Saturday, October 3, 2020

BlogYom Kippur Sept 28, 2020 Harvard, Did The Supreme Court Overthrow the Country? (4-5)

 On Channels Masfaith3 and Created By Divine Design bonus added clips from: Greg Hunter interviews Bo Polny Sept. 28 Yom Kippur Day of AtonementCancelation of Debt, Jubilee, The Dollar is a debt, Starts to fade away.

Gold and Silver spike upward. Greg Hunter Show Watchdog USA, Oct. 3, 2020

Proof evil infiltrated the  Supreme Court and did over throw of the country! 

 Harvard University was founded in 1636 with the intention of establishing a school to train Christian ministers. In accordance with that vision, Harvard’s “Rules and Precepts,” adopted in 1646, stated (original spelling and Scriptural references retained):

Historical Note: The Pilgrims landed in 1620 400 years ago. They dedicated the land to God and proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 1646 they still had a peace treaty with the Indians. That lasted 50 years. Harvard is in Boston Mass. only 56 miles from Plymouth, Mass. 

“2. Let every Student be plainly instructed, and earnestly pressed to consider well, the maine end of his life and studies is, to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternal life (John 17:3) and therefore to lay Christ in the bottome, as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and Learning. And seeing the Lord only giveth wisedome, Let every one seriously set himself by prayer in secret to seeke it of him (Prov. 2:3).

3. Every one shall so exercise himselfe in reading the Scriptures twice a day, that he shall be ready to give such an account of his proficiency therein, both in Theoreticall observations of Language and Logick, and in practical and spiritual truths, as his Tutor shall require, according to his ability; seeing the entrance of the word giveth light, it giveth understanding to the simple (Psalm 119:130).”


The motto of the University adopted in 1692 was “Veritas Christo et Ecclesiae” which translated from Latin means “Truth for Christ and the Church.” This phrase was embedded on a shield as shown to the right, and can be found on many buildings around campus including the Widener library, Memorial Church, and various dorms in Harvard Yard. Interestingly, the top two books on the shield are face up while the bottom book is face down. This symbolizes the limits of reason, and the need for God’s revelation. With the secularization of the school, the current shield now contains only the word “Veritas” with three open books.

Consistent with “Veritas Christo et Ecclesiae” and the original purpose of Harvard’s founding, our fellowship is dedicated to discovering and experiencing Truth (Veritas) for the sake of Christ and his church.

In the one thousand nine hundred years since Jesus Died on the cross the appointments on the Supreme Court stopped serving the people. They stopped serving God. Stop serving Almighty God in the furtherance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Where all true power, authority, law and justice comes from. It is only through Almighty God. Evil judges started serving Satan, themselves and other Evil men like the CFR, Illuminati and the Jesuits. In the sixty's the Supreme court started making all service, proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ by  the people through our government illegal. Evil appointments to the Supreme court like novice builders, children, foolish women started to tear down wreck,  Foundation the Pilgrims had started with Harvard University. It lasted wonderfully for almost 300 years.  For 300 hundred years good honest men as Master builders Had built a marvel of Judicial Greatness, Honesty, Integrity, fairness, and  for all based on the Ten Commandments and the Bible. Men lived by their honor, by their word. America was the safest place in the world to live. Everyone could be trusted! It started in the Homes Fathers and Mothers, then the counties, the cities, the states. All taught the citizens, their children from infancy about God and Jesus Christ. Everyone taught the Bible as the cornerstone of life.  Our Example of that today would be the Amish here in America. Their lives exemplify Life, Liberty, the pursuit of Happiness which is the ENDS of a nation dedicated to God, dedicated the propagating the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  

The Amish refused to be subjugated by and live in servitude to Satan, Lucifer... the Evil Men of the Industrial Revolution. Airplanes, railroads, telephones, electricity, cars, refrigeration. Are all products of a society who are no longer free. Enslaved by the things "they just have to have" to survive.

