FB: ***About, Evil people, China, Illuminati, NWO, CFR, Free Mason's and Replacing Them With Good!*** But until then. I was trying to highlight this section in the blog and goggle or the AI would not let me?? Finally got it highlighted. Here In Cincinnati we can be proud of our part in the Civil War; we hosted the underground railroad, we were a free state, hosted a seminary well known for "Lane's Rebels," "Abolitionist" who had a part of bringing to the conscience awareness to the country of the horrors of slavery. Again I pray. Cincinnati, Ohio rises up to bring awareness to a worse nightmare than slavery! ![]() |
Relatives, a job, fiat dollars, credit cards, People, Friends, Associations! Whatever causes you to FEAR! |
With new monetary system which I'm totally oppose too! Everyone gets their reformations even white people all get a "Federal Bank account." Tracking each person, slave account. There will be a bank account for each person
History will tell horrific stories of their "names". Like "Bloody Mary," "Hitler", History will call them the Mass murderers of the 1900's up 2020 they kept up their mass murders. The infants, the elderly, were the easiest, teenagers, drug overdoses, took the lives of millions. Yes, a lot of murders are purposively done in nursing homes. Drug pandemic CIA on purpose, Always a Medical reason. It's framed that way on purpose. This last century up until now will be written about in history, as sheer horror worse than the Dark Ages, Worse than the Time before Noah enter the Ark.
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Quantum Rainbow, Ethereum All the Same Red Dragon The Whore Sits On Book of Revelation God, Good, Honest Only Real Gold and Silver Coins Literally In the Hands of each Individual! |
"They give themselves fancy names "The Atlantic Council", "The Bilderberg Group", "The Illuminati", Just like Vampires, they run in groups. Weak on their own as individuals. They are organized Mass murderers!
Evil people, China, Illuminati, NWO, CFR, Free Mason's and Replacing Them With Good! Side Note: I know the picture is Catholic. Google just switch would not give me anything but Catholic search results. Just today this happened. I'm kind of showing that here!
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Relatives, a job, fiat dollars, credit cards, People, Friends, Associations! Whatever causes you to FEAR! |
Preface: God is teaching me, disciplining me, chastising me. I read the Bible for 40 years. I had faith in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. But I could not obey the Bible. I did not understand it! Reading or hearing this might feel like a rebuke or chastisement . You can allow God to speak to you and he can deliver you and set you free as he does for me daily. Or glean the information for a later date. In a time of desperation You might call on God to save you and the Spirit will remind you of what God's servant is saying here. As lead by God's Holy Spirit explaining to me God's words. The Bible.
I>E> THE American Revolution. The King wanted men to FEAR HIM! The Americans were obeying Jesus Christ, their only King. "The living eternal internal word written in their minds and hearts. See scripture Matthew 5:27-28. Cut it out, off. The hand that feeds you, yes cut it off if it causes you to sin. Trust, put your faith in Jesus Christ that he will be there to lead you guide you. The Founding Fathers cut out the King of England. Leadership is the hand that feeds you. They set the example. The precedent! When leaders become corrupted. Reset back to the original gold and silver coins. No paper, no digital, no Pieces of Paper, no quantum currency. Currency is exactly same before God. God told Abraham to melt gold and turn into coins. To be fair all men must have to same "right" and Wrong from God. It must be self-evident and From the Word of God. No government can sin and expect it's citizens to sin with it. Every State Constitution declares man's right to live by his conscience before God. Plus your sin will not harm my rights in any way. No differences in money. It all must be the same for everyone. Same rules laws for everyone! Equally! Business and government are entities only on paper they are below individual rights. They are not human, they are without a conscience.
hen in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
LIARS, Criminals, Sinners, Anti-Christ: Tyrants rule by FEAR! Anger, threats of violence! Trick or Treat. Satan's unholy Day! Demons, witches, spells magic, illusions, violence. The people who have trained you that if you say "certain things", they will blow up! Rage, go on a tyrant of spewing anger, accusations. defending themselves, but not one word will be from God's inner peace working in them.
CUT THIS PERSON OUT OF YOUR LIFE! THEY ARE MAKING YOU ILL> And all the people they go around associate with having a mask on a deception. With a smile they make everyone around them ill! They suck the every life out of all people.
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Chinese Wisdom |
>>I understood the fake counterfeit operations of the dollar, banks, cost accounting, supply and demand. My faith was in God but I had been brainwashed to put all my time and effort into helping these evil luciferians who created fiat as a lie, illusion, deception to enslave the world.
Money was always gold and silver coins.
Marco polo brought the idea of paper fiat back from China in 1295! Along with a lot of Satanic things like gun powder. Black Magic. China's symbol is the Great Red Dragon! It is a very evil empire!
