Friday, July 21, 2017

The End of The World! The Apocalypse! What?

Viewer question: what do you think of people who say you need to read the bible in hebrew?

Answer:The Jewish People have read the Bible in Hebrew for thousands of years. Jesus said you still don't get it! Why? The Holy Spirit must bring us to God and then the anointing teaches us everything. What we know doesn't come from reading the Bible, (except the Geneva Bibles 1560, 1599 commentaries help extraordinary because the people who wrote the explanations spent years alone with God as monks or priest completely dedicating their lives to God and weren't distracted by providing for themselves and their wife and children. ) (e exception to every rule)

We "hear God" first through the spirit. Those who worship God must do so in "the Spirit" and the "Truth". Seeking God's kingdom is seeking the "truth". Men lie. We can twist the Bible in our own minds and lie to ourselves, paper dollars cause us to lie to ourselves if we hold any value in it.

As a child, I heard the Bible inside myself! Without ever hearing it or reading it at two and three years old. Now I look back and say Oh my God taught that to me! It was the anointing! Even a child can know God "the Words of our Father" which is Jesus Christ! God writes his word on our hearts and in our minds. We must have faith in God as a child. innocent without sin.

Read the Bible in Hebrew but you still need God himself through the Holy Spirit to give us an interpretation, understanding, and knowledge we are nothing without the power and wisdom of the "Holy" "Pure" "sinless clean"Holy Spirit". This is why the churches everywhere are wrong about everything and only have their existence because of one small revelation from God. Every separated church not unified in the spirit is because some person had a "revelation" and started a church. But they are always begging for money. Paper money!

They can set themselves free from their oppressors like the Pilgrims, founding Fathers did or like Martin Luther of the Reformation did. They certainly can't help others because they are not free themselves! It takes "faith in God's love and his power" to set yourselves and others free. That takes a lot of time alone with God in this twisted sin fallen apocalypticalistic, (end of the world) minded world and church! Apocalypse actually means revelation or revealing of the "truth". Jesus is the "truth".

The more Jesus is revealed as Savior, King of the World, the words of the Father are revealed by God as Peter received a "revelation" from God that Jesus is the Christ, the more God reveals things to us the freer mankind is. In the years 33bc through 1900ad men knew God and Jesus is the Savior, The King, they always recognized "In the year of our Lord and Savior". The evil of Rothchild's Rockefeller, etc have been brainwashing God out of every nation since 1900ad.

But that is changing Right now!

God is being revealed or revealing himself, to every nation tribe and tongue around the world again. Kick started the human race again, in filling everyone with Life, Liberty, happiness that only comes from knowing God!

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