Amish live just fine without these things. Their souls are free. Their time on this earth belongs to them. They do not punish time cards. Or serve the boss man as mere slaves under other men. They live under blue skies during their day light hours. They do not live in fear. Jesus Christ love cast out all fear. When fear is gone all true wisdom comes from God. As written in the dedication of Harvard. therefore to lay Christ in the bottome, as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and Learning. And seeing the Lord only giveth wisedome.........

Only Godly, honorable men can 
dispense real true honest justice. Luciferians judge to enslave men under Satanic, Demonic jurist decisions. As they themselves are slaves to sin!

Trade Unionism
  1. 1.
    the quality of being fair and impartial.
    "equity of treatment"
    fair play
  2. 2.
    the value of the shares issued by a company.
    "he owns 62% of the group's equity"

America has been under Judicial Tyranny for a very long time. It did not happen over night by slowly. Inch by inch the infiltration was made in secret by these secret societies. They go after the children and recruit them. 

America's law was founded by people who read the Bible for themselves. Understood it and were going to live by it's principles and percepts. Their lives depended on it! 

Most people did not join secret Satanic cults and hold ceremonies dedicating their lives to worship Satan. 

People say Human beings have a choice. Live by the very word of God or live under tyranny! There is no choice. One is a life of Death.  Jesus is the only way to Life. There is no choice for FREEMEN!

Leah, Kansas and Michelle are trying to take down a fallen tree right now. If it falls all the way it could kill someone because it is very close to the road. It was at least 60 feet tall. They tried taking it down with a rope and their own strength. It wasn't budging. They got out the chain and winch on the Truck.  

Life without God is impossible. The law without God is like trying to pull down a fallen tree without a winch. Life  is very dangerous. The Truth, the Word of God in us is our protection and our strength. 

Then it comes down.  Wow! Just down it broke in half went in two different directions. One end did a flip as it smashed to the Ground.   5:00 minutes  until it comes down.  

We the people insist all Justices are very proficient in the Word of God. Acknowledge God;s wisdom of scriptures, take an oath to be free from other services, loyalties, to secret societies, under penalty of death. Show they are serving God, the church, the people in a dedicated life to know God and hear only his voice.  "The truth". What is right for all men, fair honest, trustworthy.
Laid on the foundation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Not novice, foolish builders but master builders. 

The Foundation was laid by the Pilgrims and the Founding Fathers. Where the name comes from. "Founding Fathers", or "Fore Fathers". We as American citizens can only build the on these Great Men. These Pillars of Good, Justice, Honor. They dedicated their lives to seek the Truth! 
This is how the winch of God works: 
Godly Home Education.

One person teaches others that God lives in them. They study and obey the Word of God as lead by the Holy Spirit of God! With the Word living in them they lead others to the "Truth". Jesus is the "Truth"  the word of God. The right way of doing things. The right way to live a good life. Free from any other voices! The only voice a person listens to and obeys is the voice of God. Jesus Voice! Jesus gives us "Peace" in our souls. Jesus gives us power and authority to discipline others, or make disciples. "Real Power you can feel in you". "Holy", Divine", "Heals", "delivers" "sets people free." 
Jurist, Supreme Court Justice need this love and power that only comes from God's Holy Spirit living within them. The law is to do that. If someone steals they need to give it back. If someone lies they need to tell the Truth. It is very easy.

Jesus said go into the world preach the gospel and make disciples. A person needs Power and authority that only comes from God.  It is a power that you can actually feel and see internally. It is good, love and HOLY! Right and Wrong only comes from God. Knowing him! Being consciously aware of God. Those continuing in Jesus word written in them. Getting the Truth from God, from Jesus! Always telling the God's honest "TRUTH". 

