Part 1 33 Degree Free Mason Motto VS Ohio's Motto, With God All Things Are Possible
March 11, 2020 Part 2 The Week of ***THE PANDEMIC***
This is a Supplemental Educational Material to Blog:
Vampires, Silver Dime, End the Pandemic? Fairy-tale Endings
Why Are There Two Sets of Laws
Open with Judge Jeanine
Trump tested For Coronavirus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Full Show-Judge Jeanine Pirro-Mar 14 2020
0 to 5:19 Introspection
HeadlinesMarch 11, 2020
The Week of ***THE PANDEMIC*** Brings Fascism, World Wide Government Lockdown, Martial Law, Tech noc cracy,
A view of the inside or interior; a looking inward; specifically, the act or process of self-examination, or inspection of one's own thoughts and feelings; the cognition which the mind has of its own acts and states; self-consciousness; reflection. I was forced to make an introspection into my own mind.
Slower Pace, Men, women and children are not rushing to and fro for the latest this or that. They are not forced and pressured to get up and run out the door with no idea why they do what they are doing. Finally, people get to slow down. Time to Think and contemplate. No longer a fast pace world but a slow pace world. Men, women and children can actually have to think before they do anything.
Words from God, thoughts, Comments,
Videos For Week 3-8-2020 THROUGH 3-14-2020
Page 1 I want my Husband to make sure the world is a safe place for children to grow up in.
Husband: Isaiah 54, The Lord is your Husband, Father.
5 For your Maker is your Husband—the Lord of hosts is His name—and the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; the God of the whole earth He is called.
I want to know there is nothing in society is going to hurt my children!
Sarah was so beautiful. (Abraham's wife.) She knew God loves her! She knew her husband loves her! She knew her husband would always make sure the world was a safe place for her to live in and her children. She had faith in God!
Sarah had Faith in God! She had peace in her soul/mind that is why she was the most beautiful women in the World. She was loved and protected! No gray hair, no wrinkles, Sarah had a very calm demeanor. (Issac born Sarah was around 99 years old)
(Sin in a soul makes a person mean, nasty, perverted, ugly or lust full, alluring, which is filthy, dirty, repulsive to good decent people)
Page 2 God shines his sun on the good and the bad!
"Sun" God's Sun HIS
The Sun isn't God, the Sun was created by God
God shines his sun on us!
This means: we are healthy, happy, blessed by God! Good things go our way!
Page 3 Evil Men Subjugated
Subdivided forced All people into groups as "workers" IOWA Test
All teachers had each child's test results and treated each child accordingly based on these test.
Each child was boxed in by teachers
treatment for 13 years of schooling.
This is a Factory based mentality that human beings are "objects". Human beings have no real intrinsic value. Why?
Taking prayer, God and the Ten Commandments out of school.
There is no God going to send anyone to hell if a Human being isn't respected and their rights are not upheld.
New religion Evolution. Survival of the fittest!
Strongest, tallest, brightest, healthiest are raised to top levels positions.
For placement in society, deciding your future based on social engineering
Government, Corporate Evil, Globalist Crimes.
Communism, social engineering, socialism, CRIMES AGAINST The Constitution, Against the People, Against Humanity
This was/is a terrible abuse of Humanity.
Farmers: Whole Family brought together Unity not divided not separated.
God is healing America!
God is healing "souls" subject to this mind control. Separation
God is healing:
Love for ForeFathers
Great Great Grandparents
Love for our Parents, children, Brothers, Sisters, Aunts Uncles
Page 4 Further The Spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Furtherance of the Kingdom of God! God's reign on the earth.
Snake Oil Salesman's son Rockefeller: Hype through Advertisement. A distraction, Flip The world Upside down!
Men became Vipers, evil men driving human beings with Satanic power to become consumers to become "The Locust" consuming everything around them while these true locust start consuming the natural resources.
God is going to destroy what these evil globalist have done to destroy the earth. God will destroy what these evil people have build and have done.
Then God is going to heal, restore "What the "Locust" have devoured, eaten.
God created the earth. God will replenish all the resources on the earth.
God created the earth. Whether it is gold, silver, salt, oil, water, air, animals, God creates these materials, "matter" by his spoken word. Out of thin air.
Page 5 God can clean the earth and destroy what globalist, worldly people have done.God will use his might, Power and make the earth clean again!
God wants the earth clean!
God founded America
God cleared the Land
God planted the crops
God settled America!