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Chinese Wisdom, Satanistic |
I was their slave, an accomplice to their crimes. I worked for them or I would be homeless, starve to death, or worse, suffer for disobedience, tortured mentally for my entire life in a living hell. I've experienced all three!
Republican vs Democrat. Big Business vs Unions,
If you have an opposition other than Satan you are caught in the system. Satan's system, Satan's kingdom.
All from doctrines of Demons. Jesus perfect love, truth, dispels the
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Darkness with his light, divine wisdom, truth, power, authority, spirit, from Almighty God!
- make (a doubt, feeling, or belief) disappear."the brightness of the day did nothing to dispel Elaine's dejection"
Starting on Yom Kippur I put out a 5 Part Series on Forgiveness of our sins. Jesus Christ Slays the Red Dragon. Isaiah 1:27. A blog and a video:

Isaiah 27:1
Chinese Ways Are Satanic. The Red Dragon!
How many are practices in your home?
Blog Yom Kippur Sept. 28, 2020 Removing Tyranny To Heal, Deliver, Restore Liberty (1-5)

Chinese Ways Are Satanic. The Red Dragon!
How many are practices in your home?
The column to the right can take you to all 4 Parts of the series.
We "America", Ohio must be very Good! Very Honest, good, moral people. To be Jesus hands, feet, body on this earth. Use the Gospel for protection. The very power of God's sword, spirit, word.
Isaiah 27:11599 Geneva Bible
27 A prophecy against the kingdom of Satan. 2 And of the joy of the Church for their deliverance.
1 In that [a]day the Lord with his sore and great and mighty [b]sword shall visit Leviathan, that piercing serpent, even Leviathan, that crooked serpent, and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.
Footnotes Jesus Christ died on the cross paid the price for our sins he slew the Red Dragon.
- Isaiah 27:1 At the time appointed.
- Isaiah 27:1 That is, by his mighty power, and by his word. He prophesieth here of the destruction of Satan and his kingdom under the name of Leviathan, Assyria, and Egypt.
God, who is good, moral, honest, innocent, clean, Holy and Pure, Created The Institution, the administration, the necessity, the need for Government. God created government, ordained it to anoint it to punish bad people! God put the government on Jesus shoulders. Government is Jesus Christ responsibility: to keep God's children, saints, all good honest people safe from bad people.
You have to believe in Jesus Christ!
Part 2
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17:00-19:28 They can do Anything?????
God ask us to submit to government when the people in government are very good, holy, honest, moral, clean minded. Men who have the Highest Moral Standards! Men with the highest integrity. Men who represent Jesus Christ, (see above) on this earth. Who have a good, honest relationship with God, with Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit!
- 1.the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness."he is known to be a man of integrity"
- 2.the state of being whole and undivided."upholding territorial integrity and national sovereignty"
The other day someone said in a chat: Most people are good people. Why would good people spend their entire lives, even dedicate or sacrifice their own families health and well being to help, support, build up an evil empire. A kingdom for Satan, his children, Luciferians, dictators, and tyrants, World Wide?
Most people are working for very evil people; in their jobs, in churches, organizations, health care, child care, schools, financing, banking, mortages, purchases, food choices, obeying very evil government "people", and their made up laws, rules! Why?
Who is our leaders in government? Who are the leaders making furniture?, Producing Food? Making clothes? Raising animals? Do you really know them? Do you know who they are working for? etc. Most are very evil people, people who are full of fear, because they have no Faith in God or Jesus Christ, The Bible.
- of the nature of an obsession."people dogged by obsessive jealousy"
- a person who is affected by an obsession."an online store for garage-rock obsessives"
It shows up in internal mask; anger, violence, excuses, protecting bad people, sarcasm, laughter, obsessives behavior, over eating, drinking, addition, workaholic, sports addicts, internet addiction, cell phone addiction, everything. "Have to have friends."
We need to start thinking of our relationships. The most important character a good associate will be is that they have; a "love" for God, love for history, other things pertaining to God, a great relationship with God and Jesus Christ. This person talks about scripture, The Bible, Jesus and God all the time. They just won't shut up. They love and worship God reverence God and his words more than Anything else on this earth. They are Holy, wholesome. without sin, Just like their Father and Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Very honest very truthful. A deep Sincerity.
- the quality of being free from pretense, deceit, or hypocrisy."the sincerity of his beliefs is unquestionable"
Opposite of politicians, manipulators, people users, sales men, others of bad faith.
A good associate have a good clean conscience. Deep within they would never ever compromise their highest moral standards. Always seeking God to know the right thing to do! They would never, and you know it, they would not bend a few God given principles, precepts even if their lives depended on it or their families lives were dependent on it.
Purpose to preach the Good News, The Gospel, open the eyes of the blind, heal the broken hearted, to share the oil of joy, the garment of praise! Happiness comes from Jesus Christ!