    Many people have become lawyers, judges, jurist having no intention of finding the God's honest "Truth". As foolish women tearing their houses down they are in the legal system to subvert it. They have dedicated their lives to Destroy real justice. 
A lot of Christians in the system have the Word of God but lack the "POWER" and Authority that comes from God. Again destroying justice! Having An appearance of godliness but do not have the Holy Spirit to actually cause men to see their bondage to sin, to Satan.  (Cause men to see the errors of their ways). Explained in Part 3

Part 3: Yom Kippur Sept. 28, 2020, Qualifications and Rights of The Supreme Court, "ACB" Rhodes Scholar

The Law was founding in America for 
spreading the Gospel, convicting men of their sins is so they see that they are slaves to sin. Satan does have them under his power. A natural human response: people call out to God: :"Save me!" That is the job of a supreme Court Jurist. Is having God's Spirit working in them, leading them to help men, and women to see their need for a Savior!  By upholding the laws given to us by God! 

The justice system is there to convert criminals from sinners to Saints! Honest! I'm telling the Truth. Up until 1960 that is exactly what your average court room did on each case. 

By discipline. This what parents are to do. That takes gifts from God. An Anointing from God. The word of God living in someone. Making people ALIVE!

Public School started by evil people forcing children into slavery away from their parents daily discipline. 

First they stole the children 1930's, then the gold 1933, then the land, farms!  Communism. But they didn't call it that! They called it FDR's New Deal!

Just like Rome did. Each State was conquered by evil people. Individuals did this. Forced all children to learn from the State, to submit to the State and be slaves of the State. Internally, mentally, without anyone knowing that what they were doing. No more rights. Yes you were raised in a slavery system. It is was your parents were accustom too, what you are accustom to. They tell you from kindergarten onward! 

"You are Free!"

"You are Free from God and his moral good laws."

"You are Free to sin!"

No more learning and obeying Jesus Christ, lead by the Holy Spirit into the truth, the "Truth", that protects America and Keeps the American people Free. Truth that sets you Free from sin and gives men real LIFE! and Happiness.  (Sin is lying, stealing, harming others, etc. crime.) 
Gold backed then Fiat paper counterfeit money. 
Where are your silver dollars? Where are your gold Eagles? That are written into the Constitution and the Bible? Gone!
Evil people do not want you or any one to be lead by the Holy Spirit into the "Truth". You'll find out they are liars, manipulators, con artist, thieves and punish them!

They use Public School as psychological weapons on the minds of American children.  To lead the children into a life of sin, sexual deviations, crime, addictions. A life of immense  suffering.  Death without God's comfort of the Promise of Heaven and eternal life with God and All the Saints and angels, "after your body dies you go to heaven." No fear of Death! 

Public School is a great place to make cold blooded people with only greed, hatred, anger filling their lives; Fighting, arguing, debating. No one will ever have any peace of mind that they did the right thing. Only chaos and confusion.   Just cold hearted facts they say. You die! Period!   

But where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Life, Joy, knowledge of the "Truth."  Truth that leads to Salvation: Liberty, 
deliverance, peace of mind!  

The Spirit of the Lord leads to the Truth.

Jesus Christ is the "truth" the word of God it is written in you.

If you continue in my  Word you shall know the Truth and the Truth will set you free!

The Truth Keeps you Free. If the son has set you free you are free indeed.  Free from sin. Free to love God, Mother and Father, your neighbor, etc. 

   At the end you understand God has given Jesus all power and All Authority. You see him reigning in everyone. Jesus is greater than the Pope or a King. But Both Pope and King say they are Divine and all must obey them. Their word is FINAL! Judicial, Medical Government tyranny

Cold, Ice, snow Winter's  place
is on the outside.

God's light is 10,000 time brighter
 than the sun.
The heart should be a warm, 
peaceful, hearth. 
To warm yourself and all 
those around you.

Jesus actually has that kind of power and authority.  You will realize all that thinking about Jesus talking about Jesus, His very name was the power and authority that set you free!  At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow every tongue will confess Jesus Christ is Lord: King! 

This Jesus has given you his power and his authority! You'll have his name upon you! You will actually see the power of his name and feel it!   Then when you do what he asked you'll do it in his name! The Holy Spirit causes it to come to pass! 

Judges, lawyers, government employees parents all need the power and authority of Jesus Christ name! All power and Authority only comes from Almighty God! 

The End Part 4   continue to Part 5

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