Pioneers the settlers were helping God further his kingdom on this earth. Bringing God's Gospel ............... where ever they went and settled, became their land!
The Kingdom of God suffers Violence and the violent take it by force!
God settled America
God birth America
God created America!
This is God's Country! God's Holy Spirit ALIVE in Men on this Earth!
This wisdom, Knowledge, understanding, comes from God living in and through them!
It was God who founded this Great Nation
God forged mighty Rivers! (crossed).
God scaled Mountains! (climbed),
God cleared the trails!
God, the Holy Spirit in men helping them, strengthening them, encouraging them when they ..................wanted to give up, they forged onward!
Through Freezing cold winters, through harrowing deaths they went forward spreading the ..................Kingdom of God! Using the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Power of God
When you read the Declaration of Independence
and The Constitution you are reading the Power of The Gospel of Jesus Christ!
They are written as a part of the furtherance of the Kingdom of God!
They are the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Jesus Christ is King!
He is Sovereign over this land!
Page 8 Everyone wants the Federal Reserve to End even the Globalist, the elitist!
They have a plan for the End of the System!
Fiat always returns to "the Truth". Returns to honesty. It's real value is zero.
Always was zero. The work done with Fiat was men lying to themselves and
lying to others. All a huge deception causing out of control suffering.
Friday 3-13-20 globalist started a brand new system! Shutting down the Old System. It is the same people, the same delusion, same illusion they are just "making up", yes "making up, like making up rules to a game, using something else! Gold backed, crypto, real silver and gold coins?
Unless the Lord build a house the labor in vain to build it!
The Biggest Most Powerful Instrument made by the Hands of God is in their way! The Declaration of Independence the foundation of the Constitution. They can only build on those documents!
Page 9
These documents do not need to be rewritten but upheld!
Men WILL lose everything they got using fake fiat.
It was a game, an illusion, a deception, a lying system of made up rules and laws based on the whims of Luciferian child sacrificers, murderers, wizards, witches, sorcerers, Sons of a Snake Oil Salesmen!
Many men who owned slave ships, ships Captains, men of the South who owned Plantations, even George Washington, James Madison who willingly gave everything lost..................everything! Some To Gain everything Eternal Salvation! Those who lose their..................lives shall find them!
Only Gold and Silver coins are Money!
Many Mothers, Children
Good men have lost their; land, freedoms, families,
sound minds, happiness so a few men could play their
make believe games of wealth, greedy,
building a nation without God being with them.
Those without God, liars, built empires based on Slave labor of the masses.
Causing Tremendous unhappiness, suffering, sadness. Deep, Deep Sadness.
![]() | bible-tells-us-god-will-not-take- kindly-to-those-who-destroy-the-earth-2/ |
Money is limited to gold and silver coins.
God sets its value, the limits, the laws and rules of LIFE, LIBERTY, HAPPINESS!
Honest men with a clear conscience before God know the value of Gold and Silver coins. It comes down to flour! The basics: Flour, Salt, Sugar!
How much can a man buy to feed himself and his family using a silver dime?
(Link pic right Side The History of Empires, evil civilizations of the past who were utterly destroyed)
Page 10
3 Flour Sacks Full! That is the value of All gold and silver money! The children will have bread to eat tomorrow! There is no reason for guessing! No imagination or having different perceptions!
Equal weights and equal Balances!
Put a silver dime on one side of the scale

The children will have bread, you will make the bread. "Do this in remembrance Me!" Of Jesus Body being broken for all men, his blood shed for the forgiveness of sins and to bring in a NEW GOVERNMENT! 2,000 years ago.
Through a silver dime, 10% the Tithe that belongs to God all men can know the "solid, right value of the Tithe",
dime equals 3 flour sacks
equals the covenant between God and men through Jesus the Sacrifice and the blood and the High Priest.
To save mankind's souls in America. A true Monetary Reset. All men can see, focus on, agree is "right", not made up or arbitrary, self evident. No one "profits off of! Men will be sound minded having their heads on straight, get a grip on reality.
Page 11 See what is really important! Basics:
Flour, Salt, Sugar
Men call Gold and Silver coins "dough" "Bread" for a very good reason.
As we learn to see again with our inner eyes, our minds eye.
"A Silver Dime" = 3 Flour Sacks Full
gerund or present participle: basing
- 1.have as the foundation for (something); use as a point from which (something) can develop.
