Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Supreme Court Decision, Laws Congress Can Make


Are Limited to Being Good, Clean and Wholesome, Love without sin. (Sin: without evil criminal intentions.) Patriot Gallery post: Is teaching that Americas laws ARE based on the Ten Commandments illegal for government to put on their front lawns? No, to say otherwise is: Treason. The government can not punish someone for breaking the law unless they teach the law. Their authority is not random, nor arbitrary, nor from the people, but comes from God. Without God's authority as the foundation of law, everything built has no authority, it is lawlessness. You end up teaching children and citizens, "Anarchy", without God's authority. God established the need for governments. God ordains and anoints governments, (men), in order to punish the wicked/criminals. That is what the word "sinner" means, criminal to translate to Modern Americans. Without God, everyone sins, no one is good. All righteousness is a gift from God, as we repent, stop being criminals, (sinners), and become saints, turning to God and asking for his forgiveness. Then He fills with his "righteous" power and authority,(his word written in us by the in filling of his Holy Spirit. Without which, no one can rightly be in government. Who can judge another man without God helping them? No one; their goodness comes directly from God for only God is good. You must be born again. D2America, Baphomet, Pentagram designed into debates? Overcome Evil with Good! How can you break the law by teaching the law! Law and Order! #americalovesgod

Mr. President Trump Sir, Have a small Ten Commandments on all your signs, hat etc. #americalovesgod Life, Presidency is EASIER, EASIER for the people, when everyone's mind is on God! God won't let down!
@realDonaldTrump @VincentCrypt46 @realalexjones69 @trumpcampaignUS,#wethepeople, @GovernorMikeDewine, #ohiolivesfree

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