Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Future Is In ??????'s Record, March Will Go Down In History

Weeks Note  March 8th through March 14th.  
Not edited just typed up.  Random Words from God thoughts, Comments, Videos For Week 3-8-20

The Week of ***THE PANDEMIC***  Brings  Fascism, World Wide Government Lockdown, Martial Law
It is said that Sommerset Belenoff, cousin to The Queeni, s the head of The World Governing Council, the Head of the iluuminati The eye at the top of the period. She claims she and most US President are decendents of "King Jonh". That this council is over President Trump and the World andcalls all the shots. World Wide. Just saying. I have no idea. I talk to God, He leads me every day. I'm not on the inside of this evil group of decieved people held captive by the devil, controlled by Sin and Satan. ???????'s From Decpetion Bytes.#Qanon #MAGA #Q

Kanye West said they are using technology, satellites, radio frequencies against your soul. Since you went to school "they," those who are dead and talk to the dead, speak the language of the Dead, "own" your soul.
"Call out to God" to save you and fix your soul. God does not sin. He is "right" about everything. He can make your mind "right" again. He fixes it! #usethegospelforprotection. The Gospel is the "power" of God that raises the dead and gives "Life" to all who call upon him. He is the resurrection and the "LIFE". Those who died with Christ are raised up with him to sit in heavenly places far above principalities and those who sit in high places. The second death, when your body dies, has no power over you.
Ephesians 2:6,

Part 1 - Roota's 2020 Timeline (Clif High & Bix Weir)


I saw a "fear" like he bank run of the Great Depression Friday. I knew this was a planned orchestrated panic. It was there the day before. Then Cliff High said it would happen on the 6th of March and it did. I believe they are using "frequencies to control" what people do, and  even what they say. By aluminium in the chem trails they can program things into people minds while they are sleeping. People get up in the morning not knowing their thoughts and actions are no longer their own thoughts so they act on them, speak them out.  Only the power of God can break this spell, it's is very a kin to an hypnotic state. Cliff High is using a lot key words evening swear words or "curse" words, violent words of fear to download fear, panic into the minds of those listening. I was taking to believing every word he said. until this point. Then my own thoughts took over and My thought full of the light, power of God's word and Spirit broke free and realized he was acting, lying to "lead people" to certain conclusions and beliefs. He is a Wizard.  Also telling people what they want to hear. The death of all the bad guys!  

Ephesians 1:18-23 Amplified Bible (AMP)

18 And [I pray] that the eyes of your heart [the very center and core of your being] may be enlightened [flooded with light by the Holy Spirit], so that you will know and cherish the [a]hope [the divine guarantee, the confident expectation] to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the [b]saints (God’s people), 19 and [so that you will begin to know] what the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His [active, spiritual] power is in us who believe. These are in accordance with the working of His mighty strength 20 which He [c]produced in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His own right hand in the heavenly places21 far above all rule and authority and power and dominion [whether angelic or human], and [far above] every name that is named [above every title that can be conferred], not only in this age and world but also in the one to come. 22 And He [d]put all things [in every realm] in subjection under Christ’s feet, and [e]appointed Him as [supreme and authoritative] head over all things in the church, 23 which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills and completes all things in all [believers].

Ephesians 2:5-7 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)

Even when we were dead (slain) by [our own] shortcomings and trespasses, He made us alive together in fellowship and in union with Christ; [He gave us the very life of Christ Himself, the same new life with which He quickened Him, for] it is by grace (His favor and mercy which you did not deserve) that you are saved ([a]delivered from judgment and made partakers of Christ’s salvation).
And He raised us up together with Him and made us sit down together [giving us [b]joint seating with Him] in the heavenly sphere [by virtue of our being] in Christ Jesus (the Messiah, the Anointed One).
He did this that He might clearly demonstrate through the ages to come the immeasurable (limitless, surpassing) riches of His free grace (His unmerited favor) in [His] kindness and goodness of heart toward us in Christ Jesus.