Scale of Equal
weights and Balances
This vision is JUST AND FAIR
An Honest Financial System made by nature and Nature's GOD!
The Constitution says only Gold and Silver coins can be used as legal tender.
Page 12
We the People have a little asterisk, "*"
Silver dime equals 3 Flour sacks full
All perceptions of values of money by all citizens must be the same based on Bread or a tithe, Flour Salt, Sugar Basics of Life
Covenant with God. Jesus is the Bread of Life broken for all men, shed his blood on the cross he as high Priest enter heaven, the temple, as a sacrifice, his blood.
Jesus, Mankind's Representative, (lawyer, advocate, intermediator,) for all men, made a covenant between God and Man.
Jesus is our representative. Jesus made this covenant with God on our behalf. Offering his very own body and blood. As a ransom.
No class system! No one is better than another man! God treated all men equally! All men are equal before Almighty God and are to be treated equally, treated "the same," at all times. By Each Other. The law is there to protect Each man's right to be treated fairly, justly, equally.
The Constitution, by using the gold and silver as money, recognizes the covenant of Almighty God. All men are to Be treated fairly and justly, equally! Fiat is blatantly unfair, unbalance, unjust, giving all men under Satan's power of corruption of government, meaning men are under slavery to the arbitrary dictates of other men!
All men are innocent, under the rules and laws written by God in the New Covenant, New Testament. until proven guilty of a crime God has given all men to live by. All Rights come from this covenant "God's covenant!"
Silver "Dime" means "Tithe":
Connecting all the dots:
(see pic above silver, covenant,
tithe is an offering)
Silver dime, tithe to Flour
connect to Bread
connect to breaking Bread together
connect to Jesus Saying: This is my Body Broken for you take eat do this in remembrance of me!
Then that should remind you of this: This is my blood to be spilled out as an offering for all men's sins then you do this in remembrance of me.
Jesus made a covenant with God on our behalf, a New Covenant!
Page 13 His blood shed on the cross his broken body was to form a New Covenant between God and Men!
3 Sacks of Flour = a silver dime a tithe
Jesus is connected to the tithe when you think of the new covenant
Jesus Body and Blood
God give us this day our daily "Bread" Covenant
Then forgive us our sins and as we forgive those who have sinned against
Man does not live by Bread alone but by every word of God. Jesus is the Bread the "word" of God! Broken for us! His blood shed for us New Covenant with God. I now have a covenant with God. Arranged by God.
Back to the the top page 1, My Father in heaven chose my husband for me an "Arranged marriage!" Bride of Christ!
John 6:35 Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.
Page 14
Jesus is also "The Lamb of God" sacrificing his life, his blood for us.
Egypt: the blood on the door post the death angel spirit passes by.
Jesus defeats death for us using his blood. Jesus Defeated death on the cross when he came back to life.
It all comes back to a silver dime! Tithe 10 % of a silver dollar!
"The Our Father" only has one tangible: "Bread"
All other nouns are unseen, can not be seen except by the minds eye!
Bread is the New Covenant, for the forgiveness of sins and God give us power to forgive those who sinned against us.
Deliver us from evil; sin in us, evil people, evil ways, weapons of the enemy
For thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory! Within each man! The Holy Spirit and God's laws the Ten Commandments!
God's spirit in each of us, his word written on our hearts in our minds. Each person given power to preach the good news of the kingdom of God in people. All for the Furtherance of the kingdom of God!
Page 15
33 Degree Freemason Virus is "order out of chaos" President Trump
Just started a Brand new UnConstitutional System!
Globalist, Communism, The State working with business, crony capitalism, State working with Banking. State working with Pharmaceutical Companies, The State Working with Technology Companies, Goggle, Communication Companies
One New World Order
"Taking Care of Everyone"
Next "Vaccines with Micro-chips" in them so the State and Corporations and Banking Systems can be"Taking Care of Everyone"
Radiation to control everyone using frequencies using smart grid WIFI
(Part 2 on right ) 4 minutes in. (below) Hannity made a personality switch praising big business, Walmart, saving the country, call Walmart "Patriots"
NESARA, GESARA financial rest national global
Page 16 While anti-vax internet sites are under attack Targeted
MSM the White House has no concern for people killed by cancers, car accidents, the flu. no concern for a lot of things that kill people.
This is herding. "Pied Piper"
President Trump locks down the country Declares Martial Law: a National Emergency. Ending all Constitutional rights!
