Sunday, March 22, 2020

GESARA / NESARA Part 1b Eye Opening CV 19, Chaos Starts to POP!

Have you ever heard  the "Perspective Teaching?" People stand around an elephant and describe the Elephant. The one looking at the trunk will describe it different than the one looking at the tail or the ear, the leg. It helps to get everyone's description view point. Then put them together, you have the body of Christ.  TRUTH

Closer to the Truth.  In the video below you'll find a great quick explanation of President Trump's vision of "THRIVE". 
GESARA / NESARA is it happening now? A Law that would change our Lives! 
Thank You. Finally some straight forward answers, even though it is riddled with lies. You CAN EASILY believe yourself. IT DOESN'T TAKE FAITH IN GOD JUST IN MEN AND TECHNOLOGY. IT leaves out the power of God the "Holy" Spirit which of course is "Holy'.  But the Holy Spirit is Also "ALL POWERFUL". More powerful than free energy, more powerful than sonic technology, more powerful than anti-gravity, etc.
Finally! Answers! This is not good. It "looks Great" but remember President Clinton signed it into law! Humanitarianism, a religion. globalism. Think "God", "Jesus Christ", they are not mention here. 
She talks very very fast. Is there a reason for this? Sneak in contradictions that do not Balance, No "Vector Equilibrium" with lies. Would Clinton sign into law something that would send himself, wife and others supporting him his lifestyle, into jail? NO! The Constitution already does all this when upheld by men of God. Full of God's power and Spirit, TRUTH. Why There Are Two Sets of Laws
Laws Written By God Are Real
Laws written by Men Are
Not Real Laws. These laws are Fake and Arbitrary always changing based on "profiting" ONLY the people making the Laws. STEALING, MURDERING, DESTROYING
Since 1911 Men have making these latter laws.
Laws written by God: Silver Coins 
10 Dimes 10 % Same Weight Same Value
4 Quarters 25 % Same Weight Same Value
2 Half Dollars 50 % Same Weight Same Value
1 Dollar 100 % Same Weight Same Value
All 99% pure Silver All weigh the same
New Covenant with God. Those are our laws. 
This law was written by the arbitrary ideas thoughts and expressions of mere men to profit those who wrote it.They are not solid or concrete as the laws of God. You need God to have Constitutional laws. The Bible, Justice that comes from man's covenant with God. It is still ALL "made-up. There is no such thing as rainbow money. (History). Men need to be repentant, serving Almighty God, obeying his word. No mention of God or Jesus Christ , Think Amish. Laws Written By God Are Real by men filled with his spirit. BOTTOM LINE demonic, just not God, not just of fair equally. 
Why There Are Two Sets of Laws
Laws Written By God Are Real by men filled with his spirit. BOTTOM LINE demonic!

I really get it, I understand Completely! Look at all the people it will saves, lives saves, I get it! I do understand but just don't put God's name on the cunning craftiness of very good well intentioned inventions of mere men. They are not God. Can you "get and understand what I am saying, what the real true God through  Jesus Christ is saying. Stop heaping ***TONS*** of weight on men's shoulders that God did not put on them. Jesus said be content. Make it your goal to live a peaceful quiet life minding your own business Thessalonians 11.
A Word from God. "Easy Money", what would be Hard Money? "Gold and Silver coins" solid, Constitutionally Solid. Hard to come by not easy to just print up. It is real.  Happiness: A man a woman grow up fall in love, love each other, love their children. That is it! Easy, simple life, giving freely to each man and woman. Right now this "lockdown" is REAL FREEDOM FROM THE MAN, FREEDOM FROM SIN, FREEDOM FROM NEED! THIS ISN'T MARTIAL LAW BUT FREEDOM. NOW ALL EACH MAN NEEDS IS IS OWN LAND TO PROVIDE FOR HIMSELF OFF THAT LAND GOD GAVE HIM. His Great Great Grand Daddies land ! Deuteronomy 28 blessings THAT COME ONLY FROM GOD. Men do not need anything else but a relationship to God. Look at what these people have added: a million things men need to be healthy and Satisfied. Energy, technology, inventions. Boy,  that means  God  made life awful hard to need so much. OK sarcasm. Jesus said ,you do not need anything outside yourself. Don't go chasing "Rainbow" fiat. "The Truth" the KINGDOM of God is within. All you need comes from God not outer space or quantum theories, vector equilibrium or TORUS, etc. If it was important God would have written it in all men's hearts and minds.

Not done yet it's Saturday Night.

***??????'s*** Part 1

Here is the blog I've been keeping notes on all week. I only save it if he is very good.

March 20,20,20
CDC ask Tech Giants to Track Americans to see if they are practicing social Distancing!


CDC Foundation Receives Three Grants Totaling $13.5 Million For Meningitis And Rotavirus Global Advancements

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation puts $100 million toward coronavirus relief

The foundation is putting up millions for treatment and the development of vaccines.
100 Million in Feb. 2020

Installing 5G in Public Schools As Cleaning Companies.
Department of education rolling out 5G without Parental consent. A World Wide Pandemic? For 5G World Wide Control.   While Everyone is at home!
60 Days it rolls out: Bill Gates Eugenics?Pandemic takes off, weeding out the Elderly, the weak, infirm, disabled?

Confirmed! 5G forced installation in schools nationwide during COVID-19 lockdown

Caution watching this. 16:00 minutes-18:00 minutes Plus Sunshine, Fresh Air.  Good Natural help Coronavirus  betterment, common historic healing knowledge  30 minutes through 38 min. I can agree with. If this is the direction Q is going in with President Trump.   Now here is a little more truthfulness, or "Right" speech. Speech that has more truth in it. You can not go wrong talking about honest money.  NESARA Cleaned up a lot! 43 min.-45:50   explains President Trumps Tax forgiveness. After new information this Gene is lying. Told to lie!   Rainbow Money. 

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