Friday, July 28, 2017

Western Men's Sperm Count Hits Record Low- What's Happening to Western Men and Is Humanity At Risk or Just the West?

An eye opening, yet not surprising was recently put out by RT, the title: 

Humanity at risk as sperm levels among Western men plummet to record low

It starts out by saying : Chemicals, diet, stress, and lifestyle choices have caused the sperm levels of Western men to plummet to less than 50 percent of what they were four decades ago, a new study has found.
The research found that sperm in the ejaculate of men from Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand fell by 1.4 percent every year between 1973 2011, leading to an overall drop of just over 52 percent.
“The results are quite shocking,” said study co-author Hagai Levine, an epidemiologist from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, according to Reuters. He called the results an "urgent wake-up call."
Levine added that while fertility treatments such as IVF can sometimes offer solutions to the procreating problem, little is being done to address the root of the issue - an overall general decline in men's health.
Poor sperm counts have also been associated with testicular cancer, increased male mortality rates, children born with one or both testicles missing, and the onset of male puberty, according to the researchers.
"Eventually we may have a problem, and with reproduction in general, and it may be the extinction of the human species,” Levine told the BBC.
Environmental influences, heat, lifestyle factors, diet, stress, smoking, and obesity - both prenatally and in adult life - have all been “plausibly associated” with the decline, according to the study.
“Therefore, sperm count may sensitively reflect the impacts of the modern environment on male health throughout the life course,” the paper reads.

Weston A. Price's Research on Native Vs Western Diet and the Healthy Development of Children

Well, well, they've been saying it for years, Western birth rates are not at replaceable levels- It's quite ironic though that African family are reproducing just fine.

Could it be that our diets of corn, soy, more corn, more soy are actually making us weaker, sicker, and Nature literally says to the Western male body "keep eating this way and thou shalt not keep producing?"
(just read the back of the box of your "healthy cereal, granola bars, or any packaged food, you'll be surprised to find that scientists have found a way to use corn and soy in EVERYTHING- from ketchup to ice cream to spaghetti sauce),
Could it be that our setting up sedentary careers as the gold standard also lowers male testosterone levels, which, inadvertently lower sperm count, which, again, Nature says "thou sluggard, thou shalt not reproduce after yo lazy kind either?" We can try to make up for it by buying food at farmer's markets (usually summer only), going to the gym, and watching "calories," but in doing so we are trying to trick our minds and bodies to do what they have been doing successfully for 1,000's of years

It always amazes me that people are still here. Populations have gone through mass starvation, lack of nutrients on an epic scale. They've gone without modern medicine and baby incubators... Funny thing, that human kind has been able to naturally overcome so many obstacles and still have high fertility rates.
I could go on and on about native foods, primitive diets, how indigenous people throughout the years have planted, fished, or hunted for the nutrients their bodies naturally craved. Many tribes around the world would give the organ meats to expecting couples and they didn't even have the scientific modern research to tell them that essential nutrients and vitamins are actually found in organ meats 
and vitamins are actually found in organ meats
Everyone needs to read this book, Healing Our Children by Ramiel Nagel
Based largely on Westen A Price's research on native people's diets, he shows how a child's health is not just what they eat growing up, but also the mother AND father's diet. 

RT continues: Published in the medical journal Human Reproduction Update, the “rigorous and comprehensive” research analyzed data from 185 studies. Researchers from Israel, Denmark, the US, Brazil, and Spain took part in the study.
The trend has not been recorded among men in Africa, Asia, or South America, though the authors concede that fewer studies have been carried out in those regions.
The study’s authors have called for urgent work to narrow down the causes for the decline in sperm levels among Western men.
“This definitive study shows, for the first time, that this decline is strong and continuing,” said one of the study’s authors, Professor Shanna Swan of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.

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