Monday, July 31, 2017

Red Pill Beginners Course

Listed here are a few Youtubes with some "Truth" in them.

   A Red Pill is "truth" to counteract the illness or oppression caused by propaganda lies that hurt our souls/brains.  The human Brain was not correct to work correctly with lies in it. 

A lie is called a sin because it separates us from God who is the "Truth".  Chinese Monks or religious orders separate from society to have peace in their minds because groups of people "sin"; causing "souls or minds" to lose sleep or peace. 
It's a domino effect, one person lies and like a ripple, in a pond, it spreads knocking everyone around or like dominos.  Lies cause our minds to worry, become anxious, stress is being applied to our minds causing sickness, diseases, illnesses. Health is first in the "mind" soul.
The good news, we can overcome this effect by spending time alone daily with God in a peaceful place. Our rooms, kneel in prayer, in a quiet park, somewhere peaceful where we won't be interrupted. For a mom, this is almost impossible. God has ways to help us.

      Solitude with God is a great healing for our souls, meditating on God, his word, or just wait to hear him. 
  God loves us sent Jesus to the earth to die for our sins that we may be forgiven our sins and be healed. Also, God pours his spirit into us giving us his power, his eternal life, his peace, his love!
      Pray before you take any Red Pill so you can hear the Truth but forget the "misleadings" lies or conclusions of the announcers. Their conclusions have left God out of their equations.

God teaches us through what is called the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit leads us into the "Truth." The "Truth" set us free. Lies "keep us into bondage to the one who starts the "Lie": People.

    Take a Red Pill every day, but more importantly let Jesus through the Holy Spirt lead you to each "truth", or Red Pill! 

THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT VIDEO YOU CAN SHARE: Economic Expert Exposes Collapse is Near

The Truth about Paper Dollars, bankers, a great history on global slavery through paper money.

Could the Awan-Schultz Scandal Bring Down the Democratic Party?- Part 1

  Shows how blackmailed our government is and how Islamic State and Muslims control the House and Senate to world dominionation of Islam.

FINAL WARNING 29th,September 2017! Nibiru is Closer than You Think Hitting Earth Must Watch SHOCKING

A lot of history on Global Warming, how it had a good start but politics and greed took over the original message of carbon fossil fuels.  

I do not agree with the conclusions that leave God out. This means you will never have peace of mind. Conclusions from God leave us with peace! "Love", "Faith", "Hope", Power and sound minded.

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