X22 Report has Jordan Sather on who has greatly researched and is obsessed with everything and anything Space Force. He doesn't study any of the negatives aspects. Kansas use to love NASA, Space intrigue then he came to know God looked deeper into it and found it's dark Satanic Roots and foundations. I watch Jordan for a while, when Q first came out. I stopped watching him a couple years ago when he started teaching his religion.
I just read this in Cincy. With plenty of clear skies, take a look to the west this evening. At 7:18 p.m., a train of 60 satellites (SpaceX Starlink #3), Electronic mass surveillance! prison bars... ​Well, went outside, yes thee was a train intermittent about 4 at a time i'm sure it added up to 60 satellites traveling west to north East: Skynet is gong up over us! Remember through Jesus Christ we have power over ALL the power of the enemy.
Nothing is Free!
Evil people connected to the "Secret Government" used printed paper that is worthless. To build under ground military bases, UFO's, so much more. The money had to come from some where for "Space Force". Gold and silver coins are the only money on earth. Legally by God who provided everything for us. I have a Philosophical, Spiritual, Moral question. If God made sure there is enough for every person born. Enough Gold and silver A dollar being silver dollar 10 dollar being a gold piece and Eagle valued on .10 cents a silver dime value 3 flour sacks for bread. Sacks full about 5 to 7 lbs. each. Where did the wealth for space force come from if paper is fraud, stealing. The wealth belongs to the over 60 million babies murdered in America and millions if not billions world wide since the legalization of contraception and abortion. So billions had to be murdered to pay for this "Space Force" Vector Equilibrium. God also has an equilibrium. Those children their bodies died but they did not die. They are alive. People do not die. The more men break the laws of God, justice, fairness, honesty the more children died since 1912 Wilson. To continue with Space Force more people must die to pay for "Space Force". Is that what the corona virus is stealing the wealth of the people, like Hitler stole wealth by murdering people. George Soros is/ are prime example of darkest blackest occult evil. e·qui·lib·ri·um /ˌēkwəˈlibrēəm,ˌekwəˈlibrēəm/ Learn to pronounce noun a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced. "the maintenance of social equilibrium" Similar: balance, symmetry, equipoise, parity, equality, evenness, stability, steadiness counterpoise, equipollence Opposite: imbalance, a state of physical balance. I stumbled over a rock and recovered my equilibrium" a calm state of mind. "his intensity could unsettle his equilibrium"

