Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Our Revolution Chair and Colorado Dem Party Exec "It's truly killing ran...

This guy is confused. Blind mouse trying to kill the Cat that ate the mouse. Money is gold and silver coins. The money used is counterfeit. He is talking about real Mass Murderers who have murdered millions World Wide using the MIC. Using Witchcraft, chemicals, Pharma and forced men to pay them their counterfeit money for being the world's, or Histories biggest Mass Murderers. Torturers, experimenting on human beings chemically, psychologically, enslavement, and oppression for over 120 years. This guy is so small so are his threats. As a progressive he is a puppet, real dog on a leash, notice he is wearing his mussel! He is the bootlicker puppet on the strings of these billionaires. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAhKMi6DexA

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