President Trump becomes a shepherd leading the lambs? Lambs to the slaughter? Where to?
Vaccines? Vaccines with Micro-chips? With Nation wide lock down!
Now Government Agencies are attacking sites, business that use alternative healing practices. Like Young Living, essential oils. "Fake Healing? Fake cures? Government attacking alternative healing of the virus so there is a mandatory Vaccines
President Trump at Devos loudly, boldly
praising the greatness of new technology new vaccines.
"Micro-chip. But they don't care about other things that kill a lot of people world wide?
Not Just Bill Gates
Globalist Are to blame for the Pandemic!
All International Corporations!
The Federal Reserve, IRS, everyone in DC, Congress, etc.
Blame the Right People for their crimes! You will have the Upper Hand and the High Ground
You and Your family will be safe!
Because you are doing the right thing! Justice is the goal, Done! Trusting God! You'll be honest, just, Fair!
Page 18 You will be using The Gospel! Bring an End to the War! Bring Peace to everyone.
End the Pandemic!
Globalist are causing panic, they caused the Pandemic! In every conceivable Way, they want too end all real cures, for the vaccines, for big pharmaceuticals.
End the sin: Jesus would ask who sinned? Who is to Blame?
Globalist World Wide especially the pharmaceutical companies because they are wizards, warlocks, black magicians, witch doctors who created this virus!
Globalist are trespassers. They are trespassing world wide. They don't keep their feet at home, on their own land, they don't mind their own business and they busybodies in other's countries, others business that are not theirs.
Why are we suffering? Globalist are trespassing: They caused the Pandemic with all their actions, with their very business, with their corporate existence!
This picture is the entire Q program. A New Government, A new Constitution, A New Currency. It has been planned for 60-70 years. Because every fiat system has an end. It returns to its real value. People have to decide for themselve is this good or bad.
The Pandemic is the Globalist fault.
Good people: Our Constitution right now is based on Christianity. The real Laws giving to men by God.
No other laws have been to us by God and these people are not our bosses or our law givers. The whole voting system has been rigged since 1911. Our Constitution is not based on Globalist "made up laws" contrary to freedom, honesty and justice: fiat fake money.
The New Government will be based on another religion Humanitarianism "There are many ways to Salivation." The "Father of Humanitarianism "Mises" is a Germany who Parents were Very Wealth Railroad tycoons. After World War 2 Rockefeller sponsored his immigration to America. You have to decide for yourself whether this is the Cabal, Globalist at the root. Most of it is Satanic. Over throw of the Constitution.
ou can defend yourself.
Copy and paste share every where! CONVICT these people of their crimes!
Sunday March 14, 2020
Please join me in prayer to End Corona Virus, Stop it!
Well, I for one am doing something about it! On this Day of prayer I hope a lot of people will also use "their power and authority" JESUS HAS GIVEN ALL OF US over all the power of the enemy, with me. We can stop this Pandemic TODAY!
Excerpt Part 2
***33 Degree Free Mason Motto VS Ohio's Motto, With God All Things Are Possible***
Globalism, ist, Caused the Pandemic They are guilty!
Globalist Are To Blame For the Pandemic, Not just Bill Gates
With the Power of The Holy Spirit in unity
We, Saints with the Holy Spirit,
"Convict" these people, who have turned their back on God,
of their sins, crimes committed against the World
The Kingdom of God is with us, In us Jesus reigns, Jesus is King
Globalist do not have the Kingdom of God with in them, They worship Satan. We convict them of their sins! They need to stop, confess the crimes, repent turn from them, be set free from Satan's power over their lives that they might enter the kingdom of God and receive the punishment for their crimes. Whom A Father loves he Chastises. As fellow citizens we must love them and chastise them with just saying it out loud!
Globalist, worldly people, globalist are guilty of the Pandemic In the name of the Father Son and Holy
Comment: Good point: Make sure your intentions are well considered and targeted. I'm a scientist and engineer. Godspeed.
Answer: Well it's a huge inspiration, I think you should say, knowing what you know, since I'm not a person of violence. That's impossible! Unless God himself is with you! When God does something no man gets any glory. Even when Jesus did miracle or Peter or Paul people would say God is with you.
Answer: If God is in people and They do the "right" thing, since only God is right it would have to be God doing it. I'm asking people just to say some words they know are true. So they can see "God" does live in them. It's the Holy Spirit of God. Rivers of living water will flow out of your inner most being! Something you can not go learn and get a degree. Only God himself can teach this.