3:00-10:00  Bloodlines, mentions Deception Bytes, Somerset Belenoff, NASA,

Jesus Would ask Do you believe? This is true if you believe crime can be "legalized" and upheld by any sound minded honest, reasonable court of law. I don't. Jesus is the only law giver and only laws made by God under God can be upheld by honest people. I left this comment on Hagmann Report today who reported on this topic. Jesus say have "faith is in Men", not God. No, Jesus did not. Jesus said put "your Faith in God" in his laws, rules, principles. There are no laws above God's laws! PERIOD! Doug You 2 are kindergartners! Go back to school. Take with you: 1828 Websters Dictionary, The Bible, John Locke, William Blackstone. Read all of them Don't stop going to school until you understand Blackstone and John Locke! Then, maybe, then you can truly repent. You decide: will you obey God? Jesus said, you can not just hear the Bible you have to obey. You 2 are obeying Luciferians. To obey Luciferians, Satanist, child sacrificers is to obey Satan. Not Jesus Christ. Rebellion to Rebellion is obedience to God. You act like there are laws outside of the laws of God where men can legalize disobedience to all Ten Commandments. Where on earth is that possible? No where. The Ten Commandments are the only laws! If it happened, past or present the people have the right, duty, and responsibility to join in unity with God's spirit to "convict them of their crimes". There is no such thing as printed money. First tell the truth. Only gold and silver coins are money. Only gold and Silver coins are money. I talked to God, yes, really. Jesus told me a silver dime's value is 3 flour sacks full of flour. Base the Truth and the law on the "Whole Truth" which Jesus is the Truth. Next John Locke: for a man, or to incorporate to have more than a man needs to support his own personal family is selfish. And it isn't his! God created the earth for each man to have some land, to grow his food, raise his animals have a wife and children. To have more would be greed, a crime, a sin. Each man working on his own land with his own 2 hands. We the people convict men of their sins of greed with the Holy Spirit in the power and authority given to us by God. John Locke: "Anyone who would enslave me is at WAR with me." The rules and laws of WAR apply. Before God. A Greedy person has broken the Ten Commandments. God does not up hold laws written by Criminals legalizing crime. You and I can not either. Any law that is a crime: example murder through war, David tried that lost his 1st born of that wife. stealing legalizing income property, inheritance taxes: it is not a law. No one can legalize defrauding men of their unalienable rights given to them by God. Because men take their cases to Almighty God who upholds his laws. The government n earth is easier to face than God. Government on earth is to warn criminals of God's punishment. It is better to confess your crimes and stop sinning than face God himself, when a person takes his case before Almighty God
The Declaration of Independence was written to tell the King of England we were not going to obey laws written by Him. That would be slavery. Men have rights that come from God. It doesn't matter who writes a law or enforces a law, is is legal before God. Laws are only legal if a person breaks that law they will go to hell because they were disobeying God or they sinned.  The Federal Reserve Act is an illegal law. It Gave a group of men as "over or above" like kings of all other people. That is slavery.  No one has a right  to vote or sit down write a law saying these are my slaves.  That what this Second Constitution does and the Federal Reserve Act does. A lot of laws do that. Property taxes, Income taxes.  The New NESARA, Slaves again. No mention of god or men's rights that come from God.To use anything other than gold and silver coins is Wrong! History proves men have always carried gold and silver place to place. God himself established Jesus has King and established his kingdom was in Jesus when he brought Jesus, Mary and Joseph a chest of Gold. What does a King need? Gold!  If we Christians are kings and high priest on this earth, if a ,man is king in his house, it's true to protect those in his kingdom, Men need gold to establish their right to rule. Men must prove their right to make law comes from a higher source, A Higher power. Above all men. Just because a banker writes a law, doesn't make it law. If you vote on it doesn't make it a law. Just because I believe everyone should have blue hair, so I make it a law, doesn't make a law a law.  God is what makes a law a law! Without God there are no laws. 

Coronavirus a cover for mass arrests?

YouTube Video Theory:
:Last year 35.5 Million had he Flu. 37,000 died. Fox News, President Trump
Corona Virus "indeterminate" # but let's say 400 with 21 deaths out of 327 million people.
So it isn't as dangerous as the Flu so far.
Italy is locked down. Rome the Vatican is said to be a huge hub for child sex trafficking, "the square" will be empty.
A Military exercise was of 20,000 to 30,000 troops were deployed to Europe.
Largest in 25 years. Called "Defender of Europe", Washington Times
President Trump declares 30 Day Travel Ban to Europe. Q has posted "Done in 30" several times.
National Guard is called out.
A Nation Wide blitz of arrested call "Project Python" targets are called CJNG an assignation squad of the drug Cartel.
There are 150,00 sealed Indictments.
Martial Law may be declared the Internet taken off line, several city lock downs, All for
Mass Arrest????????
Members of Deep State, known sex traffickers, sex offenders, pedophiles, Start having "Corona Virus" Cover for "Arrested", Or don't arrest me I'm contagious????
Tom Hanks
Everything being canceled to get people off the streets?
President Trump retweeted Trump's next ("violin" act) piece will be "Nothing can stop what's coming"
Theory Q is suppose to be a 3 year operation to clean out the Deep State. Obama had the Government backed with Far Left Globalist American enemies. End of Operation would be Oct. 31, 2020
My Comment:  Fill the void of "LOVE". love! All people should actually feel "love" all day long even sleeping. Loves can be felt our bodies, minds need love  In nature we would be home feeling the love of Mothers, fathers grandparents abuts uncles cousins, etc. We were forced to be separated and divided sub divided into "worker" groups.  Very unnatural very unhealthy!