The letter of the law kills, so this kind of loyalty to God, obedience to his word must be lead by the Holy Spirit. We go to God who is full of mercy so we do not harm a small light and put it out!
Our eternal life depends on being good, honest people! Never would a good person lie! A good man would never compromise the word of God! Would not work with evil people: witches, warlocks, wizards: Pharmaceutical companies! #1 Pharma=Witchcraft
A good country shuts them down! They are causing problems then coming in with cure. An example. A bad guy goes to a country village. Up stream he poisons all the water. A strangers shows up in the village, everyone is sick, poisoned by the drinking water. The stranger has the cure!
That is what Big "Witchcraft" Pharma, "Big Agricultural", "Big Companies", "Big Government" does! You see with Rona Bug from "China" the Red Dragon. Other baby Red Dragons" Work together to enslave everyone. Even Using the Red Dragon of Computers, Internet, Cell Phones all of it the Red Dragon making men FEAR! Gates, Tech Co. Fauci, Illuminate, CFR, WHO, World Gov. Banks, IMF, Free Masons, China, etc. Tearing down their old system that was built on FEAR! To build another "Satanic Dragon Kingdom."
They all serve Satan. Fake Counterfeit money, idea from China, Satan Demons, The Red Dragon, is their avenue, road, path way. Fast Lane with no Stop signs!
Gold and Silver coins in the Bible and The Constitution chains them down!
Revolutionary War! End the King of England's Road way, Path, avenue, road, Fast Lane with no Stop signs!
The King had an army to take the gold coins and silver coins out of the hands of the people. Called taxes!
They people owned the land and they owned their labor on their land. The King did nothing to earn any taxes! The King was stealing!
The King took chests full of gold coins and silver coins out of the hands of the people. Took them to England.
FDR did the same thing, so did Nixon! Put Chinese fake idea of fiat, paper printed money in exchange for real money!
You can not call them Presidents, only Satan's puppets! Very, very immoral Evil people. Crooked Nixon, Crooked Hillary, They are all Crooked!
In the revolutionary War they Ended Taxes! The King's practice of taking chest of gold and silver coins out of the hands of the people. If your right Hand: The King of England causes you to sin. Cut it off!
America is the people. The people obeyed Jesus Christ! Cut out, off the King of England from his money supply stood up against evil with the Word of God. In obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Stop the King from Stealing their land, work, labor!
Now those chest of Gold and Silver stay with in the American people's homes.
Declaring they were Free men! Formed an Army, Formed a Government. Declaring themselves Master Builders, Free Mason's serving Jesus Christ their Only God, Savior Lord and King! They are not, we are not dogs, slaves to other men!
Formed their own money gold and silver coins.
There are evil men in America who use that name, they only reason they are free to build Satan's kingdom is because America has stopped their pathways, avenues, regimes power source is the illusion of wealth from pieces of worthless paper IOU"S. Collect those IOU's Collect the Gold silver, land everything. Destroy Satan's kingdom using the kingdom of Jesus Christ with in each good man. They are not free but slaves to Satan!
They LIE! They are LIARS!
We preach the gospel to the poor! The poor have done al the work! As slaves. They are the man robbed of everything. Jesus restores this person.
America, Ohio we rely on Jesus to keep us safe. We live by His laws! As lead by the Holy Spirit, his kingdom in us! We don't need to compromise the Constitution nor the Bible. Only gold and silver dollars are money. We don't compromise God's laws! They come from the real King! They are perfect, Divine laws. These laws keeps us healthy, safe. Compromising makes us all ill, unhealthy, insane! Criminals, accomplices with mass murders!
All men must repent! Turn to God! Rely on every word of God!
No taxes! Gold coins, silver coins! Belong to the people. We have our own money. Liberty silver dollar. Eagle, Gold pieces $5, $10 and $20 dollars.
Good Honest America! Honest Men will voluntarily pay, gold coins, silver coins good men to be in government. For their protection. It is the right thing to do. When government is ordain and anointed by God with holy, pure, honest, sincere, servants of God are working in the government.
It is very evil to help bad people! Even to feed yourself and your family. You are a slave, a puppet on strings. Jesus Died to cut those strings. They come unattached when Jesus Christ cast out Fear. The Gospel is the power of God that cast out fear! God loves me! Jesus Loves Me, I'm forgiven. God forgave my sins now I love God! I can't shut up! All I talk about all day! Is Jesus Christ because that is all I think about all day long! The Treasure in my heart!
The most important character a good associate will be is that they have a "love" for God, a great relationship with God and Jesus Christ. This person talks about scripture, The Bible, Jesus and God all the time. They just won't shut up. They love and worship God reverence God and his words more than Anything else on this earth. They are Holy, wholesome. without sin, Just like their Father and Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Very honest very truthful. A deep Sincerity.
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