All perceptions of values of money by all citizens must be the same based on Bread or a tithe, Flour Salt, Sugar Basics of Life
Covenant with God. Jesus is the Bread of Life broken for all men, shed his blood on the cross he as high Priest enter heaven, the temple, as a sacrifice, his blood.
Jesus, Mankind's Representative, (lawyer, advocate, intermediator,) for all men, made a covenant between God and Man.
Jesus is our representative. Jesus made this covenant with God on our behalf. Offering his very own body and blood. As a ransom.
No class system! No one is better than another man! God treated all men equally! All men are equal before Almighty God and are to be treated equally, treated "the same," at all times. By Each Other. The law is there to protect Each man's right to be treated fairly, justly, equally.
The Constitution, by using the gold and silver as money, recognizes the covenant of Almighty God. All men are to Be treated fairly and justly, equally! Fiat is blatantly unfair, unbalance, unjust, giving all men under Satan's power of corruption of government, meaning men are under slavery to the arbitrary dictates of other men!
All men are innocent, under the rules and laws written by God in the New Covenant, New Testament. until proven guilty of a crime God has given all men to live by. All Rights come from this covenant "God's covenant!"
Silver "Dime" means "Tithe":
Connecting all the dots:
(see pic above silver, covenant,
tithe is an offering)
Silver dime, tithe to Flour
connect to Bread
connect to breaking Bread together
connect to Jesus Saying: This is my Body Broken for you take eat do this in remembrance of me!
Then that should remind you of this: This is my blood to be spilled out as an offering for all men's sins then you do this in remembrance of me.
Jesus made a covenant with God on our behalf, a New Covenant!
Page 13 His blood shed on the cross his broken body was to form a New Covenant between God and Men!
3 Sacks of Flour = a silver dime a tithe
Jesus is connected to the tithe when you think of the new covenant
Jesus Body and Blood
God give us this day our daily "Bread" Covenant
Then forgive us our sins and as we forgive those who have sinned against
Man does not live by Bread alone but by every word of God. Jesus is the Bread the "word" of God! Broken for us! His blood shed for us New Covenant with God. I now have a covenant with God. Arranged by God.
Back to the the top page 1, My Father in heaven chose my husband for me an "Arranged marriage!" Bride of Christ!
John 6:35 Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.
Page 14
Jesus is also "The Lamb of God" sacrificing his life, his blood for us.
Egypt: the blood on the door post the death angel spirit passes by.
Jesus defeats death for us using his blood. Jesus Defeated death on the cross when he came back to life.
It all comes back to a silver dime! Tithe 10 % of a silver dollar!
"The Our Father" only has one tangible: "Bread"
All other nouns are unseen, can not be seen except by the minds eye!
Bread is the New Covenant, for the forgiveness of sins and God give us power to forgive those who sinned against us.
Deliver us from evil; sin in us, evil people, evil ways, weapons of the enemy
For thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory! Within each man! The Holy Spirit and God's laws the Ten Commandments!
God's spirit in each of us, his word written on our hearts in our minds. Each person given power to preach the good news of the kingdom of God in people. All for the Furtherance of the kingdom of God!
Page 15
33 Degree Freemason Virus is "order out of chaos" President Trump
Part 2 33 Degree Free Mason MottoVS Ohio's MottoWith God All Things Are Possible |
Globalist, Communism, The State working with business, crony capitalism, State working with Banking. State working with Pharmaceutical Companies, The State Working with Technology Companies, Goggle, Communication Companies
One New World Order
"Taking Care of Everyone"
Next "Vaccines with Micro-chips" in them so the State and Corporations and Banking Systems can be"Taking Care of Everyone"
(Part 2 on right ) 4 minutes in. (below) Hannity made a personality switch praising big business, Walmart, saving the country, call Walmart "Patriots"
NESARA, GESARA financial rest national global
Page 16 While anti-vax internet sites are under attack Targeted
MSM the White House has no concern for people killed by cancers, car accidents, the flu. no concern for a lot of things that kill people.
This is herding. "Pied Piper"
President Trump locks down the country Declares Martial Law: a National Emergency. Ending all Constitutional rights!
President Trump becomes a shepherd leading the lambs? Lambs to the slaughter? Where to?
Vaccines? Vaccines with Micro-chips? With Nation wide lock down!
