Monday, July 10, 2017

Pray, Job God Restored Double! To Those Who Love and Serve HIm!Jubilee Years 2015, 2016, 2017,02018

Is there anything good in the Book of Job? Bible the book of "Job"? How can America relate to Bible book "Job"? God birth this nation in one day July 4th, 1776. Sin dwelt within it through a few evil men. They, the devil's crowd, finally had their way in 1912, destroying real freedom anything good decent wholesome. 🤣But now God is going to destroy all they did and built, what the devil's crowd did and restore everything back to the people. Just like he restored everything back to Job!

America was born of and by God as a light set on a Hill to show ships tossed about in the sea the way to a safe Harbor! 👩‍🌾

America is the example of men who sought God for Liberty. But some Evil men, starting even at its conception with Hamilton, had another idea for America. Enslaving and "lording" over the people. It's liberty for the people vs slavery of the people. George Washington, Jefferson stressed "owning land and farming", Hamilton and "bankers" 👺stressed industry. One is wholesome with God the other is "Money and Greed" "Productivity" assembly lines! vs love of God, love for your land, love for your neighbor, love of your family.👨‍🌾

God birth this nation in one day July 4th, 1776. Sin dwelt within it through these evil men. They, the devil's crowd, finally had their way in 1912, destroying real freedom anything good decent wholesome. But now God is going to destroy all of that the devil's crowd did and restore everything back to the people. Just like he restored everything back to Job! (Grammarly stuck on the computer can not edit the blog.below)

Rome, Indians, Alexander the Great, Greeks, Aztecs, Egyptians, Persians, all "Empires" die and have an end, setting people free from their domination!

Click to learn more! (Sorry for grammarly errors blog stuck, technical difficulties, unable to edit)

Anchor of Our Souls, Answered Prayer, Book of Job, The Power of The Gospel! Is "Remembering" "God Loves me!"

    Do you ever feel like you're drowning in a Storm Tossed Sea with waves tossing you about and there is no way to see the light of the sun so you can to head to the surface for a breath of fresh air? II

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