Sunday, March 1, 2020

Fire Fighters, Technology, Looking Beyond Vaccines, Corona Virus

I don't normally share deep words from the Lord on social media. But I wrote down these thoughts that burst from my spirit at the beginning of February. I went to a Bible College where the message of the kingdom was preached and yet the vision God gave me was of a bunch of fire firefighters sitting around waiting to put out fires and maybe get called but don't know where the fires are. If I could,

I would bring together four groups for a massive Christian conference where each group taught the other their area of expertise.
Rhema Church
1. all those spirit filled on fire Rhema friends to teach the authority of Christ, the anointing, and the gifts of the Spirit
2. The Red Pilled people who have spent their lives exposing the Deep State, the Federal Reserve, the Public School indoctrination system,
3. Homesteaders, Food Freedom people who are on the front lines right now of freedom, getting the government out from between my face and my fork, and are the only true environmentalists in the world...caring for the planet to show people how to end factory farming, gmos, and chemically laden food
Rhema Church Bible College

4. Finally, the Christian historians, the David Bartons of Wallbuilders who have the largest personal collection of original American documents in the world, Leo and Nancy of the Jenny Museum telling the amazing Pilgrim story, the founding of this great nation under God

Wall Builders
The last 3 know exactly where the enemy is. The first group knows exactly how to use the power of God to put enemies under...
Here is the Word the Lord has been showing me about the power we have as Christians but we need to be pointing our spiritual fight at the right enemies...

Pilgrims, Jenny Museum, Leo and Nancy Martin 
Africa, Europe, Australia
God has been on me to say to government systems like the Communists in China, the EU and these radical Communists in South Africa: peace be still.
I feel something moving in the spirit Realm I was trying to understand this and here are some thoughts that came to me:
Say to this mountain be removed and cast into the sea
Dry up the fig tree
Walk on water
Say to the storm Peace Be still
Governments and systems
Storms are system
Say to any SYSTEM peace be still
Many Godly Tools
We need to know when to use which where why and how
Be healed
Have faith
Forgive sins
Call those things that be not as though they were
Judge bring justice
Wait and be patient
Stand and be steadfast
If any of you lack wisdom let him ask God who freely gives
Find out what you are dealing with then apply the right tool
God has given us everything we need to spread his kingdom and for life and godliness
Modern church just likes praise
It's like walking around on one foot hey I got a toe I like to give...praise is a big part but without the rest you're hopping around.
You need the full body fitly joined together somebody says peace be still to the storm somebody says be removed to the mountain somebody's walking on water and that's what happened with the revolution that's what happened during the time of Constantine that's what happened during the initial spreading the gospel Jesus trained 12 and others so they could go and equip the body to be fully knitted and joined together able to spread the kingdom of God
We can grow the kingdom of God as a fitly joined body as a whole person yet multiple one body of Christ
we can't all be the praisers all the time going around the city some of us have to fight some of us have to pray some of us have to prophesy some of us will be martyrs and stand steadfast
Don't look at others and say I wish I had their gift find out what yours is

Pride goes before the fall!   Someone bragging about the "Greatness of his generation, Baby Boomers.
The baby Boomers will go in history as the worse generation known to mankind. God's design is for Father and son, working the land together side by side. Collapsed, replaced by this generation that became so arrogant, manipulative, abusive. Brainwashed by Witches in modern education with no God in it. They Thought of themselves "modern", better, smarter than their parents. Farming was backwards. Got their college degrees and lead by the evilest "Priesthood of black Luciferian magicians, CIA, Bankers, Globalist, like cows or more like pigs with rings in their noses, gave into all temptations of huge salaries, big benefits. Sold the entire country over to communist. 1% of the people own everything and left the next generation in utter poverty, slavery to tyrants! A man is wealthy with a farm, a wife, a large family, 10, 12 children helping on his farm. The pied piper play 50's 60's 70's rock music, fast quick money, "in the youth of baby boomers" they  lost the wisdom of planning for the next generations future. "Children aren't needed", "children aren't a blessing", but "a ball and chain." Murdered over 60 million children in abortion. Child sacrifices to "Bif Money god". Blood spilled all over the baby boomers. 
    Sacrificing their children for money, pleasure, big house homes, fast cars, huge investment portfolios. Forgetting to be investing in "work with your own two hands", "on your own land", "working training, raising your own children":
      It is the only thing that you can take with you when you die and God passes out his rewards. Baby Boomers destroyed, Christian wisdom, morals, the authority of the church, rebelled against God. Even tried to destroy God. I would  be embarrassed to say I was a baby boomer. To live a selfish arrogant life, just for yourself? Lead by Corporate criminal gangsters, their lives are total wasted failures! 
You only own the work that you did at home on your own land. The "company", Corporation" owns the work you did for them. 
Amen, wisdom directly from God sprinkles
some real authority and power
from God's Holy Spirit and you have
all the ingredients for a miracle
Destroyed the wisdom that comes from the lives of the Founding Fathers and their own grandparents. Destroyed the sound minds of all children, turned their backs on all earthly relatives. Relatives who suffered greatly due to lack of Moral Godly Christian Principle Strengthen "spirit" of "Life", Health" throughout society. . Baby Boomers left their children lost, having no direction, It is a horrible nightmare of the human soul.