Now Government Agencies are attacking sites, business that use alternative healing practices. Like Young Living, essential oils. "Fake Healing? Fake cures? Government attacking alternative healing of the virus so there is a mandatory Vaccines
President Trump at Devos loudly, boldly
praising the greatness of new technology new vaccines.
"Micro-chip. But they don't care about other things that kill a lot of people world wide?
Not Just Bill Gates
Globalist Are to blame for the Pandemic!
All International Corporations!
The Federal Reserve, IRS, everyone in DC, Congress, etc.
Blame the Right People for their crimes! You will have the Upper Hand and the High Ground
You and Your family will be safe!
Because you are doing the right thing! Justice is the goal, Done! Trusting God! You'll be honest, just, Fair!
Page 18 You will be using The Gospel! Bring an End to the War! Bring Peace to everyone.
End the Pandemic!
Globalist are causing panic, they caused the Pandemic! In every conceivable Way, they want too end all real cures, for the vaccines, for big pharmaceuticals.
End the sin: Jesus would ask who sinned? Who is to Blame?
Globalist World Wide especially the pharmaceutical companies because they are wizards, warlocks, black magicians, witch doctors who created this virus!
Globalist are trespassers. They are trespassing world wide. They don't keep their feet at home, on their own land, they don't mind their own business and they busybodies in other's countries, others business that are not theirs.
Why are we suffering? Globalist are trespassing: They caused the Pandemic with all their actions, with their very business, with their corporate existence!
FULL SHOW - SEAN HANNITY - MAR 13 2020 picture is the entire Q program. A New Government, A new Constitution, A New Currency. It has been planned for 60-70 years. Because every fiat system has an end. It returns to its real value. People have to decide for themselve is this good or bad.
The Pandemic is the Globalist fault.
Good people: Our Constitution right now is based on Christianity. The real Laws giving to men by God.
No other laws have been to us by God and these people are not our bosses or our law givers. The whole voting system has been rigged since 1911. Our Constitution is not based on Globalist "made up laws" contrary to freedom, honesty and justice: fiat fake money.
The New Government will be based on another religion Humanitarianism "There are many ways to Salivation." The "Father of Humanitarianism "Mises" is a Germany who Parents were Very Wealth Railroad tycoons. After World War 2 Rockefeller sponsored his immigration to America. You have to decide for yourself whether this is the Cabal, Globalist at the root. Most of it is Satanic. Over throw of the Constitution.
ou can defend yourself.
Copy and paste share every where! CONVICT these people of their crimes!
Sunday March 14, 2020
Please join me in prayer to End Corona Virus, Stop it!
Well, I for one am doing something about it! On this Day of prayer I hope a lot of people will also use "their power and authority" JESUS HAS GIVEN ALL OF US over all the power of the enemy, with me. We can stop this Pandemic TODAY!
Excerpt Part 2
***33 Degree Free Mason Motto VS Ohio's Motto, With God All Things Are Possible***
Globalism, ist, Caused the Pandemic They are guilty!
Globalist Are To Blame For the Pandemic, Not just Bill Gates
With the Power of The Holy Spirit in unity
We, Saints with the Holy Spirit,
"Convict" these people, who have turned their back on God,
of their sins, crimes committed against the World
The Kingdom of God is with us, In us Jesus reigns, Jesus is King
Globalist do not have the Kingdom of God with in them, They worship Satan. We convict them of their sins! They need to stop, confess the crimes, repent turn from them, be set free from Satan's power over their lives that they might enter the kingdom of God and receive the punishment for their crimes. Whom A Father loves he Chastises. As fellow citizens we must love them and chastise them with just saying it out loud!
Globalist, worldly people, globalist are guilty of the Pandemic In the name of the Father Son and Holy
Comment: Good point: Make sure your intentions are well considered and targeted. I'm a scientist and engineer. Godspeed.
Answer: Well it's a huge inspiration, I think you should say, knowing what you know, since I'm not a person of violence. That's impossible! Unless God himself is with you! When God does something no man gets any glory. Even when Jesus did miracle or Peter or Paul people would say God is with you.
Answer: If God is in people and They do the "right" thing, since only God is right it would have to be God doing it. I'm asking people just to say some words they know are true. So they can see "God" does live in them. It's the Holy Spirit of God. Rivers of living water will flow out of your inner most being! Something you can not go learn and get a degree. Only God himself can teach this.
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