silver economic security for luxury.   Silver has always had value the Federal Reserve falsely de-valued Silver.
28:50-31:15 End of last ERA, (2,000 AD, BC)  MAGA is Done, Make America Blessed Again   Agree
Disagree with make America an Industrialized Country. That was a  blessing of corruption, deceit,  fiat. Counterfeiting Money. DISAGREE WITH GOLD BACKED ANYTHING.   It isn't honest Money. It isn't Constitution. No where in the Bible did God say he increased their, pieces of paper backed by gold and silver.
34:90- 35:05 "Silver turns into Rocket Fuel 2021"
Bo Polny starts talking Famine, food shortages due to droughts, pestilence, etc.   Presidents Trump's second Term 2021 Make America Blessed Again, Jubilee means people will be returning to the land. More like when the Pilgrims came to America.  Or When the children of Israel left Egypt. Laden with gold and silver coins, healthier, "Roxy". Detoxing. End of Chemicals in everything.
Spiritually people returning to God, Loving their families. Returning to their great Granddaddy's land. The Children of Israel returned to "their Great Grand Daddies Land" Land God "Promised" Abraham. Abraham's land, The Promised Land. Land they inherited. Americans were forced into slavery just like Israel.
Calamities might/will happen as people learn to farm again. I don't know.
42:40  Gets into End Times Tribulations.  "Where envy and strife there is every evil work."  Starts saying people are wrong for Rapture time. etc.
42:50-44:25  Noah It will be like the time off Noah.  We saw that during the lockdowns.
Arks of safety, disagree with. 
Disclaimer:  Sometimes our preconceived perceptions get in the way of interrupting the future.  Or Man Kind's interference. Bo Polny has been very wrong before.  
Take everything with a grain of salt. 
45:40-46:40 Black or White.  Leaving cities. The bad guys will be arrested, or convicted. 
He talks about Building the Temple. As the real Temple.  I think it means Jesus restoring the power and Authority of his Church. The Church not divided but Men becoming Father's first, Mother's Mother's then The Body of Christ having Apostle, teachers, evangelist, prophets, etc. 
The Bible Says Flee to the Mountains

The Ark of the Covenant of God in America is The Land and For what it Stands For. Men free to love and Worship God. Living by their conscience before God.  God birthed a Nation in One Day. America. Americans have a covenant with God through Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. 
Once God sets man free he leads them into the Promised land.  Or when Noah got off the Ark, Noah had land.
70 AD, This happened Already
Watch Leah and Michelle
on Revelation and Josephus
 Men came to America for Freedom that owning Land gives them. Mankind was never intended by God to work for someone else. Each man is created to Love, Serve, Reference, Obey  and Worship his Father, his Creator, his husband. Men should and must submit to God, give an account only to God and obey only God's laws given to us in Nature. As espoused by John Locke in his Two treaties of Civil Government. Men submitted to God lead internally by morals, ethics given to them by God. Adhering to the written Word of God  and God's laws written in Nature by Nature's God and creator.

Haggia 2
This is a World Wide Harvest Not Just For America. You see it World Wide people coming to the The Ark holds the Covenant of God. The laws of God, The Ten Commandments! with in it, Moses Staff, Grain, (mania), That is America's Founding Documents. Declaration of Independence. The Constitution.   Land! Land!  Land!
World Wide  They liberate men and set them free. They heal the nations. What heals the nations?
The New Jerusalem. 
The kingdom of God within men. 
Revelation 22:2

in the middle of its street. On either side of the river was the tree of life, bearing twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

Ezekiel 47:12

By the river on its bank, on one side and on the other, will grow all kinds of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither and their fruit will not fail. They will bear every month because their water flows from the sanctuary, and their fruit will be for food and their leaves for healing.”
Revelation 21: 24 The nations shall walk by its light and the rulers and leaders of the earth shall bring into it their glory.

The Gospel is the Power of God to Salvation. 
Salvation, Safety, Deliverance! The Power of God!

Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Healing-Of-Nations
Kanye West: God told him "Use The Gospel For Protection." The Gospel is the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution. 
These Founding Documents are more powerful than the original "Ark", New covenant. They Are ordained by God. Written by men all full of God's spirit who sought God daily for answers. God was with them. THESE DOCUMENTS, Directly from  All Mighty God.  "Are Honest".  Because they are Honest, written by honest men they have received God's power and Authority. They are the very inspired Word of God in Deed!, Action. 
 Bo Polny @50:40-54:00 mins.   Arks of Safety
This is America, The church, The Body of Christ. Used to be called Christendom.  After Jesus death until the 1930's.  For Haggia Silver is Mine the gold is Mine, says the Lord of Hosts. (Hosts meaning Armies)
The Latter Glory will be greater than the former glory
Cont God's Plan March 2020 Will Go Down In History: The Month The World As We Know it Ended,Biblical

open at the beginning
Bo Polny 42:25 Isaiah 53 tells the life of Jesus Christ and that Jesus would die before the 2nd destruction of the Temple. Continues to the time time.  First 4,000 years is creation, next 2,000 redemption of mankind, Now we enter a whole new Era.  God enters into his rest based on God rested on the 7th day.
The World or last 2,000 Era just ended in March 2020 on March 11th  Leah's Birthday.  Lockdown World Wide started.
Whole series you can find links in the description of the video.

Back up to newest Greg Hunter Bo Polny Video.  

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