Actually misspellings should do the opposite! With public Education a lot of us are trustworthy, honest, trying to get the message out: were mental impaired by government experimentation on our minds. public school is completely inhumane treatment of children. Think about it. A perfect MEME could have "hired editors". CIA, Trolls, Hirelings. Think. Don't just react. Government stealing children from their parents separating people from each other isn't a part of the way God designed a family, divided then subdivided by subgroups, government enslavement, social mental engineering. They own you!

Bill Still only a coward, an unjust person, a criminal, wouldn't go get the gold back. Don't you know who it belongs to? Your great grandparents. The gold doesn't belong in Ft. Knox It belongs in the peoples hands and they can put it in their own banks for safe keeping.

Americans have to know "possession is NOT 99 % of the law."
The gold belongs to all the people. FDR had no Constitution right to steal American's gold.
I don't care if he had a deal with Satan! The people did not sin. You find out who sinned.
Default on all loans!
Gold and Silver coins are the real money. Before God each person owns this gold wherever in the world it is. We live by the laws of God. Bill Still said all the gold has been stolen. It was stolen from "some people" or "the gov." corrupt politicians, who stole it from the people.
We the people remain calm knowing the law, that comes from Almighty God", is on our side. Have you ever seen a Western Movie and the bad guys rob the bank? The sheriff gets a posse of every day citizens together deputizes them and the rides out after the bank robbers to get the gold back. Easy peasy! The law is easy and simple to apply. adjective. British informal. very easy; presenting no difficulty at all. an easy-peasy aerobics sessions. Difficulty levels can be adjusted from easy-peasy to fiendishly difficult. Motivation? Justice. You do it because God is a just Fair God. We are just and fair people.
We do it for our grandparents. We bring justice due them whom it was robbed from. The whole thing was a con by gangsters. A take over of the government. Turning America into a communist State. The Constitution says only gold and silver coins can be used as money.
So the people have no money without the gold and silver coins. We pray together. God you are great, you are "Right" you are just! Work with us to bring justice for our great grandfathers, world wide this happened and their children afterwards. It's a 100 % taxation. " Justice" for those "who robbed" the people and on their decedents that used it for their selfish indulgence lifestyles and keep the American people into a constant state of slavery.
We pray God that you would help us be like you just and fair, honorable. We pray for the gold back and the silver back, everything stolen with it. We pray for all the farm land back, Lord in Jesus name we pray so with your name on it it is Done. So be it! Thank you for hearing and answering our prayers Lord for you are just and you working with us. We shall bring the justice that will heal all Americans, the good and Bad. Amen! The American people are now deputized to get the gold back and re- distribute it the the real owners. Amen.

SMOKING GUN PROOF THAT ILLUMINATI PLANN...S AGO TO BRING DOWN OUR CULTURE: Part 3 Title: "SMOKING GUN" PROOF THAT ILLUMINATI PLANNED TERRIBLE EVENTS MANY YEARS AGO TO BRING DOWN OUR CULTURE: Part 3 Resources to aid your Understanding . Attorney-General John Ashcroft’s Concentration Camp Program— Audio Tape Panopticon -- Big Brother's Eye Are Watching Us - Audio Tape Subtitle: Events are occurring now, weakening the Old World Order so the New can be established. You will be surprised to learn how many of the recent events of our society are designed to enhance the new global dictatorship of which Antichrist will take control. It is later than you think! Events foretold In The 1995 Illuminati Card Game -- "Stage Being Set" The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? 

Once you understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!! Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones! Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at the news the same way again. YOU ARE NOW ON THE CUTTING EDGE INTRODUCTION - BACKGROUND 


Peace, Sound mind is a Sound, healthy Body!  Video is full of Information!   Not from God, technology. Got to Go for this evening. One final comment. All  technology is Demonic or from Satan. So, of course, it messes with your brain. Jesus heals our souls with the power of the Holy Spirit. With the power of God, the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the power of Jesus name.  Anything that does not bring peace to the soul, (even monks on a mountain top far away from everything, understand peace in a soul), is the devil hurting the soul. Jesus told us to repent, turn away from the world, and he will heal our soul and give us the power of his spirit to be witnesses of Jesus Christ and his power to forgive sins and heal "souls".  Think about it.   

15:00-17:54  Technology is bad!  Alex Jones on Brighteon:

Current Time 15:54
Duration 41:04
ALEX JONES (1st HOUR) Wednesday 3/4/20: News, Reports; Analysis • Infowars


8:00 - 11:20  minutes  Coronavirus   antibiotics

Current Time 10:05
Duration 42:27
WAR ROOM (1st HOUR) Tue - 3/3/20 • News, Reports; Analysis • Infowars
Owen on WarRoom   9:03-14:10   minutes 


Mike Adams Alex Jones 4th Hour 3-4-20
 Leah: they should shut down all school because of evil being transmitted there. If you love your children you would not be putting them in places of known corruption. Corruption spreads faster and "it is" a "known" killer of children. It is just sad they are shutting them down because the teachers, principles don't want to get sick. They don't want bad PR.    
15:54-20:35    3 scenarios to deal with virus.
25:00-31-46  List of helpful ingredients, products,  herbs
32:00-36:00   Silver, Copper

So many Opinions out there.   This is why we the people must demand honesty. YOu should be able to "trust" the information you are getting. Here is a good reason why people can not Trust Anyone but God. 
Last 5 minutes very interesting. Microchips in Vaccines? It was planned for Oct., 2019? But half the operation was stopped? UN? Depopulation? Spreading using paper,money to spread? To force cyber currency?


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