National Emergency! Dow Record Gain. Gene GESARA Decode. B2T Show Mar 13 (IS)

comment: There have been multiple, unimaginable signs, (Celestial, blood moons, eclipses, Sept. 23, Virgin, The Star of Bethlehem, etc.) God has given basically saying God is about to heal the earth and there is going to be a huge world wide revival. I did a series on GESARA, NESARA, ETC. It is a complete World View System enveloping every aspect of everyone's life. T
This is the last of the series of Isaiah 58 Ministries: "The End goal."
 Not Against What the "Earth Alliances" is doing but it is just a step. Not the End goal or result.
"THRIVE #usethegospelforprotection, Example of Freemen"
I left this message on Cristenw's page. On NESARA etc.
Hi cristenw I watch on Bitchute but the comments are blocked. Nesara, Gesara are great on paper. Wonderful. I go a little deeper because my research saw "globalist" behind it. The children of those who got quiet wealthy off "the people" just doing what they have planned in the economist magazine since 1981! I was heart struck when I really studied all sides. What is presented here is just a pretty face. But it is a trap! Each person has to decide for themselves. there are 3 levels #1 desperation, #2 this jubilation yet enslavement to the same "type" of people behind the scenes. Then the gold backing is just a ruse like in 1933. Eventually that is all gone. Same scam. Level #3. God through Jesus Christ saves this country. Honesty, Honest real money gold and silver in everyone's pockets. A real God by his Spirit lead (led), Jubilee. God receives all the glory! No man or men because it was a miracle of God in the heart and minds of men world wide. This group organization also has a religion called "humanitarianism". It actually does away with true Christianity which I am a Christian. Replaces it with a fake "Humanitarian Christianity". They believe all religions are the same, many ways to be saved, but they are very mistaking. There is one God, one law giver Jesus Christ! They also destroy the Declaration of Interdependence the Constitution and make a Brand New One!
It is all "New Age", Aliens, time travel, inter dimensional, "Thrive the Movie", TORUS" Vector Equilibrium, etc. It is Satanic, sorry. Same as CERN, SAME as NASA "Pan" is their god. Video on Masfaith3 or Resistance Chicks 6 part series. Where in the End The True Almighty God is victorious over these "pretenders" I hold nothing against anyone involved. Maybe a little mislead by Public School Indoctrination and mental training so the can not see the devil behind these "Great ideas"! A lot are all on a social media site,  WEGO, or WWg1WWgA. Y That is where I learned all about the NESARA, GESARA, Etc. Monetary reset. Tyrants end up owning everything all over again but more so! It's all digital they own your very coffee cup, purse, clothes, house, car, everything. example videos Thrive Movie Description and Critique Part 1B World View Commentary, Part 2 Q wg1wga Corona Virus Galactic Humanitarianism
The System is Brand New will Never go Back:
David Icke    Who Plans To Control The Smart Grid To Control You? _ David Icke Dot Connector Videocast
Vaccines MicroChip Brand New System. It will never go back!  
New York Attorney General,  about  Silver  Protective Properties
Martial law
President Trump Taking Action Against Corona Virus Could Save His Presidency
Brighteon   Buffers when fast forwarding 

2:00-3:00 Italy Martial Law Police going through the Streets Drones watching people
3:40-4:54 Stats, numbers: Rural America in good shape, the cities will be in ruins.
5:49- 6:18 The only medical Way to stop this 6:41-7:45 Zombie Virus It just keeps coming back from the dead. Shuts down the Hospital system.
11:00- 12:10 The People are just the "PAWNS", Kill Switch De-Population Powerless ***Without God!*** Pet Visits low, Start making "Corn Flour"
12:43-13:23 Amazon will be shut down, members of Congress killed by Virus
Delivers for pharmaceuticals will still continue
16:57-17:45 If you are in the country your ok. But not if you in the cities.
Love It blame Globalism for Pandemic!


5:27-7:37  Globalism  The law that changed everything.  Those countries with limited travel, had little to no problems.  A lot of progressive love to quote we are all immigrants, immigrants built this country we need to add:  In America people were quarantine at Ellis Island, due to contagious diseases!   Anyone who is a proud open borders or a proud non-xenophobe, non-racist, non-misogynist, non-Russian puppet, those who blame everyone of being these categories are to blame for the  Pandemic!
Everyone ever accused and "shamed" put into this categories should stand up and blame these people for their guilt: A Pandemic! And in doing so shut these people UP!   The Bible calls it "convict these people of their sins!  Cause them to Stop repent, spend time alone in reflection of why they were doing this false accusation of innocent people, why did they endanger all Americans, They have to feel remorse for what they have done, confess their hatred of all Americans, etc. 

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